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Favorite character

Little Sothe

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I use a range of characters... Some better than others.









Captain Falcon

I usually rotate between these when I'm Brawling against someone.

As for Melee, when I ued to play that alot, I mained with Pikachu, then I started using Roy and he became my new main. Then during the last week of playing Melee before getting Brawl, I got good with Marth.

But these days, I suck at Melee. Brawl did something to me. Something bad.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I always fall of the field XD. in a game with five lives I always lost 4 by suicide in SSBM, where I usually use Link or Bowser.

in SSBB I'm always Pit, he can fly, so no more falling of for me :D .

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  • 1 month later...

I am a huge Zelda fan

I like using Link and Toon Link a lot

I also use Marth



Pikachu (not much of a pkman fan but I love pikachu =D)

Sonic the Hedgehog (oooooooh yeah he's awesomeness I think Sonic is the first vid game I've ever played)


I sometimes use Peach

sometimes use Zelda/Sheik

and I don't use ROB much but I like him anywayz =]

................. well... I think there aren't any others.

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