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Mages - Invites Mekkah

Best mage(invites all debators, and Mekkah)  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. Who's the best? Debate & Vote!

    • Lugh
    • Lilina
    • Hugh

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The reason I added Mekkah up there was to imply that Mekkah is one fierce debator.

I say this:


Lugh is a very solid mage, is really quick, and wears SHORTS. Whoopee. It's a clincher.

Lilina has overkill mag, which comes handy when she promotes, but until then, her speed will get her pwned unless you're careful.

Hugh costs a lot of money if you want him to be good, but nevertheless he's decent.

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The problem with FE6 Mages is that they all suck. More specifically, their joining situations suck, and their durability sucks forever.


Lugh has A Ellen/B Chad, but both have obvious issues with how much it is in play and benefits.

Lilina has A Gonzales/C Roy, which is pretty awesome overall actually.

Hugh can't really support anyone quickly enough.

Joining situations:

Lugh joins in Ch3, but he can't do shit there, so he's likely to enter Ch4 at base level. Gets 2HKOed by anything that doesn't OHKO him, does a maximum of about 6-8 damage to things with 30 HP if not more, etc. So he basically sucks.

Lilina joins at Ch8, when it's over halfway over, and she sucks about as hard as Lugh did. She grows faster, but the gap between her and the team is also much wider, and to make it worse, she never really learns how to DA unlike Lugh.

Hugh joins at pretty much the end of Ch16 (what's with everyone joining on a map without being able to help out), and he is being one rounded as well, though only by Mercs. Most things two-shot him. His joining situation is probably the relative best, though he also has to compete with promoted team mates...he manages to join at a point where everyone can get a promo item (Secret Shop).

Lugh keeps somewhat decent offense and still rather garbage defense. Lilina never really gets good offense due to her doubling problems, in addition to her failure durability never letting her get exposed. Hugh's growths are nothing amazing, but at least he can promote to Sage pretty quickly after joining anyway, and he doesn't have periods of really huge ass suck, just kind of sucking.

That leaves Hugh's massive pilfering of the funds rank to worry about, which I believe is overrated, but I'm not going to say anything about that until we actually have ranking data of FE6.

I'd say Lugh is the best overall...he has a period of time where he's actually pretty decent, and he fulfills the niche of accurate ranged attacking on high Def units when it's actually needed. Lilina is like a Wendy with 1-2 range and less Def, and Hugh just lacks availability, supports, and hurts funds.

I'm not sure whether Lilina sucking for the whole game is worse than Hugh's whatever-he-does.

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In chapter 21 she kills all the dragon knights, mamkutes, and Murdock

Don't think I could beat the game without her

Lugh is second he could do just as well but if I had to choose Lillina

Hugh is OK but not nearly as good as Lillina and Lugh

I voted Lillina

Edited by luigi bros
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I didn't want to but I did vote for Lugh; all of his stats (save HP, Def and Con) surpass Hugh, only magic can possibly be lower but his growth rate is still higher than Hugh's so they'll end up even on that stat; Lilina has the magic and luck to make her good but her other stats (not counting Res which IS the best of the three) are pretty weak and can be a serious hitch, she can make up for a portion of it with the proper supports -and she has more than enough support options- Lugh wins however because he is the most capable without any support active

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I have to agree Lugh is the best out of the lot. I tried to use all three before and like the reasons given above is the best of the mages which doesnt really mean too much as I could had done an all physical fighters party with more or less the same results if not more efficiently.

Though I like Hugh the most so he gets points for coolness compared to the other two.

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The problem with FE6 Mages is that they all suck. More specifically, their joining situations suck, and their durability sucks forever

I thought Lugh was generally considered a pretty good character while the other two suck?

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Actually, what Mekkah means is that Lugh is only better than both Lilina and Huge nothing more. Just because he's the only better Mage/Sage doesn't really mean he'd be the best unit ever. As Mekkah stated before in FEPlanet...:

Not even Lugh is that amazing until he caught up, and he needs some meh units like Ray/Ellen in play for supports, or support with a thief. The fact that he is the best of them says a lot about the other two.
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Mages aren't that great in this game despite enemies having almost non-existent res., but Lugh is definitely the best mage... Especially because of his joining situation.

Edited by Rei
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I thought Lugh was generally considered a pretty good character while the other two suck?

Used to be so. Treck used to be considered better than Noah, Echidna used to be Low tier, Nino used to be awesome, etc. I'm sure there's still lots of people out there who think Lugh, or one of the others, or all three of them are good.

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Lugh is obviously the best mage.

Why did you even make this thread?

That leaves Hugh's massive pilfering of the funds rank to worry about, which I believe is overrated, but I'm not going to say anything about that until we actually have ranking data of FE6.

Only reason why I'm not ranking FE6.

Will we ever?

Edited by Julius
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Wow I've missed a lot.

Not really, it's just nitpicky debate shenanigans. I'm not going to jump aboard the "Noah is better than Treck" train.

Anyway, Lugh is best in fighting, Lilina is best at looking cute!

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I voted Lugh. He was pretty useful for me, being the first mage, and(with Ellen's careful watch) I used him to kill the boss of the chapter he joins. Afterwords, I use him greatly. Lillina comes to late and there is too wide of a gap between to fix. Hugh costs too much to be really good.

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Every time I've played Lillina has had 19~21 speed is that bad?

Sounds like you go lucky. Lilina's base speed is bad for her join time and he speed growth is below average.

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Lillina is faster than Hugh but slower than Lugh. The time I used all three I got.

Lugh level 20/20




Speed:25 capped




Got lucky with defense.

Lillina level 20/20


Magic:30 capped





Resistance:25 Capped

Aperantly I got lucky with speed

Hugh level 20/12








Never used again so I can't comment.

No stat boosters were used on any of them.

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