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I'm surprised that Ed and Leo don't have any level of support to begin with. Not even a bond.

Well, there are a lot of units with FF in front of their support. I'm guessing there originally was intended to be some kind of bonus but the idea got dropped or something. Still, having them half-way to C would have still been 100% useless considering by 1-4 they are guaranteed to be able to get a C and you can't create a support beforehand. And I would have loved a bond between them. Seriously, even +5 crit/cev. Not for the crit, but for facing myrms in part 1 that just happen to have more than 0% crit on Ed and less than 5% crit on him. Ed would be a little better if you could guarantee he doesn't get criticalled, considering at first everyone can be by the myrms.

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There's plenty more they could have done than that, though I agree with the 1 speed deal. Even with my predicted levels, he's basically flying by the skin of his teeth (as in, he's just barely able to double the common enemy chapter by chapter).

I think he prefers Nolan anyways. It's more effective I'm sorry LeoxEddie...

Though it makes me wonder just how effective Leo supporting Aran would be. More defense for sir tank faster is certainly welcome to him.

Edited by Cait Sith
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There's plenty more they could have done than that, though I agree with the 1 speed deal. Even with my predicted levels, he's basically flying by the skin of his teeth (as in, he's just barely able to double the common enemy chapter by chapter).

I think he prefers Nolan anyways. It's more effective I'm sorry LeoxEddie...

Though it makes me wonder just how effective Leo supporting Aran would be. More defense for sir tank faster is certainly welcome to him.

Nolan/Aran is simply faster. It also gives h4x avoid while only giving up a point of defense. Leo and Micaiah are the only +ATK supporters in the DB, so wasting one on Mr 70% Strength Growth seems... wasteful.

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Okay,well for Mia vs. Sothe,we have another one of those GM vs. DB matchups,so I can;t really pull stats or anything to directly compare the two,since this is a pretty subjective match up.

I'll try to break it up into easy comparisons,aka,when they are at their worst,and at their best,etc,and try to show how they match up.


Sothe - Part 4 - In part 4,Sothe definitely slows down. He doesn;t double the Paladin bombs in 4-P until level 14/15,and he's probably not there yet,and with low Str and knives,he's not worth much offensively here,since these guys average 44Hp/20 Def,so he's only managing to 3HKO these guys with a Silver Dagger and an Att support,so he'd better hope Micaiah didn't move on up,else he's 4HKOing.As for the other side of the map...generals.And with the weakest pulling 43Hp/25Def, Sothe is 4/5HKOing with Silver,and half of these generals have 22 AS,like the Paladin swarms.Anyone who can pull 36 < Mt is outdoing him here,and that's not difficult,and if they double,no contest.

In 4-3,he promotes,let's say he got to 17/1.

He has 24 Str/29 AS. With a Silver Dagger he has 36/38 mt. This is 2 rounding weak halbs,and 4/5 rounding stronger ones.The only things Sothe manages to double here is low level halbs,low level snipers,Dracoknights,sages,and generals.He 3HKO's sages,and 5/6HKOing Draco's,so 3 rounds.His saving grace here is having +1 move to regular foot units,and the ability to pick up some treasure,although other than Dragonfoe/Baselard,it's just more cash,and we're nearing the end of the game,unless you need a second Laguz gem.

Enemies get even tougher in 4-E,and he can;t even use Baselard to counter for the latter half,and with only one chest in 4-E...yeah.Atleast he doesn;t take a slot.

Mia's worst period is 3-P and 3-1,but here,she is one of 3 people who can consistently double(and Ike is iffy,so it's more like 2,while Shinon is PP only)

While she has low Mt,Adept/Crit and doubling give her better offense than most of the team,aside from Generals,as she has 28% adept and 26/46 Crit.Durability wise,she isn't doing as bad as you might think,due to her Avo,even though it hasn't matured yet.She has 99 avo in a thicket,and thickets are everywhere in 3-P,which nets her around 15% true on average,which isn't too bad.

In 3-1,her offense remains the same,and she is likely going along the northern path to take advantage of the thickets,which keeps her durability intact.

As for their best periods,Sothe has 1-2,1-3,and 1-4, while Mia has 4-1,4-4,and 4-E(3-E as well if she manages to promote by then)

Sothe is notable before Z/Volug join because he is easily the most durable unit on the team,and has the best offense.

Mia is notable in part 4 because she is an unstoppable war goddess,to but it simply. An average enemy has ~150 hit in 4-4,and a 20/7 Mia has 134 Avo with A Ike. This is a measly 5.95% true hit,while getting 3-4HKO'd,she basically doesn;t know the meaniing of the word Death.

As for Offense,if she Procs Str (28.55),she can get Halbs/Warriors with a Silver Blade,if not,she needs to pull out a Silver Forge/Vague Katti/Tempest Blade to get a clean kill.However,with the VK,she ORKO's everything but the Generals anyway,and we just got the thing,so it has most,if not all of it's uses intact. +3 Def doesn't hurt either.All in all,being = to goddamn Nailah against all but lower level generals(Nailah can;t get the high levels without a proc either) means that Mia is pretty WTF here.

Now for the rest. Sothe has 1-5,1-6,1-7,1-8,and 1-E,where,while still being good,he is outclassed by a good amount of people,such as Volug,Nailah,Muarim,Tauroneo,potentially Zihark/Tormod.

In part 3,Sothe is simply average.he has troubles doubling and his offensive power is mediocre unless he's wielding Beastkiller,which kills his durability.It doesn;t take much to be > Sothe in part 3,as even scrubs like Edward,if raised,manage to pull the same amount of durability,and superior offense due to stronger weapons.

Mia has 3-2 to 3-5, 3-7,3-8,3-10,and 3-11.

During this time,she pulls offense above the rest of the team due to doubling and procs.Speedwing!Titania and Crown!Gatrie outdo her for a little while,but only by the % chance she doesn't kill,which isn;t all that high,until she starts ORKOing on her own.Her durability is steadily getting better and better,and by the time her support matures,she generally doesn;t need to fear exposure.being able to run off with Ike and leave a swath of dead/injured enemies in her wake is very good,considering most GM's would like to pick off weakened enemies,so even when she doesn;t proc,she's being productive.

Well,that's my Shpheal.Like I said,DB vs. GM is subjective,and while i believe she contributes more overall,you may disagree.Enjoy.

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Nolan/Aran is simply faster. It also gives h4x avoid while only giving up a point of defense. Leo and Micaiah are the only +ATK supporters in the DB, so wasting one on Mr 70% Strength Growth seems... wasteful.

That would involve taking the support away from Eddie to give Nolan 14 more avoid for 3-6, which even Zihark has problems avoiding in this chapter even with the optimal support. Eddie gives him the same defense, and also gives him a bit of accuracy to help counteract biorythmn (which is sort of a problem for Nolan). If you wanna talk about wasteful, how about avoid on mr. bad luck and slow ass.

It seems wasteful, the attack boost, but what else are you gonna do with it? The only one who could even dream of putting it to good use is Eddie or Zihark. Zihark comes a bit late to be building supports, Eddie prefers Nolan.

Then let's not ignore something, the defense. Aran would love to get to +2 faster, and then get to +3. Level 20/2, he would have 21+3 Def and 33 HP. 40 might tigers 3RKO him, now not needing any sort of BEXP or stat up help. Anyone else, he'd have had to wait for level 3. Also renders cats near helppless to him. Worst they'd do is 7 damage (though it's a problem on the double, as he levels, 6 reduces it to 12, then 5 reduces it to 10, you get the picture). Furthermore, let's see his strength. It's 20. +15 from a steel forge, 36. +2, that's 38 might.

Cat lvl 14

HP 41, Atk 22, AS 20, Hit 136, Avo 46, DEF 12, RES 10, Crit 10, Ddg 6

Cat lvl 15

HP 42, Atk 27, AS 20, Hit 137, Avo 47, DEF 14, RES 10, Crit 10, Ddg 7

Cat lvl 16

HP 43, Atk 29, AS 22, Hit 141, Avo 51, DEF 14, RES 10, Crit 11, Ddg 7

Cat lvl 17

HP 43, Atk 31, AS 22, Hit 142, Avo 52, DEF 16, RES 10, Crit 11, Ddg 8

2RKOs every single one of them. Leo helps him avoid player phase counters.

Tiger lvl 14

HP 48, Atk 32, AS 16, Hit 132, Avo 38, DEF 18, RES 4, Crit 9, Ddg 6

Tiger lvl 15

HP 48, Atk 39, AS 16, Hit 136, Avo 38, DEF 18, RES 6, Crit 10, Ddg 6

Tiger lvl 16

HP 50-52, Atk 39, AS 16, Hit 137, Avo 39, DEF 20, RES 6, Crit 11, Ddg 7

Tiger lvl 17

HP 51-52, Atk 41, AS 18, Hit 141, Avo 43, DEF 20, RES 6, Crit 11, Ddg 7

3RKO, leaving weaker ones in the single digits on the 2nd shot. I'd have trouble finding someone who does this much raw damage in one shot outside of Miccy, or Sothe witht eh Beastslayer, or someone with the Beastfoe skill. Speaking of which, if we were to give it to him, that Steel fore has 45 might. +20 Str+2 Water might, that's 67. OHKO all but the level 16 and 17 tigers, which he still puts in 4-5 HP. Then again, I don't think even Aran would like all that attention unless it were all cats (it helps him avoid their second attack, after all).

Finally, what two units are you most likely never to see past part 3, of whom are at their best at part 3? What better unit for an archer to get behind than a wall?

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That would involve taking the support away from Eddie to give Nolan 14 more avoid for 3-6, which even Zihark has problems avoiding in this chapter even with the optimal support. Eddie gives him the same defense, and also gives him a bit of accuracy to help counteract biorythmn (which is sort of a problem for Nolan). If you wanna talk about wasteful, how about avoid on mr. bad luck and slow ass.

Edward may not even be fielded. And Aran can potentially have decent avoid, even if it's never going to be as h4x as Zihark or Volug or someone. Both have decent claims to the Nolan support, I guess.

Nolan doesn't really care who he supports, to be honest. More avoid or more hit? He wants both, really, and while he wants the avoid just a little bit more, Edward is a step ahead in terms of support speed.

I don't see it as very likely that both are even going to be fielded, so I doubt they'd ever be in competition for a support.

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I think that Nolan wanting avoid is one of those holdovers from Normal Mode, TBH, where double Earth is actually very handy. In HM though, especially looking at Part 3, it's pretty obvious that Nolan wants DEF over anything else.

Ignoring the relative worth of Eddie or Aran as individual units, the tiebreaker between them as Nolan supports, is the speed of the support more than the gains from it, imo. I think that Thunder avo vs. Light HIT is a minor issue in this scenario. Whoever can give him A as quickly as possible is preferred, I would say.

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But it's not like NolanxEdward is significantly faster. He might get A with Edward a chapter earlier at best, but that's it.

And when Part 3 rolls around, Nolan will want all the avoid he can get.

Edited by Anouleth
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Edward may not even be fielded.

Let's not jump to conclusions now, especially since Eddie's giving him a bonus he wouldn't mind-accuracy. Pretty much the only thing you can really help him in is him not missing as often. Eddie gives him the defense, and Nolan couldn't give a shit about 7 more avoid since it doesn't help him that much.

And Aran can potentially have decent avoid, even if it's never going to be as h4x as Zihark or Volug or someone.

There inlies the problem, Zihark and Volug aren't exactly puling full supported GBA unit sort of avoid at relevant points.

Both have decent claims to the Nolan support, I guess.

I think he'd prefer Illyana or Leo for the faster defense (Leo for slight harder hit, Illyana for his starting accuracy), but maybe that's just me.

Nolan doesn't really care who he supports, to be honest. More avoid or more hit? He wants both, really, and while he wants the avoid just a little bit more, Edward is a step ahead in terms of support speed.

Why would he want 7 more avoid? 20/1, he would have 47+30 avoid with that support, which would still have him in the 70s against the laguz. This is assuming Aran and Nolan can manage an A by then. Beforehand, Eddie gets Nolan the bonuses sooner, and in exchange for a lousy 3, then 5 then 7 avoid difference.

I also question survival being an issue in part 1. I'd prefer helping negate the biorythm's accuracy dipping issue that Nolan has than buffing up a trait that is not helping much more than Eddie would, that being avoid, in a portion of the game where it's not exactly hard to not die.

I don't see it as very likely that both are even going to be fielded, so I doubt they'd ever be in competition for a support.

Aran has the worst start and has to make Nolan wait longer for an insignificant bonus difference, I would consider Aran has the problem here.

Besides, I would still think he'd prefer Leo for the +2 Def sooner, followed by the +3. If your strength is taking shots, why need the Earth avoid?

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Nolan/Aran is simply faster. It also gives h4x avoid while only giving up a point of defense. Leo and Micaiah are the only +ATK supporters in the DB, so wasting one on Mr 70% Strength Growth seems... wasteful.

Nolan Ed is faster than Nolan Aran. It should be two chapters faster, not 1, assuming you are doing the same or similar number of adjacents for both.

They are both 01s, only Ed x Nolan get a C to start 1-4 if you made even 1 adjacent in the first 3 chapters, which happens to be on the very first turn of 1-1 since they start adjacent and you can't avoid getting them those 4 points. Aran x Nolan gets no chapter bonus for 1-3, so it seems unlikely that you'd have a C for 1-5 for them.

But it's not like NolanxEdward is significantly faster. He might get A with Edward a chapter earlier at best, but that's it.

And when Part 3 rolls around, Nolan will want all the avoid he can get.

When he can get 3RKOd 2 or so levels earlier by getting a +def support instead of 2RKOd by getting a non-+def support, in part 3 Nolan will want all the def he can get. Which leaves Ed, Leo, and Aran. Aran doesn't want Nolan, though Nolan is perfectly happy to take any of the three if they are in play. Admittedly, it is possible that none of the 3 will be in play and Nolan will be without +def. Such is life.

I still say it's 2 chapters earlier, just based on the math.

I think he'd prefer Illyana or Leo for the faster defense (Leo for slight harder hit, Illyana for his starting accuracy), but maybe that's just me.

Yeah, even though Leo is a 02 compared to Nolan's 01, the difference 2 adjacents over 2 chapters. Basically, they'll probably hit the support levels at the same times. Only real differences are it takes a touch more work for Leo x Aran than Nolan x Aran, and after the C Leo is giving 1 extra def for both B and A. Since Aran isn't dodging a thing for a long time, more def faster seems good. Since Aran isn't doubling anything ever, more mt seems like not such a bad idea. It's not like you have a wealth of doublers that can take the Leo and Micky supports for +4 damage instead of +2 damage. Jill is not likely to have an A for 3-6 either, so even that Brave Axe (and possibly quadding tigers) isn't becoming +4 damage or +8 damage. Of course, Micaiah has staves and is a 01, so I suppose it's possible for Micky x Jill to pull off an A if you really want it. But that doesn't affect Leo at all.

Why would he want 7 more avoid? 20/1, he would have 47+30 avoid with that support, which would still have him in the 70s against the laguz. This is assuming Aran and Nolan can manage an A by then. Beforehand, Eddie gets Nolan the bonuses sooner, and in exchange for a lousy 3, then 5 then 7 avoid difference.

It's also important to note that since it could easily be a 2 chapter difference in support speeds, B Earth x Light gives 15 avo compared to C Earth x Thunder's 10 avo, and Ed also gives +5 hit. A Earth x Light gives 23 avo compared to B Earth x Thunder's 20 avo, and Ed also gives +8 hit. It's not until they hit an A support (probably 1-E or 3-6, unless you keep them glued together to build something in a single chapter a couple of times) that Aran even gives any avo lead, and before then Aran gave less avo. All the while, Ed is helping Nolan's accuracy with hand axes. The iron axe forge probably gives 100% hit, or close to it, but even then Ed would help with bio.

Besides, I would still think he'd prefer Leo for the +2 Def sooner, followed by the +3. If your strength is taking shots, why need the Earth avoid?

Unfortunately, Leo and Aran are not likely to be raised together. It's possible, I suppose. Really, Aran can have almost anything he wants. I suppose Laura is a good argument for him, considering a 01 with staves might mean C for 1-5, B for 1-7, A for 1-8 if you really push it. Still, I wonder if Leo might be the thing that Aran wants more than anything else. His javelin hit is going to be bad even with a Laura support, and forges help considerably with his 1 range already. And Leo probably doesn't care about hit because iron bow forges and Lugh have great hit and he has an absurd amount of skill (eventually). The one thing Leo would probably want above anything else is Micaiah, but I can't imagine she wants him. Leo would probably take anything that gives him that +2 from his own affinity.

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Unfortunately, Leo and Aran are not likely to be raised together. It's possible, I suppose. Really, Aran can have almost anything he wants. I suppose Laura is a good argument for him, considering a 01 with staves might mean C for 1-5, B for 1-7, A for 1-8 if you really push it. Still, I wonder if Leo might be the thing that Aran wants more than anything else. His javelin hit is going to be bad even with a Laura support, and forges help considerably with his 1 range already. And Leo probably doesn't care about hit because iron bow forges and Lugh have great hit and he has an absurd amount of skill (eventually). The one thing Leo would probably want above anything else is Micaiah, but I can't imagine she wants him. Leo would probably take anything that gives him that +2 from his own affinity.

Who the hell says you need to use Leo seriously to have him be helpful? The only thing Leo cares about is offense. Level 7 Leo has 9 Str, and a seriously used one would probably be 12, who has...10. Not that big a difference. Give him a +1 from Aran C and an iron forge, that's 21 might. Let's give Aran the benefit of the doubt and say he's level 12 if used seriously. 13.75 Str Str. +1 from Leo, toss him an iron forge, that's 26 or 27 might.


1x Fighter lvl 11 (Hand Axe)

HP 30, Atk 24, AS 12, Hit 99, Avo 31, DEF 8, RES 3, Crit 5, Ddg 7

1x Fighter lvl 12 (Steel Axe)

HP 31, Atk 26, AS 12, Hit 106, Avo 31, DEF 9, RES 3, Crit 6, Ddg 7

1x Fighter lvl 13 (Steel Axe)

HP 31, Atk 26, AS 12, Hit 108, Avo 31, DEF 9, RES 3, Crit 6, Ddg 7

Aran might need to proc that 27 might, but them together could kill these guys while helping Aran avoid the counter.

1x Archer lvl 11 (Steel Bow)

HP 26, Atk 24, AS 13, Hit 116, Avo 34, DEF 9, RES 4, Crit 7, Ddg 8

1x Archer lvl 13 (Steel Bow)

HP 27, Atk 25, AS 14, Hit 118, Avo 36, DEF 10, RES 5, Crit 7, Ddg 8

Same with these guys, except no might proc'ing t all.

1x Soldier lvl 11 (Steel Lance)

HP 27, Atk 23, AS 13, Hit 111, Avo 33, DEF 10, RES 6, Crit 6, Ddg 7

No proc at all, though it helps.

1x Myrmidon lvl 14 (Steel Sword)

HP 26, Atk 20, AS 16, Hit 124, Avo 41, DEF 8, RES 4, Crit 12, Ddg 9

1x Myrmidon lvl 14 (Steel Sword)

HP 26, Atk 19, AS 17, Hit 125, Avo 42, DEF 9, RES 5, Crit 43, Ddg 8

Same deal

1x Thunder Nage lvl 13 (Thunder)

HP 22, Atk 15, AS 11, Hit 111, Avo 29, DEF 5, RES 10, Crit 11, Ddg 7

If Aran has 27 might, he could actually OHKO this punk.

Then, Leo can obviously insta-blick pegs with normal steel to save up on that forge, and various other deals. Only problem would be with armors, and that Aran has to get 5 levels in the span of 2 1/2 chapters.

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I really fail to see why this is such an issue. +7 avoid may be peanuts, but so is +8 hit. So is the slightly faster support. Nolan doesn't care, and both Eddie and Aran want Nolan.

I don't see why Aran wants Ilyana or Leonardo. Ilyana is eventually going to leave, so Aran is probably not going to support her for long so that he can have A Anyone in Part 3, Leonardo may not be fielded on some maps such as 1-7 and 1-8 due to limited slots, and it's not as fast for Aran as Nolan is. There's simply no reason for Aran to support anyone other than Nolan, providing he has no competition, and his only significant competition is Edward.

And again, you're not really likely to be fielding both. You'd need to field Aran, Nolan and Edward for this to make a difference - you may not even want to seriously train three 1st-tiers to begin with, and you may not want Aran, Nolan and Edward to be those three 1st-tiers.

Nolan Ed is faster than Nolan Aran. It should be two chapters faster, not 1, assuming you are doing the same or similar number of adjacents for both.

They are both 01s, only Ed x Nolan get a C to start 1-4 if you made even 1 adjacent in the first 3 chapters, which happens to be on the very first turn of 1-1 since they start adjacent and you can't avoid getting them those 4 points. Aran x Nolan gets no chapter bonus for 1-3, so it seems unlikely that you'd have a C for 1-5 for them.

I usually send Nolan/Aran to the south in 1-4 to hold the Healing Jar chokepoint. They need 9 adjacents to pull off a C, and you may have gotten one or two from 1-3, so it's possible they could have C in time for 1-5.

Edited by Anouleth
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I really fail to see why this is such an issue. +7 avoid may be peanuts, but so is +8 hit. So is the slightly faster support. Nolan doesn't care, and both Eddie and Aran want Nolan.

Part 1, it's rather easy to claim that dying would be the fault of RNG or just stupid playing. I'd rather have the accuracy to flub less shots. Part 3, no avoid on Earth could make a relevent difference to Nolan. I'd rather have the accuracy to not flub shots.

Eddie gets the bonuses faster to Nolan than Aran's "better bonuses" can muster.

Nolan would rather have Eddie

I don't see why Aran wants Ilyana or Leonardo. Ilyana is eventually going to leave, so Aran is probably not going to support her for long so that he can have A Anyone in Part 3, Leonardo may not be fielded on some maps such as 1-7 and 1-8 due to limited slots, and it's not as fast for Aran as Nolan is. There's simply no reason for Aran to support anyone other than Nolan, providing he has no competition, and his only significant competition is Edward.

Limited slots work against Aran too. If it's a problem for 1-7 and 1-8, and we have no room for Aran, then Aran's got problems being seriously used himself. He might as well get something relevent out of his part 1 supporter, and Nolan is completely worthless on Aran himself in comparison.

And again, you're not really likely to be fielding both. You'd need to field Aran, Nolan and Edward for this to make a difference - you may not even want to seriously train three 1st-tiers to begin with, and you may not want Aran, Nolan and Edward to be those three 1st-tiers.

If we're to go by their starts, this is again a bigger problem for Aran than Eddie.

EDIT: Anouleth, what're you doing sitting still in 1-4? You could split up the team and still not have problems. You could probably clear the map faster that way as well.

Edited by Cait Sith
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Nolan x Ed is only faster in terms of the requirements needed to build their support, in terms of durability, Edward may not be keeping up with Nolan to keep himself alive. This means that Aran can potentially has more adjacents to help even it out a bit.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, I'll put it out there, Sanaki to just above or below Bastian. Basic rundown:

Sanaki is forced 4-P. She is 2HKO'd doing 50-75% damage to enemies depending on what is safe to use. Thickets make it pseudo-chokepointy with all the paladins, making it easy to keep her safe. Needs to watch out for the turn 6 SM reinforcements (that might never show up), and the couple of generals and warriors that OHKO her.

Sanaki is forced 4-3. Desert makes it damn near impossible for anything that isn't flying to kill her. Should be able to avoid being doubled if you do something crazy like forge her a fire in 4-2 and plop it in the convoy. Does 50%+ damage to enemies with it too. Could probably OHKO DM with Thoron, but it's kinda risky w/ only ~80% displayed as basically all DM OHKO her.

Bastian is available in 4-5. Doesn't really do much since Tibarn can ORKO the boss and the chapter goal is defeat boss. Can OHKO Cats, Tigers, Hawks, and Raven (though Ravens require Rexcalibur). Is 2RKO'd by everything except 26AS Cats/Hawks and 30 MT Ravens. Has staffs.

Endgame. Sanaki is forced. Bastian has staffs. Bastian can take an extra hit most the time. Basically the same thing otherwise.

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Well, in Bastian's defense, I'd say he's important for the Boss Kill in 4-5. He can't ORKO any of the laguz around Izuka with a siege tome unless it's a 20 AS Tiger, but with either Meteor or Blizzard (for a flier) he does some pretty significant damage to them, and either Vigor from Raisin or a follow-up from Elincia can clear a spot for Tibarn to get in there an ORKO.

But I still agree that in efficient play, Sanaki is better than he is.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think Brom may be able to get a CON transfer. Not sure if it'd move him up or down though.

I'm sorry as I only am curious as to what you were smoking to cause you to think that would be of any sort of importance whatsoever?

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  • 1 month later...

Yeah, probably. Ah well, I'll post what I wanted to see anyway.

First off, I think most of us agreed back in smash's little topic that Sanaki > Bastian. Secondly, I'd like to present Oliver > Sephiran. Okay, I get that Sephiran is this great unit and all in 4-E-5. Now consider that Oliver takes an Endgame slot. Being that he is a Saint, he has access to SS Rank Staves. With it, this means that Oliver is able to help around with healing in 4-E-1 more efficiently than Bastian since it's Physic vs. Fortify, with Fortify winning overall. If it requires more elaboration or whatnot, I'm cool with doing so.

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