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Member Feelings about other Members


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:( I'm still alive.

Knife: When you dissappeared, I was really sad. I still remember how you said that I deserved to be a royal when so many other people simply called me a major spammer. It meant a lot, as you can tell from the fact that I still remember it, almost half my postcount ago. Regardless, I'm glad your back, and the only reason I forgot you was becuase I simply copied Masu's list of people and deleted all the people I didn't know on that list.

Also, your fly is open.

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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Death: Less than three

Cynthia: Pretty cool for being able to maintain your head and separate issues. You don't let what people do in one area affect how you treat them elsewhere. :D

Quetz: You're retarded. :P

Lyle: You've got a pretty high horse, and you seem to be a bit to rigidly idealistic. Plus, you went for McCain. >.> :b

Masu: You're pretty cool, although you could work on improving your spelling and grammar (and being less of a weeaboo).

Red Fox of Fire: I DON'T HATE YOU. You and me disagree a lot, but at least you don't (usually) swear at me. :P

Shuuda: I love you, although not in the way that you love under age girls. :3

Swordsalmon, Mekkah, Reikken, Tino, blahblahblah: Rock on. We are Stardust, and all that jazz.

Namie Amuro: Uh, you DID show me the Asian Britney Spears, although you probably don't know it. :D

Everybody I didn't mention, and even those I did: I do like you all. Everybody has some flaws, some more than others, some less than others, but hey, that's just how you are. Even if I argue with you over tons of things, or relentlessly attack you, I still like you.

Sorry if I forgot you and shouldn't have.

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I find it sad that you're hoping for senseless fighting and flaming
Why do you think I made the topic?
Wait... Me saying the moderators are doing an inadequate job when it was true makes it easy for me to be imagined as inhuman? Perhaps you worded that wrong...
God, I hope so.
For reals:

I always know Masu Lyle and Matt are here. They all have 4 letters in their names.

I miss talking to Luxord, I think he's busy with his real life?

I also fear for the forum. You see, back when I was a mod I was anticipating when the board would become a virtual hellhole. Now I fear a totalitarian hellhole.

Yeah Lux was fun to talk to, what ever happened to him?
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Wait... Me saying the moderators are doing an inadequate job when it was true makes it easy for me to be imagined as inhuman? Perhaps you worded that wrong...

There's no denying the truth, therefore you are not inhuman, though that would be inexplicably awesome.

In any case, a total of....what, 5 people have actually responded to the topic? Might as well make it six out of all the time I've spent here:

Sothey-boy: Thank God you're not a twat any longer.

Revan: Keep at it, you crazy liberal.

Death: I don't think I need to answer this.

Fox: The above, more or less, though I miss your hilarity. `~`

Lyle Dayek: You know, I don't quite know you in the very least, but you strike me as one of the people that are completely immersed in themselves.

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You tried to edit but ended up making it a new post?

Also, Memento Mori wins for correct latin (Ars moriendi even more due to gerund, although "art of dying" is a cheesy line). Personality-wise, you have the scent of Ashtray somehow. Although you're not on good terms with it if I recall correctly.

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I guess I'll contribute to this topic. :P

Cool Peeps:

Wist (Usually game with him on StarCraft).

Fireman (He forgets things a lot, but he is cool).

Fox (His cat is awesome).

Hanz (Cool guy I just meet recently).

Rest Peeps:

I don't have a opinion, because I am not here that much. :(

I do...? 0_o

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