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Improvements of Remake


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I have recently gotten back to playing Final Fantasy 3 on my Nintendo DS. I have never played the original but it seems from the simplicity of the story (nothing it seems is expanded upon) and the layout of the towns that with the exception of the 3-d nothing was changed from the original game. It is a very fun game nonetheless but I am left wanting more story and exploration-wise.

I want to know without any spoilers is the new DS FE the same. Is the story of the game improved and expanded like the graphics and are there new missions and motives to explore??? Or is this game basically the original but just in 3-d? I'm hoping it is more like a Final Fantasy 4 remake than a 3 does anybody know if it is?

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It's basically the same as most other fire emblems, the graphics are brought up to par (albeit not to everyone's likings, as they are different to most FE sprites to date)

Single player is more or less the same as the original gameplay wise, they threw in a huge amount of extras, like the online store, wifi maps, event recap, however there's very little content, in total (ie: no supports, very few in-game conversations etc) let alone *new* content.

yes, it's basically the same game in 3D.

Edited by slax
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It's basically the original in 3D

the story is really short compared to modern FE games. Dialog hasn't been expanded. There are a few new side quests, and similar things, but all in all, the essence of the game is the same as the original.

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The interface of this one is great. If you've played the original, you'll see a large improvement (in the original, it didn't tell you how far your characters can move visually; you had to look at the stat and count or move the cursor to all the possible locations you wanted).

Also, pressing X to show all enemy movement in one go is very helpful.

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It's basically the original in 3D

2D. There's prerendered graphics, yes, but there is no real polygonal graphics within the game.

As if it hasn't been echoed before, this is basically the Famicom game redone with as little alteration as possible so no reason to call it FE11 like many do It plays more like the GBA games of the series, and the little things--worst being paying for the storage--were modified to make the transition less base, to make the game not seem like a first attempt.

As for FFIII DS, that game is essentially the Famicom original with a new costume, which is wonderful, as the original is what I love most. The only real differences are that the classes were to an extent overhauled (the Black Belt and whatever else was nerfed, as their power rolled back over--in the original, upon going into the next strongest class, they became almost invincible, personally ranging between 60 and 80 hits per enemy). Also, a new enemy was added, as an end boss, and a few tweaks here and there, mostly about the Onion Knight if memory serves. The look and feel of the game is what is largely different, both in FFIII DS (anddFFIV DS too), as well as New Ankoku (The Fire Emblem remake).

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Well one thing I disliked about the FF3 remake is that it was NES-like in the town layouts and story background. What I mean by that is in the SNES Final Fantasies I could go into the majority of the buildings in towns and areas. In FF3 DS town is shops and ends. I want to actually feel like I've came to someplace unique with each town. I also don't like so far (haven't beat it yet going to get 4th crystal) that the story hasn't been expanded much besides giving the chracters backgrounds (which they didn't have in the original) that barely come into play anyway. The chracters have no development or motivations and that is NPCs and party. Shoot in FF2 the characters had that and that was the predecessor game. There was also no background to most events or to the world that I was in. I do like the music however B)

Key question: Is there improved character development and dialogue in the remade FE 1? I'm actually disapointed about the lack of supports since that is actually perhaps my favorite activity. The game should stay true to NES form in ghameplay but story and character interaction should be improved with the medium I believe with "True remakes" (not rereleases)

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@ character development: there's basically none. Many many units in this game get nothing more than a brief intro, some just get a "me and him are gunna join, k?"

Dialogue overall is very limited.

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The characters with actual development can be counted with a hand's fingers. But at the same time, I feel like many of these characters are the prototype from which future characters have been based (eg. the red haired and temperamental dragon knight who has to choose between his country and his ideals).

I found the best character in the game the one found in 17x. His story was well done taking in consideration that it was told in just one chapter. They should have developed many other characters in that fashion though.

Edited by GenG
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Of gist, this, like FFIII DS and FFIV DS, thankfully, adhere to the nostalgia of the titles, adjusting very little, and basically repackaging the original game in a new cover. This means, fans that aren't as open to archaic games, or are so intertwined in modern standards of piss easy games with no content will not find some of these games as engrossing or enjoyable as others. Really, then, just go and play something else if it gets to the point one can't enjoy it; meanwhile, there are fans like myself who love these productions, and would love to see them continue ^^

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Celice if you were addressing me with that post I find it interesting. I will have to agree with you on the fact that the basics of the game in a true "remake" should be the same such as story and gameplay style, but if something is being truely remade it should be improved to today's standards a good game will stand the test of time regardless. Ex: Metroid Zero Mission or FF4. These games were old and kept the feel of the originals but felt modern enough to give the feeling that they were developed from the ground up (they kinda were but that's the point of a true remake) instead of just the same game ported with minor extras. The originals were good but it's great to have something added and not much taken away. What would be the harm of adding character supports or development and expanding the storyline along with adding a few extra chapters? The point is I'm wondering if they added any worthwhile new content instead of just making the game pretty. I'm going to buy it regardless :)

I also must add where did the difficulty comments and unenjoyability factor come from. Toned-down difficulty has never been mentioned anywhere in this thread. I personally prefer difficult games (as long as the difficulty isn't caused by something glitchey and it isn't just a gimmick) as it makes them longer and gives them more meaning while you win. The game will be purchased by me regardless I enjoy old games especially since I only had an SNES most of my life until that hot Game Boy Color came out. If I was the type of fan that didn't enjoy these why would I even be in this section of the forums and why is my virtual console so packed? Why do I have ALL the pre-PS2 Final Fantasies???

Edited by killaGAW
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FF4DS is an old school game disguised as a new one. It follows exactly what makes an old school gameplay great (and is actually harder than the original version as well), and masks that with voice acting and graphics.

Metroid Zero Mission is a new game. The level design is far too different for it to be called the same as the original Metroid.

FEDS is basically FE1... With balance changes and several difficulty modes. Gameplay was obviously the focus here. IS also isn't known for having Square-Enix' budget, so of course it's not going to be FF4DS all over again.

The game was meant to be played by those that never played FE1 before.

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Shadow Dragon is a shitload more modernized than FE1 was. Reclassing/Level 30/skipping random stuff are the "new features"; higher stat caps upon promoting, the new HP cap (as opposed to 52), forging, lord being the convoy, being able to conveniently change unit formation, buying weapons at base, and God knows what else are the ways stuff has changed from FE1 to DS. I'm sure there's more.

Edited by Nathan Graves
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What is reclassing is it different than promoting? The original game didn't have rescuing how horrible, yet an interesting improvement of difficulty!!! I might do a no rescuing playthrough if I remember.

Edited by killaGAW
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No, I brought that up because FEDS incorporated many elements introduced in later FE games but didn't incorporate something that's been around as long as rescuing. It's entirely my fault for not being more clear; I was being vague for no apparent reason.

Mounted units in this game don't get much of a perk outside of extra movement.

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The dialogue? Yeah, it had changes...very, very, very minor changes, like Machis saying "There are plenty of thieves out there who would steal a womans heart" instead of "Don't fall in love with a thief". Things like that, so yeah, it changed a very slight bit.

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