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My Brother Needs to Stop Playing Xbox...


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So I was walking into the room where my brother set up his Xbox 360. I decided I wanted to play Fallout 3 again, so I asked him politely if I could play when he was done. There was a short pause.

After some time of silence I figured he had not heard me, so I asked again. This time he simply tilted his head a slight bit as he gazed at the glow of the screen, still not letting a word escape his mouth.

At last I ask a third time more prominently, "excuse me, Anthony, do you mind if I play after you're done here?" I made it as clear as possible to prevent me from having to repeat myself a third time.

Anthony did not even glance an eye in my direction and responded with, "toast..."

I think he's been playing far too long...

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So I was walking into the room where my brother set up his Xbox 360. I decided I wanted to play Fallout 3 again, so I asked him politely if I could play when he was done. There was a short pause.

After some time of silence I figured he had not heard me, so I asked again. This time he simply tilted his head a slight bit as he gazed at the glow of the screen, still not letting a word escape his mouth.

At last I ask a third time more prominently, "excuse me, Anthony, do you mind if I play after you're done here?" I made it as clear as possible to prevent me from having to repeat myself a third time.

Anthony did not even glance an eye in my direction and responded with, "toast..."

I think he's been playing far too long...

Toast? Sounds good to me!


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So I was walking into the room where my brother set up his Xbox 360. I decided I wanted to play Fallout 3 again, so I asked him politely if I could play when he was done. There was a short pause.

After some time of silence I figured he had not heard me, so I asked again. This time he simply tilted his head a slight bit as he gazed at the glow of the screen, still not letting a word escape his mouth.

At last I ask a third time more prominently, "excuse me, Anthony, do you mind if I play after you're done here?" I made it as clear as possible to prevent me from having to repeat myself a third time.

Anthony did not even glance an eye in my direction and responded with, "toast..."

I think he's been playing far too long...

I think you may need to talk to your parents about that.

Toast is yum, though.

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Well I'm also concerned about how much those games control his life. I brought over about three girls to our house before, two of which were single, and one of which was interested in him. He literally did not even look up to say hello. He literally sat in the glow of his game and responded with a grunt. Even after they attempted talking to him. He shows no interest in men either.

I understand some people are just non-sexual people, but he shows no interest in even interacting with people. When he plays his games he never talks to anyone about anything besides the game, and half the time he's just yelling at them. He never had any friends at school either, and all he talks about are his first person shooters. If I ever so much as try to talk to him about anything else, he literally falls asleep...

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The response I usually get in these situations is "Fuck you asshole" (I can't even play my own Wii without hearing this first lol). Diplomacy doesn't work on the kid so I just proceed to scaring him.

Many things are wrong with your brother Cynthia.

Edited by Levin
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Your brother need to get a life. This is the problem with video games. They cause children to not understand that there is a real world outside their houses and that in this world, you need to communicate and be social instead of being cope up in your house all day wasting your time playing video games.

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Your brother need to get a life. This is the problem with video games. They cause children to not understand that there is a real world outside their houses and that in this world, you need to communicate and be social instead of being cope up in your house all day wasting your time playing video games.

And video games are to blame because...? There's many that are easily able to play VGs and interact with the real world. Kids/Adults that can't do both shouldn't be playing. That's it.

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Your brother need to get a life. This is the problem with video games. They cause children to not understand that there is a real world outside their houses and that in this world, you need to communicate and be social instead of being cope up in your house all day wasting your time playing video games.

It's not so much that as it is that some people just can't handle video games. Some can, some can't.

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And it is not like this is a new issue. TV used to keep people on the couch all the time (and it might still do).

I wouldn't blame VGs directly. It sounds like a problem specific to your brother.

Edited by FE3 Player
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And it is not like this is a new issue. TV used to keep people on the couch all the time (and it might still do).

I wouldn't blame VGs directly. It sounds like a problem specific to your brother.

Dammit, I thought people would believe me.

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Good news for you then >_>

Actually he walked right by my room once with me and Kayla snuggling, and I swore he was going to notice but to my surprise he looked directly at us as he walked, and didn't even so much as hint that he saw us there.

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