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The Mafia to End all Mafias - GAME OVER


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1. This is a NOC game. You may only talk outside the thread if your role PM allows it.

2. You may not post your role PM in-thread or quote host interactions. You may not post screenshots.

3. If you sign up, try to exist at least once a phase.

4. If you tactically modkill yourself to give your side an advantage, I will make sure that your alignment is worse off than before. If you are modkilled you cannot win. Just don't get modkilled.

5. Don't edit your posts. I probably won't modkill you for this unless you do it more than once.
5a. If you edit game-relevant content, I will modkill you.

6. Do not post during the night phase. I probably won't modkill you for this unless you're purposely ignoring this rule after being warned.


1. Death is definitely the end. Information may not be passed from dead players to living players. You may continue to post in-thread after your demise, but posts must be info-free and you may not spam the thread or distract from the game with deadtalk.

2. There are no items, and priorities have been decided beforehand.

3. Day Phase is 48 hours. Night Phase is 24 hours. Phases may or may not end early. If you intend to idle, please say so in your role PM. If you have not submitted an action by deadline, I will assume that you are idling.
3a. Day Phase will be shortened to 48 hours when half the players are left.

4. You do not need a hammer to lynch. Deadline lynch occurs at 50%-1 rounded down. Hammer is 50%+1 rounded down. Ties will result in no lynch.
4a. There will be no hammer on D1. The player with the most votes will be lynched on D1. If at least 1/3 of living players are not voting on D1, there will be no lynch.
4b. You may choose to "no lynch" as many times as you want.
4c. Failure to consolidate on a lynch (or lack thereof) twice will result in universal loss.

5. Actions will be made in the standard ##Action: Player format.

6. This game starts on D1.

7. There are no hidden players.

8. Do not abuse loopholes.

9. Inspection results are guaranteed to be accurate.

10. You may not self-target.

11. Do not attempt to scum hunt by role or flavor.

12. LYLO/MYLO will be announced.

13. If you are ever uncertain about anything, ask the mods for clarification.

14. Follow your role PM. If your role PM contradicts the rules in any way, FOLLOW YOUR ROLE PM.

15. Do not try to outguess/outsmart/meta the hosts. You don't know what the hosts know.

16. This is a game. Have fun, don't get too worked up, and try to keep it civil.

Alive Players

@JamieIsBored: Central Powers trackerwatcher

Not-Alive Players

@DefyingFates: Entente full cop - lynched D1
@Elieson: Entente courier - killed N1
@Ichigo: Central Powers rolecop/safeguard - lynched D2
@Bluedoom: Entente doctor - killed N2
@Fire Emblem Fan: Entente copier - lynched D3
Aster @Makaze: Entente insomniac - killed N3
@Eurykins: Entente tree stump - lynched D4
@Shinori: Entente masshook - endgame

Edited by Sunwoo
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Normally, this is where I would put some flavor, but I think this is all the flavor that this game needs.

It is now D1. D1 will end on Sunday, September 8 at 9:00 PM PST.

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Your guess is as good as mine.  I'm always down to play more mafia.

I may have overbooked myself but that's fine.

Whatcha thinking?  Be nice to the newbies or string em up and watch em squirm?

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4 minutes ago, Ichigo said:

Is this your second game ever?

Nope. But second game since coming off a hiatus of multiple years (I wanna say 3-5 years, don't remember how long it exactly was, due to being super busy IRL), and Aster was part of the first game I played coming back. 

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Man people are gonna hate me this game.

Also for anyone new, or returning.  If you wish to be invisible while online, maybe because you want to lurk and just watch the thread chaos for you scummy people out there: you have to enable it in your profile settings or reenable if you are returning because for whatever reason it was disabled some time ago.

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7 minutes ago, Shinori said:

@SunwooCan we vote exstention if we need to once?  Just curious.  I know we are 48 hour day phases but in case a 72 hour is needed with blue doom being missing for part of the first day and all the what not.

Yes, you may vote for a 24-hour extension once.

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Never self-vote.

It's not a good thing and it doesn't help win.

There's not a whole lot to really choose to vote per say right off the bat because game's just started and you have to look for reasons to do things.  Sometimes you really gotta REACH, sometimes you just start to build a read based off of vibes people are putting off.


For example:

I'm currently trying to gauge if you asking if you should self-vote is just because you're confused lost unsure town, or if you are sad and feeling kind of defeated because you rolled scum again in your second game.

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If I'm being up-front, I'm just in a sad mood in general tonight and feeling low morale because of something unrelated to mafia. Basically lost like 50 TCG matches in a row and each time it was like within the first two turns.

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I know that feeling very much.  I used to play mtg a LOT, but our locals closed down and now I can't really easily go to the next place over.

Can always come back later, no need to force yourself to post right at this moment!  I'm here to vibe and chill and have a good time and help the newbies learn a bit about mafia.  Maybe lose maybe win.

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