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Member Feelings about other Members


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Zeph: At first I thought Zeph was cool, then I though he was lame, then I wondered where he went, then I thought he was lame again, then I thought he was cool, now I still think he's cool, but in a lameish sort of way. XD

...What? I no speak the language you speak!

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*goes through friends list*

Bianchi Ridell Crimea-I'm her Royal Garud XD. Awesome and funny and stuff.

Bizz-Made me a Bizzling. 8D

CGV- A good, funny friend. Tottaly NOT a perv.

Desdemona- FALCON PWANCHA! Epic commenting. XD

Gatrie: Alone and Unloved- Mah brah. HE IS LEGAl NOW!

Haseo: Terror of Death- Writer of an epic story with epic lance magic. Funny.

Lyle Dayek- Good friend. Funny and cool. His sensible posts, well, bring me to my senses.

Princess Kilvas- The most popular member to boot. Good artist.Pretty cool.

Toa Lord Sothe- Mah brah. Kinda crazy, but cool. Survived a Hummer.

Yosuke- MY FELLOW TALES NAZI! We has lots in common. Kewl and funny and awespme.

Chris: The No Flame Cougar- My best friend here. He was my first.

DragonBladeSniper- Nother good friend. He's Canadian, which makes him auto win.

Mad Sage- My other best friend. He was fun to talk to. I miss him.

Piemanmj- Gave me lots of Jesus bakins pies. I ran out of 4 life supplies.

Sandslash- Mah noob buddeh. Hes cool.

Blastoise- One whiny bitch of a whorey pirate hooker. That smells.

Edited by Blastoise
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He dead...

I forgot you in my thing!

And Kiryn!

*Rectifies mistake.*

Namie Amuro: I like the name "Tashi" the best, but as for you yourself, though you can be pretty strict, you're pretty cool too. You're starting to loosen up a bit too I've noticed.

Kiryn: The only person that stuck through my original story, I owe it to her to stick it through hers. (Which incidentally, is better than mine.) She's the chosen one, what's not to like?

Plus, we might be writing a story together, so I have to be nice to her at least until it's over. XD

Kiryn rocks.

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Anyways my list:

Wist: He's like the most quoted and yet very influential person I've ever met. His wits and insights are very inspiring and coherent thus it was an honour that I've gotten the opportunity to get to know him. He shares somewhat the same interests as I do.

Mekkah: He's a pretty amazing guy who likes to give good advice about mainly FE. Just as long as I don't mess with him...

Reikken: Not much to say other than he's a cool fellow, I like how he debates in FEP.

Tino: Same with him. Another awesome FE debater.

torifae: <_<

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Namie Amuro: I like the name "Tashi" the best, but as for you yourself, though you can be pretty strict, you're pretty cool too. You're starting to loosen up a bit too I've noticed.

Hmmm...I've never notice this...Well I have something to say about you...

When I first met you on that discussion board if I recall, I thought you we're one of those idiotic pricks who like to spam their ass through just to get a lot of attention and wanting increase post counts. To be honest, I didn't have any sympathy for you nor I didn't come around respecting you. But I was wrong, and I know I have been extremely hard on not just you but people around such as Bianchi. After getting to know you and everyone somewhat I came to respect you guys more than before. So for past, I really can't say much other than mainly apologize for my wrong doing. I personally think your a very loyal person...

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Hmmm...I've never notice this...Well I have something to say about you...

When I first met you on that discussion board if I recall, I thought you we're one of those idiotic pricks who like to spam their ass through just to get a lot of attention and wanting increase post counts. To be honest, I didn't have any sympathy for you nor I didn't come around respecting you. But I was wrong, and I know I have been extremely hard on not just you but people around such as Bianchi. After getting to know you and everyone somewhat I came to respect you guys more than before. So for past, I really can't say much other than mainly apologize for my wrong doing. I personally think your a very loyal person...

It's all good dude. We're all friends now. ^_^

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Fireman: I love him, but there's always a fear that one day, he'll stab me in the back....

Don't worry. Everyone has that same fear, but what they don't know is that I fool them into a false sense of security by stabbing them in the front. THEY NEVER SEE IT COMING!

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Don't worry. Everyone has that same fear, but what they don't know is that I fool them into a false sense of security by stabbing them in the front. THEY NEVER SEE IT COMING!

sig material rite thar

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Fury/Ishtar: Manages to have everyone around her on a leash. Except me.

O rly? XD

Levin: Awesome dude that discusses things related to FE, and I know from GameFAQs as well. Great WiFi player that we've had games with. I trust him pretty well. He also manages to break the rules of the Holy Blood system, because he's just that suave.


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Me:I love me : D

Lyle:Okay guy, needs to stop whining as much and trying to look cool when its making him look stupid


Gatrie:Whiny emo Attention Whore 75% of the time. Not annoying the other 20% Attention Slut 5%


Hika:Hika-kun :3

Raven:You suck. Shaun is better : D

Red Fox:Changes periodically

Zeph:We need to play moar MSN visual novel (you know what im talkin about XD)

Song:Sis : D

Doom:Lol Miami. GET MELTY FAYG!


Blue:RISE~!!! Thnx for the persona 4 fan art XD

Fury:Nee-chan :)

Jyo:Found out last night you liek persona, you win




Fireman:Can i has 10,000? XD

Fox 2:You're awesome

Serene:Still 1 of my favorite members in SF history



Wist:One of my favorite peoples here. Wist0rz ftw

Collete/Sol:Lol pervert buddy XD

CGV:Pervert buddy. The original.


Arc:One of my best friends here. Lets not have that change kay?

fixd :D

someone had to take Suzaku's spot

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Masu: Needs to stop acting all macho and stuff to impress people. He should really just be himself. When he is, he's a lot cooler.

Gatrie: He's my bro. Yeah he can be a douche, but hey, everyone is from time to time. He's hardly the worst of you all.

Cynthia: Meh. I'm impartial. Sometimes I agree with her/him with a passion, sometimes I disagree just as much. I don't hold grudges with her/him so our relationship is fine.

Hika: Kinda immature, but that's part of his charm. He's fine the way he is. Even if he is a douche.

Raven: I'm not sure how to describe my opinion on Raven. I guess I kinda look up to him, yet at the same time see him as an equal? I dunno, but I like him.

Red Fox: I like her a lot. She's really smart, and fun to talk to, but I don't think she likes me all that much. =/

Zeph: At first I thought Zeph was cool, then I though he was lame, then I wondered where he went, then I thought he was lame again, then I thought he was cool, now I still think he's cool, but in a lameish sort of way. XD

Song: I love Song. She rocks. Almost too nice.

Princess Kilvas: I guess I don't really need to say much, as everyone knows I love her, but she needs to have a little more confidence in herself.

Doom: DOOM DOOM DOOM......DOOLY UM DOOOM. He's okay. Don't ask about that first sentence. *Cespenar reference.*

Bianchi: Bianchi rocks. We have too much fun together. She doesn't show up as often anymore. I kinda miss her.

Fury: My current favorite newbie.

Vincent: If there was ever a member I was a fanboy of, it would be him. *Waves Vincent flag.*

Quetz: I'm impartial.

Destinyhero: It's kinda funny. People despise him, yet because of that, he's become one of the most well known members

Fireman: I love him, but there's always a fear that one day, he'll stab me in the back....

Bizz: Bizz and I talk on aim/MSN a lot. We discuss various things. She rocks.

Branded: The only one of Masu's friends that isn't a crazy wacked out spammer. Clearly he's the words of wisdom kid of the group.

Matt: See Gatrie. Cept he's not as dramatic.

CGV: We don't talk as much as we should. But I like him. Kinda the same way I see Raven.

Nightmare: We had a breakthrough in our relationship the other day. It was very touching. See Fury for details.

Arc: He was my first friend here besided Bianchi. He rocks, and I miss Metal Rabbit.

explain :mellow:

i need to know what not to do

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Darth, RUN!!! She has a sleep staff!

CHARM STAFF you meant. I could use it here if you want. ^_^

*But with my low MGC, the possibility is unlikely. >_>*

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