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Do gays unnerve you?

Thingy Person

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To be honest I never got why people are offended from being hit on. If someone hits on you, you can turn them down, and it only means they find you attractive. That's a compliment.

Hitting on someone is not the same as raping or violating them.

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To be honest I never got why people are offended from being hit on. If someone hits on you, you can turn them down, and it only means they find you attractive. That's a compliment.

Hitting on someone is not the same as raping or violating them.

Oh God, I love you I love you I love you Cynthia.

You totally took the words out of my mouth.

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I am getting kind of tired of the, "ewwww gay people!" trend that going around all over the world...

So what are your plans to put an end to it? If you are tired grab a chair and rest. ^^

Jk, I know what you mean.

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I am getting kind of tired of the, "ewwww gay people!" trend that going around all over the world...
Yeah, I am too. They're homosexual. What's wrong with that? Nothing. The Bible doesn't hold worth two shits, and there is no other reason to dislike them.

"But, they're creepy!" No they're not. They're people. If you don't like the thought of gay sex, just keep from fucking someone your gender. To each his own.

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If a girl hits on you, would you hit her, just because you are not interested? Then you shouldn't hit a homosexual for the same reason.

Problem is I'm not homosexual. So if gay people find me hot, all I can say is:

You lose!

I did say I'd warn them that I'm not gay. Something to the effect of:

Homo: Hey dude, I think you're hot.

Me: Hit on me again Homo, and I'm gonna kick your ass.

Edited by General Spoon
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You don't even have to say that you're straight, just tell them you aren't interested, or tell them you're in a relationship. There's such a thing as walking away.

Edit: More people using the word homo...?

Edited by Cynthia
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There is nothing wrong with a person being gay. Anyone, Christian or not, who says the bible states that gays should be hated has no idea what they're talking about. The bible says gay actions are wrong, but it also says we should not HATE anyone, regardless of their sexual orientation.

And gays don't bother me one bit. They can't help being gay any more then I can help being short, or having brown hair. That's who they are, and I should respect them all the same.

And I think this whole homophobia thing started when "gay" began being used as a synonym for stupid. I have hated that trend since the start and have personally tried to never use it like that. Gay means happy and homosexual, not stupid.

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The bible says gay actions are wrong, but it also says we should not HATE anyone, regardless of their sexual orientation.

And this is why I absolutely hate fundamentalist Christians. Fundamentalist Christianity is a hypocritical movement, mostly because they're all 'gays are going to hell, let's not give them rights!' , and yet they skim over all the parts that are all 'and you need to love others as well, even if they're bad'. It's their anti-this or anti-that sentiments that annoy me to no end, because in the end they're being intolerant and generally not following Christ's teacings at all. (And I say anti-this and anti-that, because this is true for a lot of things that fundamentalist Christians stand for.)

Edited by Herr Wozzeck
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And this is why I absolutely hate fundamentalist Christians. Fundamentalist Christianity is a hypocritical movement, mostly because they're all 'gays are going to hell, let's not give them rights!' , and yet they skim over all the parts that are all 'and you need to love others as well, even if they're bad'. It's their anti-this or anti-that sentiments that annoy me to no end, because in the end they're being intolerant and generally not following Christ's teacings at all. (And I say anti-this and anti-that, because this is true for a lot of things that fundamentalist Christians stand for.)

I thought this was funny because I pretty much consider myself a fundamentalist, but I get what you're saying. I think people who say every so-and-so is going to hell should be considered anti-fundamentalists because they don't get the fundamental parts of Christ's teachings. :D And while I disagree with gay actions, you can't help being gay, so I won't hate you just for being gay. That's like you hating me because I'm male, or white. Peace, Love, and Hugs! (now I sound like a hippee)

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Yes, and very much. ^^

No, not really. Never seen one close enough, but I know what they do, how they act, etc.

Oh, I know that, but the majority of them use a different tone in their voice, so as to speak like a girl. They also tend to act like girls, you know, walk like girls, dress like girls, etc. ^^

Once again with the awesome misconceptions. You don't know any gay people, but you claim to know how they act, all the same. Who the fuck are you to apply words like "the majority" when describing the behaviors of homosexual men and women? Have you performed a study on the subject? Got a degree? No? Then you are in no place to make a statement like that.

EDIT: I was going to wait for you to reply, but instead I'll mention this right now. In response to the first quote. Didn't you say you have a gay cousin? A gay cousin who you knew well enough to know why he "became" gay? I'm detecting holes in your story, mister.

For reference:

Cynthia, I have cousins that decided to become gay. They decided...they were not born with any malfunctions, they simply made that choice ok, so believe me when I say I believe that is wrong. My religion opposes such acts, and as such member, I do too
I dunno, they went to some bar, met some other homo and decided that they'd become like him. Beats me, big deal, I am not interested, the point is, they were not gay before, they became gay because they choose to. End of story bla bla blah
Edited by Fox
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They never have bothered me.

And for all you guys who say its wrong to be gay don't bullshit me I know 80% of people who say that watch girl on girl porn so don't be hypocritical

I thin General spoon is pretty dumb, and I'm sure no one wants to hit on you

Edited by Doom_Dragon_103
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