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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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I still think part of my reasoning stands as scum-intent.

Pushing for a wagon that's not refa - check
Leaves after - check
Later on refa vs weapons - check
VERY CLOSE votes, one vote could swing the whole thing - check
Hopes to just stay out of the limelight and watch as weapons goes over hopefully instead of bussing buddy but also doesn't want to be the person to push the weapons wagon over the top.

There is also no real town-intent on the vote part so if you don't see the scum intent, explain to me the town-intent.

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Part of the only thing that makes me doubt my Dusk read is how easy the push is going/has gone.  But that's also to be expected considering there is likely only like 2 scum left or something.

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2 minutes ago, Shinori said:

I still think part of my reasoning stands as scum-intent.

Pushing for a wagon that's not refa - check
Leaves after - check
Later on refa vs weapons - check
VERY CLOSE votes, one vote could swing the whole thing - check
Hopes to just stay out of the limelight and watch as weapons goes over hopefully instead of bussing buddy but also doesn't want to be the person to push the weapons wagon over the top.

There is also no real town-intent on the vote part so if you don't see the scum intent, explain to me the town-intent.

The major problem with this is that town!charlie believe that weapons is town so why would they ever vote weapons?  You could say that scum!charlie calculated this all the way back in ED1 but they're not suddenly coming up with the whole "wash my hands clean of weapons" at eod, at the very least they've setup their read structure in that way.

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13 minutes ago, RADicate said:

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm gdi marth i hate that you're actually making points rn.

only real counterarguement is that "if they've stated they're skipping out of thread for the night it makes sense that they'd just say what they need to say then skip out" but that's a weak countepoint at best

help chat i'm losing the 1v1

yeah, I think charlie is competitive enough that they'll probably at least post about whatever deliberation they made before dipping because town!charlie cares about the wincon still.


lol dw, I'm not treating this as 1 v 1 anyway

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Town!Charlie believes weapons is town but said they would consolidate on refa.

However they said they were leaving about 2 hours before phase end, I'd need to check what votals were at at that time, because I don't really believe there was a chance of lynching Makaze at that time and it was already swinging more towards Refa.

So Town!Charlie should have had the ability to swap to Refa accordingly if they were willing to consolidate there and weren't going to be back before phase end after leaving.

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8 minutes ago, Bluedoom said:

yeah, I think charlie is competitive enough that they'll probably at least post about whatever deliberation they made before dipping because town!charlie cares about the wincon still.


lol dw, I'm not treating this as 1 v 1 anyway

my ego............. 

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18 minutes ago, Shinori said:

Part of the only thing that makes me doubt my Dusk read is how easy the push is going/has gone.  But that's also to be expected considering there is likely only like 2 scum left or something.

The easiest option is that it's Dusk/RAD which takes care of thst paranoia

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As scum, SB would be trying to start up a Makaze counter wagon under the hope that people would end up defaulting there out of general distaste for Makaze's play but was leaving himself the room to switch back and bus refa if it didn't play out

What seems weird to me is that he didn't just pick one of the other wagons because I agree with Shinori that the Makaze wagon wasn't really going anywhere, while there was some suspicion on him the people who would vote there already were voting there. I don't think that wagon was getting to 6

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17 minutes ago, Shinori said:

I still think part of my reasoning stands as scum-intent.

Pushing for a wagon that's not refa - check
Leaves after - check
Later on refa vs weapons - check
VERY CLOSE votes, one vote could swing the whole thing - check
Hopes to just stay out of the limelight and watch as weapons goes over hopefully instead of bussing buddy but also doesn't want to be the person to push the weapons wagon over the top.

There is also no real town-intent on the vote part so if you don't see the scum intent, explain to me the town-intent.

anyways ego aside

issue 1: you're asking me to clarify something bluedoom effectively already discussed over with me and i reasonably ceded 

issue 2: charlie is literally across the pond gn, leaving thread is pretty reasonable as a working adult at night instead of grinding out two hours worth of eod, i'm not SRing that

i can cede that if you go from the pov of charlie scum leaving thread at that point in time IS a reasonable thing to do, but its equally reasonable as either alignment and confbiasing of it is kinda zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. not a fan. 

also i'll cede that there's not much town intent beyond making their SRs known if i'm under the belief (which i am) that makaze was never going home atp yesterday and believe charlie could see that (which i do)

also im bored 

##vote @Shinori

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4 minutes ago, Makaze said:

The easiest option is that it's Dusk/RAD which takes care of thst paranoia

no objections really given my stance lmfao, i fully expect to be voted into high hell if dusk flips scum but is what it is, i alr said they're kinda null and at the back of my poe thread just piling on em so im stating my takes and playing a bit of devil's advocate.

you guys need content to read me off of so im doing my best to provide

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Just now, Makaze said:

Do you still think it is Bluedoom?

i still hate their refa interactions but i like their interactions with me earlier, i've probably flipped on shinori/bluedoom order in terms of which i want gone first bare min. i've like warmed up to the slot a bit over the day a bit.

tldr: leaning scum still but not the death tunnel i expected to make on them when i was 20 pages in

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Just now, RADicate said:

anyways ego aside

issue 1: you're asking me to clarify something bluedoom effectively already discussed over with me and i reasonably ceded 

issue 2: charlie is literally across the pond gn, leaving thread is pretty reasonable as a working adult at night instead of grinding out two hours worth of eod, i'm not SRing that

i can cede that if you go from the pov of charlie scum leaving thread at that point in time IS a reasonable thing to do, but its equally reasonable as either alignment and confbiasing of it is kinda zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. not a fan. 

also i'll cede that there's not much town intent beyond making their SRs known if i'm under the belief (which i am) that makaze was never going home atp yesterday and believe charlie could see that (which i do)

also im bored 

##vote @Shinori

Issue 1: Fair, I was more or less just stating a point.

Issue 2: Also fair, I commented on this myself WRT them leaving.

In response to the next two lines:

The biggest part of this is I am not sticking with the makaze vote as a big reason for me voting them.  I commented in my list post stuff and my notes that SB ended on makaze after saying they would consolidate was just weird.  I didn't state it as alignment indicative either way.  Largely I don't think the makaze vote is relevant to the rest of my scum read on them which comes from day 1 heavily as well, so saying I'm conf-biasing based on the makaze vote is a weird angle to me.

What's your thoughts on the same thing I stated to BBM earlier in this day phase?  Leave me till tomorrow and I'll claim no matter what if scum don't kill me.

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1 minute ago, Shinori said:

Issue 1: Fair, I was more or less just stating a point.

Issue 2: Also fair, I commented on this myself WRT them leaving.

In response to the next two lines:

The biggest part of this is I am not sticking with the makaze vote as a big reason for me voting them.  I commented in my list post stuff and my notes that SB ended on makaze after saying they would consolidate was just weird.  I didn't state it as alignment indicative either way.  Largely I don't think the makaze vote is relevant to the rest of my scum read on them which comes from day 1 heavily as well, so saying I'm conf-biasing based on the makaze vote is a weird angle to me.

What's your thoughts on the same thing I stated to BBM earlier in this day phase?  Leave me till tomorrow and I'll claim no matter what if scum don't kill me.

you tell me the leave me till tommorow thing as if my opinion has an actual sway on where today's vote goes which idt it does. i'm pretty sure tommy gets voted regardless so this is mostly w/e. 

claim away or don't but probably don't rn.

regarding the confbiasing being a weird angle it definitely FELT like you were using it to double down in our convo. i know you had the read more developed d1 and elaborated more d1 and its possible i missed posts today so if i was misrepresenting just now myb.

also the iso script is broken asf on my end i keep getting an error regarding missing pages so if you could link me the post in question it'd be greatly appreciated

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Just now, RADicate said:

you tell me the leave me till tommorow thing as if my opinion has an actual sway on where today's vote goes which idt it does. i'm pretty sure tommy gets voted regardless so this is mostly w/e. 

claim away or don't but probably don't rn.

regarding the confbiasing being a weird angle it definitely FELT like you were using it to double down in our convo. i know you had the read more developed d1 and elaborated more d1 and its possible i missed posts today so if i was misrepresenting just now myb.

also the iso script is broken asf on my end i keep getting an error regarding missing pages so if you could link me the post in question it'd be greatly appreciated

You are the third person who as actively voted me, Makaze is scum reading me, it's perfectly reasonable if the votes swing my way, which is why I debated on claiming at the start of the day because I do not want to end up a CMD where people vote me and then don't return before phase end for example.  Also claiming late maybe causes some other CMD and ends up wasting time if I had just claimed earlier in the day phase.

My SB case was based mostly off of our 1 v 1 interaction we had briefly added on with some of the stuff I made note of this day phase.

This is the post where I first respond to Charlie.

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Charlie's interactions with Refa and Cam are weird.

If cam was consig then Charlie's comment towards me about off-site stuff was weird.  This is something I think I'm just conf biasing though now that's it's all been brought up.

Their casing seemed overall weak on day 1.

The people they pushed are myself and Makaze, I'm town, and I believe Makaze is town.  It's fine for town to be wrong but the other people I see them scum reading are mostly also all people that I'm now town reading or I believe are at least less likely to be scum than others.  This could also be conf-bias speaking.

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16 hours ago, BBM said:

Using EiMM as an acronym being a scumslip is a huge reach lol. I'm also not active in the community but I still know the acronym and am on the server and the full name is so long.

Very quickly clarifying this as I already said these were tinfoil and odds are it's probably a coincidence. Of course, many people know the acronym, the issue is bringing the subject up, to paraphrase. You can't tell me it isn't weird that eimm is brought up with the player with the eimm role.

10 hours ago, Percivalé said:

I guess I could ask, could anyone explain to me why we think bluedoom is town? I don't really have context which is why I'm asking

Echoing sunwoo, it's the exchanges with refa that are pushing most people to think marth is town. Usually, that'd be enough for me, but day 1 really had me convinced of scumtitude though day 2 has been much better. Regardless, weapons wagon needs to be sorted first.

On that note, don't know why rapier dropped their sus of me onto weapons. No other wagon has the potential for better associations and is in poe than my flip, and he said he needed to look into my ISO. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't but not acknowledging the change was strange, though looks like bbm also did it.

Every other vig shot proposed is silly. I should be shot tonight, to close poe and to force any third to stick to the town's script. Almost everyone has me in poe or as scumlean. Makaze, my top townread, has me as a possible wolf. Vigging me or dusk if a real counterwagon on me builds speeds up the game instead of waiting for a day 3  elim.

That's about where I'm sitting right now.

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wait @RADicate I'm curious, do you think that I'm also casing dusk because of SB's interactions with Refa? Because I have a case on SB from I think page 18?19? which still holds now

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7 minutes ago, Shinori said:

You are the third person who as actively voted me, Makaze is scum reading me, it's perfectly reasonable if the votes swing my way, which is why I debated on claiming at the start of the day because I do not want to end up a CMD where people vote me and then don't return before phase end for example.  Also claiming late maybe causes some other CMD and ends up wasting time if I had just claimed earlier in the day phase.

My SB case was based mostly off of our 1 v 1 interaction we had briefly added on with some of the stuff I made note of this day phase.

This is the post where I first respond to Charlie.

i meant the bbm post from this day phase, i def read that post @charlie,  but anyways gimme a bit and i'll get back kinda got caught up soz. 

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2 minutes ago, Bluedoom said:

wait @RADicate I'm curious, do you think that I'm also casing dusk because of SB's interactions with Refa? Because I have a case on SB from I think page 18?19? which still holds now

will go back and read this too when i get back, but that was my assumption yes

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despite me reading or skimming everything (or at least almost everything? possible i missed a few pages around page 30 because i read those half asleep and near eod cuz i rush skimmed to contribute) a lot is admittedly still a blur in my head even beyond those because i am INFORMATION OVERLOAD

stating this largely for legal reasons


anyways i got phone calls to make bbl (no drizzy)

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1 hour ago, Makaze said:

If BBM's case is right, they would choose Rapier over Refa to save the most powerful role on the team and make Refa look good for championing that elim

Still feels unlikely though

Then they would have Refa push Rapier instead of have Rapier going "Lynch me over Refa plz!". I know it could have been a scum gambit on Rapier's side to gain town cred, but that makes more sense if he defended a townie.

If Rapier was scum and got lynched defending a player, town wouldn't let that player live.

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