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Top 3 Most Memorable Gaming Moments

Gatrie: Guns Blazing

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3. Soloing the FE7 Dragon with Hawkeye (First EHM PT, all my good units died because I was a nub who didn't think things through and hated restarting)

2. Beating Aladdin for the SNES (I was like 5, k?)

1. JV 4 stocking Dayozee's Falcon in Melee (after losing about 34893840 matches against him earlier. For those of you who don't know, Dayozee is the second best Melee player in Vegas, and I started taking the game seriously soon after the weekly Melee tourneys ended because Brawl came out.)

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3. Fighitng Ash/Red in Pokemon Gold/Silver

2. Final Fantasy VI Spoilers

Celes's suicide atttempt in Final Fantasy VI

1. Solid Snake Vs. Liquid Snake in Fisticuff action in Metal Gear Solid and the fact that Liquid told Snake he was a clone.

Honoarble Mentions

5. FE 4 Spoilers

Sigurd the Scapegoat, the kidnapping of his wife, and the false Death Pently charges put on him in Fire Emblem 4.

4. Aeris' death in Final Fantasy VII. Not because it was saddening, but because I hated her.

3. Paper Mario 64's "Pegiun Murder"

2. Aira the Maiden of Water's death in Final Fantasy III

1. Fighting Bowser in Super Mario 64.

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^lulz. Look at all dem posts.

3. Glitzville in Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door.

2. Everything in TotA before Luke cuts his hair and becomes emo.

1. Beating Dracula the first time without getting hit. After dying on him a million times. And then I proceeded to get killed by the easy werewolf boss in boss rush mode.

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1. Fighting Red in Pokemon Crystal. The intensity of this moment, when you realise this IS it, you are fighting the actual Champion, not some easy mono-typer like Lance, but the actual Champion of three years ago, in an epic confrontational show-down, gets me every time. When you approach Red, have climbed to the pinnacle of Mt. Silver, there are no words. Nothing needs to be said, you both know what comes next, and both of you calmly accept it. Then, the Vs. Red/Lance music, one of the best video game tracks ever (fairuzon's YouTube remix is heavenly) kicks in, and the battle is off.

2. Fighting Julius in Faia Emuburemu: Seisen no Keifu. This was a really emotional boss fight, because it was the culmination of years of struggle. You watched Sigurd, a character you'd grown to love, die at the hands of Alvis, all through manipulation by Manfloy. Then, as Celis, you fought back, defeating both Alvis, the sad and twisted puppet of Manfloy, through to Manfloy himself. Now, you face the Dark God Loptous inside the body of Selis's half-brother. As Julia casts Narga, it is all over. I can imagine this scene remastered in beautiful 3D, and the image I always see is Julius smiling, just as the Light of Narga destroys him.

3. Fighting the Boss in Metal Gear Solid 3. This is like no other boss fight ever. There is no dramatic music, no thunder in the background, no wind-swept cliff for this showdown. Instead, a field of flowers, eerily quiet. Then, the woman who gave you your life, in a way, enters, and you fight. There is no mercy. She shoots your own bullets out of the air, dodges all your attacks, and will reduce you to a pitiless wreck unless you use every trick you have left. But when you do defeat her, you learn she isn't the traitor you had thought, and when she is buried alone in an unmarked grave, you can't help but feel the sorrow.

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In no particular order

1. The first ending of Lunar 2. What, it's not over? What, you actually keep playing? : D

2. Zelda: Ocarina of Time, when Link pulls out the Master Sword and afterwards. Pretty common, I know.

3. This is really sad, but first seeing Luserina in Suikoden V. *runs*

Edited by VincentASM
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The first moment that springs to mind in an instance from Metroid Fusion. Since the first time I played the game, I have always dreaded the scene where you have to run away from the SA-X. The sequence only takes about ten to fiteen seconds, but still, for some reason I always find myself holding my breath before dropping off that ledge.

That's the only example I can think of, for now.

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1: Beating Super Mario Bros 2 (JP) and actually losing my sanity as a result

2: Fighting Red in Silver. Most epic Pokemon battle ever.

3: Just having the Super Nintendo.

Edited by Black Luster Soldier
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The first moment that springs to mind in an instance from Metroid Fusion. Since the first time I played the game, I have always dreaded the scene where you have to run away from the SA-X. The sequence only takes about ten to fiteen seconds, but still, for some reason I always find myself holding my breath before dropping off that ledge.

That's the only example I can think of, for now.

^That. All the way. I'm the same.

But it's not one of my top 30. Mine are:

3. Tetra becoming Zelda in TLoZ: The Windwaker

2. Beating Okami

1. Buying Fire Emblem and all the memories and events that have come since.

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1. Beating the last boss in Donkey Kong Country 2.

2. Completing everything possible in Megaman Battle Network 3.

3. Beating Culex in Super Mario RPG.

I was very young when I did all these so it did felt special. Now, I could probably do it again with ease.

Ah, memories. ;D

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3. My first death in NetHack. My character slipped while mounting his pony and died as a result. That's definitely the most hilarious video game death I've experienced.

2. The death of Gustave in Saga Frontier 2. It's memorable because of how underwhelming and poorly handled it was. Gustave was an awesome character. He deserved better than what he got.

1. Kefka killing General Leo in Final Fantasy VI. Leo was my favorite character in the game, and I was rather happy that I was able to use him. I was disappointed to see him die after only one battle.

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3. Defeating Savato for the first time in Trauma Center: Second Opinion. Doubling up on the Healing Touch to completely stop time...awesome.

2. The ending sequence of Crisis Core. Everything from after the final battle with Genesis, to the ending credits. It almost made me cry.

1. Completing I Wanna Be The Guy. Fuck. Ing. Hell.

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Wow, I don't even know where to start. I'm not even sure if these are my top memories but here goes (in no order):

Unlocking all cars and tracks in F-Zero GX

Fighting Dark Samus 3 times in Metroid Prime 2 Echoes

Beating Super Mario World for the first time. (my first video game)

Playing Super Smash Bros for the first time.

Playing Fire Emblem 7 (my first FE), now it's one of my fave series.

Playing Donkey Kong Country series.

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