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How do you usually sleep?

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How do you usually sleep?  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. Please select the way you usually sleep

    • Stomach
    • Back
    • Left Side
    • Right Side

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There's no reason to sleep nude unless you're sleeping next to someone. Why bury a body if noone is going to find it, and why sleep nude if noone is going to feel the anaconda in your pants lurking around during your wild Succubus induced sex dreams?

Wait... where was I going with this crap? Well I tend to just sleep however. I change positions every few minutes anyway so it doesn't matter. I need another person to anchor me down with their legs and arms.

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It's hot where I live, that's why.
It's SUPPOSED to be hot where I live but right now... I need to start a huge fire or something before I can go out there. It's too damn cold. Inside is nice though, so I sleep indoors wearing whatever I had on at the time I went to bed.
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I sleep with women.

Oh rly?

You damn liar.

Hey, he might not be lying, but what are the odds, right?

I also imagine that I sleep with women :D

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I have difficulty sleeping most of the time. Two things I almost always require to have any real sense of sleep is some form of background noise and the room's door being closed; otherwise, I'll not sleep very well at all.

As for position, it varies. I often start off laying on my left side, then become uncomfortable and switch to my right, and gradually continue for an hour or so before falling asleep. It seems that laying on my back is the fastest way to fall asleep, but I never feel entirely comfortable doing that.

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