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I want another review from somone who doesn't rate nearly everything below 5...

I'll rate you 7/10 then. ;)

Someone who will rate yours above 5? *walks out*

Me. =P

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8/10. Not original, but I always thought Ishtar had a nice ring to it.

7.5/10 because I don't know where the hell you got that from so I think it is somewhat original >_>. Btw, what's your avatar? >_>

Gustave is the French variation of Gustaf. My avatar is a picture of the central character of Saga Frontier 2. His name happens to be Gustave.

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Famous? O_o

^10/10, cute name. ^_^

^10/10, cute name. ^_^
cute name. ^_^
cute name


@TLS: Normally you'd get marks down for containing "Lord" and a video game character (that you don't even like anymore), but your name has a weird effect on me...


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