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My Brother Needs to Stop Playing Xbox...


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He's going to buy that by next week more than likely.

Don't count on playing me, I'm not allowed to use the live...

Ah ballz :/

You don't wanna. Left for Dead is horrible

you dont like lots of good things

Doesn't the 360 have parental control where you can set allowed amounts of times each day? I think i remeber seeing when i changed the time on our xbox.....

tis be the truth. faiya's parents did that to his 360 when school was in

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So I was walking into the room where my brother set up his Xbox 360. I decided I wanted to play Fallout 3 again, so I asked him politely if I could play when he was done. There was a short pause.

After some time of silence I figured he had not heard me, so I asked again. This time he simply tilted his head a slight bit as he gazed at the glow of the screen, still not letting a word escape his mouth.

At last I ask a third time more prominently, "excuse me, Anthony, do you mind if I play after you're done here?" I made it as clear as possible to prevent me from having to repeat myself a third time.

Anthony did not even glance an eye in my direction and responded with, "toast..."

I think he's been playing far too long...

Well I'm also concerned about how much those games control his life. I brought over about three girls to our house before, two of which were single, and one of which was interested in him. He literally did not even look up to say hello. He literally sat in the glow of his game and responded with a grunt. Even after they attempted talking to him. He shows no interest in men either.

I understand some people are just non-sexual people, but he shows no interest in even interacting with people. When he plays his games he never talks to anyone about anything besides the game, and half the time he's just yelling at them. He never had any friends at school either, and all he talks about are his first person shooters. If I ever so much as try to talk to him about anything else, he literally falls asleep...

This sounds very serious, and instead of my reply of "LOL TAKEZ AWAYZ HIS FPS" I think ill say a serious bit. I do play a large amount of games, however I have a life and I dont stare stupidly at my sibling ordering a midnight meeting with toast. I think what needs to happen is you need to tell your parents, like not tell them but TELL THEM. Smack them if need be, or have them look at his unresponsiveness while playing the game. However, you might have already thought of that, but I really cannot be of serious help, seeing I myself am not in the situation. When all in doubt contact a professional.


Edited by Erk23
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to be serious, your brother is hopeless. Let he live in his flat world untill he realizes how stupid he was himself.

It's maybe rather bad but it's the only way. To ignore to nake girl, If I was him, I could jump in like a hungry tiger...

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At your brother: o_O

At your parents: /facepalm

I bear no useful advice, aside from tell them and not stop until they know you mean business, like (I think) the guy with the Boromir avatar said.

Also, my first reaction to the "Undress your girlfriend" scenario would be "Why the fuck are you naked?!"

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