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Lyle Dayek: Annoying self-righteous prick who's also a hypocrite.

Destiny Hero: For a fourteen-year-old, pretty immature. Also narrow-minded.

Quetzalcoatl/whateverhegoesbynow: RELIGION

discoSTARPRINCE: In the 8 posts you've made you're pretty awesome.


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Guuu, I'll edit this post to be discrete later on.

Later on has come. Alrighty then, let's make this fast and painless:

Vincent - You are very well known in the Fire Emblem community, and greatly respected by many. I am a fangirl of yours, so watch out.

Mekkah - Aira > Holyn, end of story. Levin!Arthur is pretty good, but you have a ways to go before saying that child generations automatically suck because of parent pairings. Yeah, other than debating, I have no idea about you : )

Rei - May I be your fangirl? k.

roylover - Not very active here in SF, but you're AWESOME BEYOND GOD OMG AND I LOVE YOU.

Snow_Storm - The remixes you do are high and low hits; you're pretty open and just don't give a damn!

Boo - You're laid back and know what you're talking about.

Herr - Quite interesting a lot of the time, makes pretty good points and is a Midir fan.

FE3 Player - Clint Eastwood.


Thingy Person - The object of Fia's abuse.

Marthur - Gives pretty good recommendations and has a good sense of humor.

Shannan - L'Arachel makes you awesome as does your sweettwisted sense of humor.

Skasha - I forgot your previous names, OTL, but it's fun talking to you even though you're afraid of me to some degree. And you're now watching Terra e, so that makes you instantly awesome. :>

Bizz - Instantly awesome.

Eteller - Really cool and stuff. Words can't describe. : D

Fia - Ah, dearest me. We've had arguments, debates, highs, and lows. You and that mind of yours keep me coming back. I've had a bunch of really good, hilarious talks with you on YIM, and I still do. I'll also let you in on a little secret:

I didn't drop Scorned.

But as you know, I'm really more of a spontaneous writer. You're a really cool person and I'm just... strange. And boring. Hee. XD

People who I piss off in some way - I love you too.

Edited by Soldier Blue
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D. Hero: Proof that morons should be banned from the internet until they can mature.

Herr: I don't like him because he's a violist. It's a viola VS. violin thing. (Kidding, I like him because he knows his music theory and history).

Snow_Storm: One sexy piece of black chocolate.

TLS: Pretty cool for a teenage kid.

MaSu, Doom, Rei, Nightmarre,: The made the chat what it was- Great.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i'll do my list based on who i interact the most with or who has caused the most impression on me

in no particular order.

Fourth Fox: Awesomesauce. She has my respect, and wins for loving Valkyries as much as me. Lol, one of the people who went against me from the start, and for that I thank her! :P

CGV: Lolperv! I love the way he sometimes just twists people's words to make them sound totally wrong! Only wish I would have talked to him a bit more...

Fireman: oh my! Strip for me for 10000 gold! XD Wins at life! One of the people i most identify with, and one of my favorites too. Plus, he made my mug sprite, so that's extra points for him!

Metal Rabbit/Arc/etc: Randomness ahoy! Lol at his fictions even though i haven't read anything he's written recently Really awesome guy and I like to think that we are close. Too bad that he mostly just lurks nowadays...

Kiryn: Lol at the Chosen One! Even though she claims divinity status, I'M still the goddess and/or queen! Cool person! And i missed you these last months!

HikaRUSA: Hates me. And I know it. And for that I love him! *hugs* I love your satiric remarks, cause they're made of win and stuff! I always liked you! <3

Raven: Somebody who really seems awesome, but i haven't really talked to much. Maybe we should chat more often?

MaSu: Lolslave! I've had some fun times with this little fellah! Even though it's mostly at his own expense, but it was funny! lol!

Lyle Dayek: Lol! My partner in crime! One of my most fervent accomplices, we had much fun together plotting evile and stuff! And my most secret confidant! PURISIMU POWAH MAKE-UP!!!!!!

Nightmare: He is really cool! It's almost like we have the same tastes in everything even though i haven't told him this. And my Athena whoops your team single-handedly. XD

Gatrie: one of my closest friends here, and with one of the people I PM the most often! I LOVE YOU GATRIE AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT!!!! XD

...and that's it for now. I'll try to remember some more people, but i'm kinda tired. these are the main people i wanted to mention, though...

Edited by Persephone
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i'll do my list based on who i interact the most with or who has caused the most impression on me

in no particular order.

Fourth Fox: Awesomesauce. She has my respect, and wins for loving Valkyries as much as me. Lol, one of the people who went against me from the start, and for that I thank her! :P

CGV: Lolperv! I love the way he sometimes just twists people's words to make them sound totally wrong! Only wish I would have talked to him a bit more...

Fireman: oh my! Strip for me for 10000 gold! XD Wins at life! One of the people i most identify with, and one of my favorites too. Plus, he made my mug sprite, so that's extra points for him!

Metal Rabbit/Arc/etc: Randomness ahoy! Lol at his fictions even though i haven't read anything he's written recently Really awesome guy and I like to think that we are close. Too bad that he mostly just lurks nowadays...

HikaRUSA: Hates me. And I know it. And for that I love him! *hugs* I love your satiric remarks, cause they're made of win and stuff! I always liked you! <3

Raven: Somebody who really seems awesome, but i haven't really talked to much. Maybe we should chat more often?

MaSu: Lolslave! I've had some fun times with this little fellah! Even though it's mostly at his own expense, but it was funny! lol!

Lyle Dayek: Lol! My partner in crime! One of my most fervent accomplices, we had much fun together plotting evile and stuff! And my most secret confidant! PURISIMU POWAH MAKE-UP!!!!!!

Nightmare: He is really cool! It's almost like we have the same tastes in everything even though i haven't told him this. And my Athena whoops your team single-handedly. XD

Gatrie: one of my closest friends here, and with one of the people I PM the most often! I LOVE YOU GATRIE AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT!!!! XD

...and that's it for now. I'll try to remember some more people, but i'm kinda tired. these are the main people i wanted to mention, though...

there's always time ;)

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Fireman: oh my! Strip for me for 10000 gold! XD Wins at life! One of the people i most identify with, and one of my favorites too. Plus, he made my mug sprite, so that's extra points for him!

I'm not kidding when I say this, but I could've sworn it said "strip me for 10,000 gold"

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Nightmare: He is really cool! It's almost like we have the same tastes in everything even though i haven't told him this. And my Athena whoops your team single-handedly. XD

But but, my Rugal! D:

I'm glad that's what you think, btw. :P

We should play again sometime! When you're less busy, of course.

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But but, my Rugal! D:

I'm glad that's what you think, btw. :P

We should play again sometime! When you're less busy, of course.

i'll be free this weekend, can you get on then?

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...I think I'll add Persephone to my list.
...I think I'll add Persephone
I think I'll add Persephone
I'll add Persephone
add Persephone
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...I think I'll add Persephone to my list.

of people you hate and want to kill?

of people you think are cute?

of people you want to honour as a goddess?

of people you fell "accidentally in love"?

of people you just want to throw into a bottomless pit?

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of people you hate and want to kill?

of people you think are cute?

of people you want to honour as a goddess?

of people you fell "accidentally in love"?

of people you just want to throw into a bottomless pit?

Of people I want to-

[The rest of this message has been censored by VinceMSN]

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