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Most hated chapter

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While I tend to dislike any map with a swarm of non-enemy units I couldn't directly control (hel-LO, I'd like to PLAY the game, not wait 15 minutes for my useless, exp-stealing allies to blunder around haplessly before it's my turn again)...3-13 made me positively see red. Bad enough that they expected me to muster any enthusiasm for championing Micaiah's band of failures against the Greil Effing Mercenaries...even worse that it was a Defend map...worse still that I couldn't even drag Micaiah into the action to get her some experience (pretty much the only purpose of any DB chapter, as far as I was concerned, since I knew I'd have to bring the little twit onto the final maps) without using up her Purge book...

...It's the only map in the game where NOT PLAYING IT is actually a viable solution. (Well, and the earlier DB map in part 3--don't remember which one, that whole business with Sanaki. I was still trying back then, though, so I couldn't say for sure.) I just stayed up top and hit 'next turn' however many times until it ended. I think I actually engaged in combat three times. Sure, that was my choice, I COULD have run down and fought...but I didn't HAVE to, and my dispassionate loathing for the DB and their whole plot line made me unwilling to endure the finger strain of moving them around the board. And it STILL took, like, an HOUR with all the allied and enemy units plodding around in midfield. Arghhh.

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2-3 for knowing that even though I'm so close to both of those Paragons, I won't actually get either of them for AGES! D:

And 1-8 for being such a pain, especially when you can't just use the characters you're training.

Also, any Chapter where the BK hogs EXP, WHY can't I disarm him?! >_>

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You get hardly any units to use, leaving little in the way of strategic options. Luck is a much bigger factor than tactics, etc. It's the same reason I hate the BK fight in FE9.


1-9: You can't see anything, and enemies come from both sides, so if you're on hard and don't have a substantially RNG blessed Micaiah, you have to have the enemy layout memorized or you'll get killed. This may happen even with a pwnsauce Micaiah.

2-1: You have to have Brom sit there for several turns hacking away at the enemy armor units in your way, which is lame, and Nephenee can't do anything to help out, so she goes down to recruit Heather among other things, and there her performance is dictated by luck, and being a single unit, it's not very involving at all. At least the way I do it. If there's a better way, please tell me.

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2-1: You have to have Brom sit there for several turns hacking away at the enemy armor units in your way, which is lame, and Nephenee can't do anything to help out, so she goes down to recruit Heather among other things, and there her performance is dictated by luck, and being a single unit, it's not very involving at all. At least the way I do it. If there's a better way, please tell me.

Most people find that chapter annoying. I don't really get why. Even in hard mode with no transfers, I had zero problems. I did basically what you said; Send Nephenee down to kill the mage and recruit Heather, have Brom stay and kill those enemies/visit the buildings. When Heather comes, she uses her knives to help Nephenee in the combat area. I try to use Herbs and Vulneraries carefully to get Nephenee to safely activate Wrath, a strategy that's perfect for the boss.

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I saw some people didn't like Geoffrey's Charge, I've just gotta say I love it. I like sending the ally units to the lower right hand corner and only using Marcia, Geoffrey, and Kieran to kill every enemy.

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Most people find that chapter annoying. I don't really get why. Even in hard mode with no transfers, I had zero problems. I did basically what you said; Send Nephenee down to kill the mage and recruit Heather, have Brom stay and kill those enemies/visit the buildings. When Heather comes, she uses her knives to help Nephenee in the combat area. I try to use Herbs and Vulneraries carefully to get Nephenee to safely activate Wrath, a strategy that's perfect for the boss.

It's just annoying cause there isn't really a fast way to finish that chapter. I guess we're just impatient with Brom and Nephenee that they're not owning the whole map as fast as we'd like them to.

While I tend to dislike any map with a swarm of non-enemy units I couldn't directly control (hel-LO, I'd like to PLAY the game, not wait 15 minutes for my useless, exp-stealing allies to blunder around haplessly before it's my turn again)...3-13 made me positively see red. Bad enough that they expected me to muster any enthusiasm for championing Micaiah's band of failures against the Greil Effing Mercenaries...even worse that it was a Defend map...worse still that I couldn't even drag Micaiah into the action to get her some experience (pretty much the only purpose of any DB chapter, as far as I was concerned, since I knew I'd have to bring the little twit onto the final maps) without using up her Purge book...

Just buy Micaiah a physic staff so she can heal people from up there. It's better than nothing and she gets some nice exp from healing. She can gain at least 2 levels without paragon and can gain a few more with paragon.

Edited by KSFF2150
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Most people find that chapter annoying. I don't really get why. Even in hard mode with no transfers, I had zero problems. I did basically what you said; Send Nephenee down to kill the mage and recruit Heather, have Brom stay and kill those enemies/visit the buildings. When Heather comes, she uses her knives to help Nephenee in the combat area. I try to use Herbs and Vulneraries carefully to get Nephenee to safely activate Wrath, a strategy that's perfect for the boss.

It's not that it's hard; it's just... slow, and there's no better way to do it. If it were slow because it actually required strategy, then that would be fine, but it's not. It's just tedious.

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Most people find that chapter annoying. I don't really get why. Even in hard mode with no transfers, I had zero problems. I did basically what you said; Send Nephenee down to kill the mage and recruit Heather, have Brom stay and kill those enemies/visit the buildings. When Heather comes, she uses her knives to help Nephenee in the combat area. I try to use Herbs and Vulneraries carefully to get Nephenee to safely activate Wrath, a strategy that's perfect for the boss.

Am I the only guy who sent Brom to the South and made sure Nephenee killed at least 95% of the enemies in that Chapter? ^(?_?)>

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