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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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9 minutes ago, Shinori said:

They claimed Jack of all trades.

you have to be kidding

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2 minutes ago, Makaze said:

you have to be kidding

You were told this previously.

It was literally on the last page.

They claimed jack but one of their uses they said was a cop, so I asked them what type of cop.

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1 minute ago, Shinori said:

You were told this previously.

It was literally on the last page.

They claimed jack but one of their uses they said was a cop, so I asked them what type of cop.

when Rapier responded they said it was just alignment cop which is what I had read initially

I don't think it makes sense for Refa to claim that entirely instead of just one ability

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huh Joat. yeah i kept seeing align cop and thinking the claim was that

I guess its NAI. hm.

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35 minutes ago, CT075 said:

Refa claimed Jack of all Trades with a 1x empower, 1x alignment cop and 1x martyr

It was also in refa's big post earlier.  It was a full claim, not just one ability.

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1 hour ago, Refa said:

Sure, I'm JoaT (1x Cop 1x Empower 1x Martyr). I crumbed this role by mentioning Cop in Kirby Mafia, Empower in NSFMM5, and Martyr when complaining about Smogon.

Here is refa's quote specifically.

This is why I asked why kind of cop, and they responded alignment.

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3 minutes ago, Bluedoom said:

huh Joat. yeah i kept seeing align cop and thinking the claim was that

I guess its NAI. hm.

it's refa/Bluedoom

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Just now, Makaze said:

it's refa/Bluedoom

If you are saying refa and bluedoom are both scum can we just not at this point in time?

Barring some other information I'm not gonna push to lynch our jack with an alignment cop claim.  There is a non zero chance that we don't have a full cop in this set-up and Refa's alignment cop could be our ONLY alignment cop.

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1 minute ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

Okay, so say I get lynched and flip town. What associative reads are you gonna get from this? I don't want to go down and then town fucks off to do some bullshit, so at least I want to see some work here now.

i'd be more bothered by rapier and i'd be looking at prims in particular. rapier because he's kind of been sitting on you and hasn't really considered other options, prims because the quick turnaround on you would read as more opportunistic.

32 minutes ago, Bluedoom said:

Snike, I read your post and honestly I just see you posting reasons for why my play from pages 5-7 are incriminating evidence for me being mafia. from my perspective boron was sus for scumreading both refa and me and it felt like she had reasons to be voting one of us there, in fact I'd have expected her to vote refa alongside me there. My responses to you are loaded because your scumread on me is loaded, you assume that everything I've had to do this game can only come from mafia and not once have I seen you consider a world where I'm doing whatever I'm doing as town. I'm not even the only one who has pointed this out, whenever I defend myself or BBM pointed these things out you claimed to be getting misrepped even though you have not been "charitable" in your read of me at all. I am not interested in engaging with you on this because I am not interested in cluttering the thread with a thunderdome between you and me where we're busy trying to tell each other why they're wrong; I made the empty unvote somewhere in page 13 because I was not interested in tunneling boron further and wanted to give you the benefit of doubt that you're town death tunneling me for bad reasons; The pro-town reason for not going on tunnels is not cluttering this thread with a clusterfuck of a tdome that makes other people not have fun with the game or unable to catch up and have reads.

You and rapier keep going on about me voting boron when refa was my top scumread; refa was my top scumread and then it became boron; and yes I didn't push refa much for the rest of that day because I was busy defending myself from frankly terrible cases on me and honestly boron's treatment of refa and I didn't make me want to pursue him at that point in time.

You can't seriously believe that at page 34 of the game the biggest evidence for your scumread is something that he did on page 5????

what makes this scummy coming out of snike? you mention that rapier has the same issue, but i remember you saying you didn't want to lynch rapier. what's differentiating them to you?

snike reads to me like he caught you on something and you haven't really done anything to change his opinion on you. i don't know why he sticks to this read so long as scum.

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5 minutes ago, Shinori said:

If you are saying refa and bluedoom are both scum can we just not at this point in time?

Barring some other information I'm not gonna push to lynch our jack with an alignment cop claim.  There is a non zero chance that we don't have a full cop in this set-up and Refa's alignment cop could be our ONLY alignment cop.

nk or rb

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2 minutes ago, Makaze said:

nk or rb

If you're asking what I think will happen, I think if scum has a rb they are likely to use it on refa because traditionally SF has been known to lynch jacks in the past, so if they can just keep refa roleblocked there is a high probability that we just swing back around and do it ourselves in the future.

Point stands that lynching there today is still not a great idea I feel. Specifically Refa.

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Just now, Refa said:

i'd be more bothered by rapier and i'd be looking at prims in particular. rapier because he's kind of been sitting on you and hasn't really considered other options, prims because the quick turnaround on you would read as more opportunistic.

what makes this scummy coming out of snike? you mention that rapier has the same issue, but i remember you saying you didn't want to lynch rapier. what's differentiating them to you?

snike reads to me like he caught you on something and you haven't really done anything to change his opinion on you. i don't know why he sticks to this read so long as scum.

rapier has a history of misremembering things as town, he is easy to get caught in logical inconsistencies that are not alignment indicative, I think a lot of his play today has been trying to figure out who to lynch and he's putting himself in the 1v1v1 scenario where he thinks that the choices are between him and two other guys, I don't see this being scum motivated behaviour, there's enough time to get traction on another wagon if possible; why is he forcing people to look into the 1v1v1? Why is he now going from forcing the 1v1v1 to say that you need to be given a chance due to your claim?

yes I've considered that perspective which is why I haven't voted him; however every defence of mine has been met with "you're misrepping me" so I'm like...this is getting into scum pushing an agenda territory for me


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I think to summarise:

Asks people to decide between him and two other people
One of them claims and he asks people to give him a chance
So now he's forcing himself into a 1v1 essentially...and now his reaction is that he has no scumreads?

This isn't self-pres behaviour that I'd expect from scum.

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trying too hard to save that claim


Mark my claim

Rest is out of the PoE

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3 minutes ago, Makaze said:

trying too hard to save that claim


Mark my claim

Rest is out of the PoE

Gimme something new.

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If me stating a logical fact that SF doesn't generally always run alignment cops and that sf is prone to lynching jacks because SF also makes jacks a scum role a lot is 'trying hard to save a claim' then so be it.

I'm not lynching a claimed alignment cop role period.  Kill me if you want over it I'd like to see you try.

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