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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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I don't see what we have to lose, so they should claim if they can prove it at this point

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Probably still wait for RAd/Ichigo because if they are INFORMATIVE roles, then we are in a world where we probably have too much information roles for them all to be town I think.  Maybe.

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Did j00 claim or are we just choosing to not have j00 claim

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Just now, Shinori said:

Rad is clear no matter what.
J00 is likely clear outside of HELLBUSS.
Makaze hellbusser
Bluedoom hellbusser.

Literally just comes down to this stuff but Like if this is the actual final 4 and scum is one of these two people then it'll be hilarious to watch.

I'm like almost down to just speed lynch the day phase outside of wanting to hear rad/Ichigo claim.

I feel this is a good idea as well, especially since we have nothing left to discuss

@Sunwoo Are you unable to save Shinori again?

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Lol, got ninja'd

But yeah, uh, Rad and Ichigo are still here, right?

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I really hope it's just rapier, I'll be honest.

Then I feel MUCH less bad about my day 1 town reading Refa because I would have basically caught the other 3 by night 1.

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Even if I double backed on my rapier read day 2 briefly.

I was really hoping weapons would roll scum so the game would end without a day 3 actually happening, but alas Rapier was #2 on my shooting target priority.  Please don't be snike.

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i will feel bad for getting pocket by Rapier, but then I have no idea why charlie/refa/rapier would try make rapier happen on d1, so snike feels more likely, at least from associatives

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Yeh Snike does feel more likely based on associative, but at the same time Rapier also kind of has bad EoD associative voting weapons > Refa, the flip side that refa was voting Rapier which gives him some points probably.

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Rapier's vt claim feels a lot better than Snike's too

I feel like it's just Snake at this point

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Anyway I'm off for a while, I'll probably be back in like 6-8 hours or something.  If you guys choose to end the day phase, that's fine.  At this point I feel we just go through our PoE and the game will end unless it's ACTUALLY Makaze, J00, or bluedoom hell bus.  Which I kind of just really doubt.

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My strategic tin foil is that Snike spent the entire day doing an ISO on me to make themselves deep when they realized that I was going to be impossible to lim and would probably push a mafia that day, and that's why they made pocketing me and being right about that one read the basis of everything they did for the rest of the game

They made a calculated play and it worked out really well and I want to applaud it, I can of want it to be him so I can right about it

That makes him the godfather if he is mafia, and I think that tracks with the way that he's playing


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Scum!Snike solidifying the push on Dusk through mentioning SB's "Off-Site Traitors" comment while begging for the vig to shoot him in the same post would be some next level unfathomly big brained play I just can't make sense of. Why gain town credit just to ask to be removed from the game.

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19 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Lol, got ninja'd

But yeah, uh, Rad and Ichigo are still here, right?

wsg im at work still rn barely skimmed today

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Prims being scum would shock me, mostly because of just how strongly he pushed Refa over Weapons. It's really hard for me to imagine Prims doing that on N1, on a return game.

As for j00, there's nothing about her that comes off as scummy to me. But I guess I also just have a harder time remembering her reads and what she's done in this game. (Tbh, that's probably my fault between all the other things I was paying attention to in D1 and D2.)

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Just now, RADicate said:

wsg im at work still rn barely skimmed today

Rad, are you able to claim your role while you're here at least?

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Just now, Sunwoo said:

Rad, are you able to claim your role while you're here at least?

i will take this as confirmation, i am but a lowly VT 

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hi on mobile waiting for food but uh would like to be able to respond more completely before we quickhammer: would also be ok with taking a dive first to ease Makaze's paranoid conscience

In the meantime would direct people to iso my day 2 bc I'm annoyed the shit I pointed out first is being used against me/ is not giving me any fucking credit whatsoever

ok bye make sure you get claims regardless of what you do and keep charlie 5 list in mind if you do quickhammer


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@Snike Hey I gave you credit!

5 minutes ago, j00 said:

Scum!Snike solidifying the push on Dusk through mentioning SB's "Off-Site Traitors" comment while begging for the vig to shoot him in the same post would be some next level unfathomly big brained play I just can't make sense of. Why gain town credit just to ask to be removed from the game.


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