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Who's your favorite Lord in all of FE?

Father Wood

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Well, since nobody has done it yet, because they're too lazy, I've decided to have Celice and Ike face each other in deathmatch, with all their stats rounded to how strong Ike would be in FE4, and how strong a Celice with 59 level ups would be in FE10 (he doesn't get any stat increases from convos though, cuz that's not fair). In FE4, Ike will have Pursuit, and in FE10, Celice will be doubled by Ike if he has 4 or more less speed than him. Ike will have no critical hitting skills from anything but his weapon when he is in FE4, and in FE10, Celices critical hitting will depend on his level 60 stats. Since there is no fair way to compensate for their stat caps, Celice having shitty ones and Ike having great ones, there will be no caps. In FE4, both Ike and Celice will be assumed to have 100 kills on their swords (giving them both 50% critical hitting chance). All special abilities are taken off of the weapons, so Celice doesn't have prayer, and Ike doesn't have long range, so here goes...

So, here's Celices average stats at level 30, with Tyrfing...

HP: 74

Power: 55

Accuracy: 144%

Speed: 29

Defense: 22

Critical: 50%

Avoid: 77%

And here's Ike, with Ragnell...

HP: 43

Power: 41

Accuracy: 134%

Speed: 22

Defense: 25

Critical: 50%

Avoid: 57%

NOTE: I had to lower all of Ikes stats by 1 point, because in FE10, he is level 20/11, the equivalent of level 31, and unfortunately, FE4 only allows a maximum of level 30.

I don't even need to look at these stats just to see that Celice is gonna kick Ike around like no tomorrow in his world. But, just for shits and giggles, lets compare.

Celice: 74 HP Vs. Ike: 43 HP

Attack: 30(2x) Attack: 19

Accuracy: 87% Accuracy: 57%

Critical: 50% Critical: 50%

Yeah...wow....it's even worse than I thought. But what about Ikes world? Lets just see!

Here are Celices stats, at Level 60, with Tyrfing...

HP: 116

Power: 71

Accuracy: 180%

Speed: 39

Defense: 35

Critical: 3%

Avoid: 110%

HP: 66

Power: 58

Accuracy: 188%

Speed: 34

Defense: 41

Critical: 0%

Avoid: 90%

I...am honestly surprised at how onesided this is. Going in, I didn't think Celice was going to be anywhere near as godly as he is here. I thought it was going to be Ike who had the advantage...guess I was wrong.

Celice 116 HP vs. Ike 66 HP

Attack: 30(2x) Attack: 23

Accuracy: 90% Accuracy:78%

Critical: 18% Critical: 0%


Edited by FionordeQuester
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Um, no, actually, in my comparison, I didn't count any of their skills besides Pursuit. If Ike doesn't have Aether in his own game, than Celice isn't having Nihil either.

Not that it matters, Celice still owned Ikes ass (of course, I wasn't counting stat caps for either of them).

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Yes, there were a bunch of people having a shitstorm over whether or not Celice was stronger than FE10, and since nobody seemed to be willing to actually MAKE the comparison, and I got so irritated by the fact that they were just throwing insults at each other without doing a damn thing, that I made one myself just to settle the issue (it did kind of settle in page 5, but this way, it can't flare up again). Oh yeah, and it made me slightly curious about the issue myself to.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Yes, there were a bunch of people having a shitstorm over whether or not Celice was stronger than FE10, and since nobody seemed to be willing to actually MAKE the comparison, and I got so irritated by the fact that they were just throwing insults at each other without doing a damn thing, that I made one myself just to settle the issue (it did kind of settle in page 5, but this way, it can't flare up again). Oh yeah, and it made me slightly curious about the issue myself to.

That was Sigurd and Ike.

Well, if Celice gets Nihil, then Ike gets Aether.

Which would cancel out Aether anyway.

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Well, since I was, apparently, comparing Celice to Ike when I should've been comparing Sigurd to Ike, I now present...Sigurd vs. Ike! Now hopefully this won't be as one sided as the last one, but we will see!

Anyways, same rules as last time, so here are Sigurds level 30 stats...

HP: 62

Power: 56

Accuracy: 146%

Speed: 29

Defense: 19

Critical: 50%

Avoid: 75%

And here's Ike again...

HP: 43

Power: 41

Accuracy: 134%

Speed: 22

Defense: 25

Critical: 50%

Avoid: 57%

Funny thing is, Sigurds power is actually slightly higher than Celices (which I'm going to chalk up to his excellent base stats). But, unfortunately for Ike, Sigurd is still ripping his asshole inside out, so too bad!

Now, since I'm allowing special skills (that the characters posess without the aid of their weapons), you might be asking "but what about Ikes Aether?". Well, here, he doesn't have it, because in order for him to have it, he must be promoted, and he can't be promoted at only Level 20/11. Anyways, now here's their level 60 stats...

HP: 95

Power: 71

Accuracy: 176%

Speed: 38

Defense: 29

Critical: 2%

Avoid: 103%

And here's Ike!

HP: 66

Power: 58

Accuracy: 188%

Speed: 34

Defense: 41

Critical: 0%

Avoid: 90%

Sigurd 95 HP vs. Ike 66 HP

Attack: 30(2x) Attack: 29

Accuracy: 86% Accuracy: 85%

Critical: 2% Critical: 0%

Well...for all you people supporting Ike...guess what? Sigurd still won! Maybe if Ikes speed was a bit higher, or Sigurds a bit lower, then well....Sigurd still would've won, but it would've been MUCH closer! So, game over, Sigurd wins!!

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Well...for all you people supporting Ike...guess what? Sigurd still won! Maybe if Ikes speed was a bit higher, or Sigurds a bit lower, then well....Sigurd still would've won, but it would've been MUCH closer! So, game over, Sigurd wins!!

I fail to see how this proves anything. Comparing stats cross-game is completely inaccurate. FE4 =/= FE10. I mean, seriously? What about the part where Sigurd uses 1 RN and Ike uses 2? Did you take that into account? Or did into account that lowering Ike by one level wouldn't lower every stat because it's extremely rare to get all 8 stats on a level up?

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I fail to see how this proves anything. Comparing stats cross-game is completely inaccurate.

Yes, and that's exactly why I did one battle for both of them at level 30, and one battle for them at level 60. Because in FE4, level caps at 30, while for FE10, level caps are 60. Therefore, I took Sigurds growths and multiplied them for his stat averages at level 60 to figure out how strong he would've been if he had the same base stats, level, and growth rates that he had in FE4.

I mean, seriously? What about the part where Sigurd uses 1 RN and Ike uses 2? Did you take that into account?

No, I guess I didn't. New rule then, in the level 30 battle, they both use only 1 RN, but in the level 60 battle, they both use 2 RN. Happy?

Or did into account that lowering Ike by one level wouldn't lower every stat because it's extremely rare to get all 8 stats on a level up?

...Dude, I'm going off averages, which are pretty much the closest thing to a reliable guide for what kind of stats the two would have at what level that I can find. And according to averages, all of Ikes stats would decrease by 1 if his level was reduced to 20/10, the equivalent of Level 30 in FE4.

Basically, the whole point of this was to compare how strong Sigurd and Ike against each other using both FE4 and FE10 mechanics in two seperate duels. And Sigurd won both duels, so yes, I think that proves something.

If you have any suggestions though, I'd love to hear them.

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...Dude, I'm going off averages, which are pretty much the closest thing to a reliable guide for what kind of stats the two would have at what level that I can find. And according to averages, all of Ikes stats would decrease by 1 if his level was reduced to 20/10, the equivalent of Level 30 in FE4.

How so? If, at base level, all of Ike's stats are exact, going down would mean that his lowest growths would stay the same because you would have to round up. Any growth 50% or less would stay the same. Take his speed for example. If, at level 20/11, he has 22 speed, at 20/10 he'd have 21.65 speed, which rounds to 22. For something like this, you'd need to do that rounding.

Basically, the whole point of this was to compare how strong Sigurd and Ike against each other using both FE4 and FE10 mechanics in two seperate duels. And Sigurd won both duels, so yes, I think that proves something.

Please do explain what that proves.

I apologize if I seem hostile. I just hate how people always do comparisons like this (pitting two playable units in a deathmatch) and pretending it's proof that unit A > unit B. The problem is, Ike and Sigurd will never actually fight, so determining "who would win" doesn't "prove" anything. I mean, did you take into account the fact that Ike has earth affinity and so he can get +45 avoid? Or maybe he supported Soren and has +30 avoid, +2 attack, and +10 crit. Or the fact that Ike can't possibly go down one level and Sigurd can't possibly get to level 60. Unfair advantage for Ike? Well, he's in a different game, and his game's mechanics are a lot different.

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How so? If, at base level, all of Ike's stats are exact, going down would mean that his lowest growths would stay the same because you would have to round up. Any growth 50% or less would stay the same. Take his speed for example. If, at level 20/11, he has 22 speed, at 20/10 he'd have 21.65 speed, which rounds to 22. For something like this, you'd need to do that rounding.

Please do explain what that proves.

I apologize if I seem hostile. I just hate how people always do comparisons like this (pitting two playable units in a deathmatch) and pretending it's proof that unit A > unit B. The problem is, Ike and Sigurd will never actually fight, so determining "who would win" doesn't "prove" anything. I mean, did you take into account the fact that Ike has earth affinity and so he can get +45 avoid? Or maybe he supported Soren and has +30 avoid, +2 attack, and +10 crit. Or the fact that Ike can't possibly go down one level and Sigurd can't possibly get to level 60. Unfair advantage for Ike? Well, he's in a different game, and his game's mechanics are a lot different.

I completely agree with what you said. If you want to compare Sigurd/Celice with Ike, then you'll have to directly decide on which one is more useful in their games. You can't mathematically calculate that so it won't be accurate. In the end, it'll all come down to opinion and lets just leave it at that. It is absolutely pointless to try comparing two characters like that when they're both from two different games with different game mechanics. Also, being a strategy game, different players have different playstyles. e.g. Tiltyu may be bottom tier but I actually think that she's the best first gen character when trained. Even better than Levin (without Holsety). I've been called crazy for that by several people.

What I'm trying to say is... well, it's pretty much what Red Fox said.

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