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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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On 7/1/2024 at 1:23 AM, Iris said:

Serenes Forest Mafia Elitists

Let's start with the VTs. Maybe in hindsight, I probably could have removed one of the weaker town PRs and added another VT? 


@Elieson Honestly, you weren't able to keep up with the activity at all... (which fair enough, there were WAY too many posts and I forgot to implement a post limit). You actually coming back at the end (due to a mod prod) was pretty good for the town, since you vote parked on Refa, which made BBM keep his vote, otherwise he may have switched it onto Weapons and we probably see a Rapier vig instead. So... good job?

@RADicate You did have a fairly easy time subbing into a somewhat townread slot (thanks to Elieson's last gambit) + getting pseudo cleared by Bluedoom's report. You made the game a bit fun to read, at least. 🤩Thank you again for subbing in!

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 Dear Elieson,

You are SFMafia's Greatest Hits (2015).

This game is less notable for the actual gameplay that took place in it, but mostly for the great hits that it references. In fact, Elieson, you are the star of two of them! How could we forget the Weak Watcher Survivor claim of Choral Mafia V fame… Or the time you were SK and idled your factional kill three times in a row after being hooked on Night 1… and then crosskilling with the mafia… world’s most effective serial killer… What you make up for in night actions and role claims is your mafia spirit, and isn’t Mafia really about the friends we made along the way…?

Well, in the spirit of Weak Watcher Survivor and Idling SK, I suppose you have no actions.

You have no special abilities.

In short, you are a Vanilla Townie.

You are a member of the SF Mafia Elitists. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.


Dear RADicate,

You are Training Mafia Advanced 3.0 (2018).

You're a young un new to the SF Mafia lands, but you've proven your worth. Ignore that first game you subbed out of -- your team won, so all you, imo. In Training Mafia Advanced, you were the leader of the World Powers - the alignment cop - it would be super cool if you rolled a role like th--oh, you're just vanilla.

You have no special abilities.

In short, you are a Vanilla Townie.

You are a member of the SF Mafia Elitists. You win when all other factions are eliminated from the game or nothing can prevent the same.

Good by doing slightly more than the bare minimum letsgoooo

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