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Le Communard

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Yesterday night, I woke up to an astonishing sight. My dog was sitting at the foot of my bed, whining, and there was the corpse of a burglar on the floor with a large chunk torn out of his throat and a loaded pistol an inch away from his lifeless hand. Naturally, I was very scared. I went to wake up my parents, but they were already awake. So instead I went downstairs and confided it all to my mom. She looked scared, and said she'd call the police.

I just put a leash on my dog and went outside, I was worried. Maybe I had left my laptop too close to the window and the thief had come in to try to take the tempting target. Heaven knows it was expensive. As me and my dog were walking, I saw another dead man wearing black with his throat torn out. He was very fat but also pretty muscular, and his black was not a burglar's traditional outfit but a leather jacket and a black T-shirt. He wasn't armed except for a little swiss army knife in his pocket, and didn't have any sort of bag on him. I had originally thought my dog had neutralized the burglar, but I figured out I had to have been wrong. He's sorta a small dog, and he hadn't been out since yesterday afternoon. He stepped gingerly around the dead man as though his size scared him, and I gathered that my dog probably wouldn't have attacked the man. I decided to go to the police station myself, if only to feel safer.

At the police station, everything was all jumbled and no one came to greet me. I looked behind the little desk where one of the "office cops" usually worked so he could greet anyone coming in, and I found Officer Jenkins' body on the floor, lifeless and with several chunks of meat missing. The rest of the police station held similar sights. I started to run out to get back home, but as soon as I left the building a bunch of feral wolves plodded out of the shadows, saliva turning their teeth from jagged pieces of yellow bone to deadly sharp crystal. I tried to think of what would distract them, and then decided to just forget about it and run.

I was able to make it back to my house unscathed, though the wolves had followed me closely the whole way. I slammed the door, and explained everything to my mom. After several minutes of pained silence, she said "it's too dangerous here. You're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air". I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said "Fresh" and had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, but I thought nah, forget it, yo homes to bel-air. I pulled up to a house about seven or eight, and I yelled to the cabbie "Yo homes, smell you later". Looked at my kingdom I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.

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Now, this is a story all about how

My Marth got flip turned upside down

And I liked to take a minute

Just sit right there

I'll tell you how I pwn noobs all day using Marth's forward air.

In the west side of Altea born and raised

On Final Destination was where I spent most of my days

Short hoppin' and gimpin' and tippin' all cool

And takin' some random online scrubs to school

When a couple of noobs

Who were up to no good

Started qq'ing in my neighborhood

I powered up my Wii and they all got scared

They said 'You're not allowed to use Marth cuz he has a broken forward air'

I whistled for a smash ball and when it came near

I broke it with a fair and all the noobs shed a tear

If anything I can say this final smash is the shit

And I thought 'eat this you qq'ers LOL CRITICAL HIT'

I put down my controller 'round seven or eight

And I yelled over vent 'Yo homes brawl ya later'

Time to eat dinner, but never despair,

I'll be back on tomorrow to spam some more fair

Edited by Rei
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Now, this is a story all about how

My Marth got flip turned upside down

And I liked to take a minute

Just sit right there

I'll tell you how I pwn noobs all day using Marth's forward air.

In the west side of Altea born and raised

On Final Destination was where I spent most of my days

Short hoppin' and gimpin' and tippin' all cool

And takin' some random online scrubs to school

When a couple of noobs

Who were up to no good

Started qq'ing in my neighborhood

I powered up my Wii and they all got scared

They said 'You're not allowed to use Marth cuz he has a broken forward air'

I whistled for a smash ball and when it came near

I broke it with a fair and all the noobs shed a tear

If anything I can say this final smash is the shit

And I thought 'eat this you qq'ers LOL CRITICAL HIT'

I put down my controller 'round seven or eight

And I yelled over vent 'Yo homes brawl ya later'

Time to eat dinner, but never despair,

I'll be back on tomorrow to spam some more fair


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I am going to be glad when there is a new trend for every unoriginal person with an internet connection to follow.

Bel-Air is so retro its gone round the horn and become funny again.

Edited by Admrial Daala
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I could have sworn the staff and other members were getting annoyed at fake leaving topics...

As well written as this one is, I still think it takes the cake. Was a good read none the less.

Edited by Cynthia
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I need to start writing some of these huge story posts again.

Concise is good, but it's more of a jolt when the punchline comes after a page of reading.

Edited by ATTN mods
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There've been other fake leaving topics?

Yes, fake and real.

They are getting annoyed at both. Some members made about 5 leaving topics but to this day have never left, thus a lot of us are getting tired of leaving topics, fake and real.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Why every time I listen to a fad song, a fad post soon follows?

Anyways, I'm gonna be a hypocrite and . . .


Now, this is a story all about how

My life got flipped-turned upside down

And I liked to take a minute

Just sit right there

I'll tell you how I became the King of a nation called Bern

In West Lycian born and raised

On the battlefields was where I spent most of my days

Killin' maxin' stats relaxin' all cool

And all flirtin' with some chicks outside the school

When Zephiel and his army

Who were up to no good

Startin making trouble in my kingdom

I got in one little fight and my dad got scared

He said 'You're movin' in with Hector and Lilian in Ostia'

I begged and pleaded with him day after day

But he packed my suite case and send me on my way

He gave me a kiss and then he gave an mercenary unit.

Then I thought to myself, 'I'm movin' in with Lilian'

First class, yo this is bad

Drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass.

Is this what the people of Bel-Air Living like?

Hmmmmm this might be alright.

But wait I hear about the ladies, all type of freaks

Is Ostia the type of place they send this cool cat?

Oh God I hope so!

I'll see when I get there

I hope they're prepared for the prince of Lyrica


Well, the wyrven landed and when I got off

There was a dude who looked like a pedo standing there without his clothes

I ain't trying to get molested

I just got here

Man I wish I had maxed in my Speed stats

I whistled for Pegasus and when it came near

The license plate said "Fresh" and it had dice around it neck

If anything I can say this Pegasus is rare

But I thought 'Now forget it' - 'Yo homes to Ostia'

I pulled up to the castle about 7 or 8

And I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo homes smell ya later'

I looked at my kingdom

I was finally there

To sit on my throne as the Prince of Lyrican

(So I suck, oh well)

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A Bel-Air? Like, seriously? Just add "and then >9000 mudkips rickrolled me" and you will have successfully date raped the internet.

To quote myself: "Bel-Air is so retro its gone round the horn and become funny again."

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