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The Destiny Hero Annoying Quote Thread! Quotes will be found herein. You will afterwards state your disposition with said quote. Following this, you shall request the next quote.

I shall begin with:

Eew violin. The only thing I hate more than that is a trumpet.

Disposition: He was talking to Herr Wozzeck, who plays viola, not violin. Not to mention violin is far more popular than most other instruments, and, in my opinion, is able to convey emotion much stronger than any other instrument. Probably my bias, though; I happen to be a violinist too.

Next, please.

Edited by Wander
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Red Hair < Colored hair < Normal Hair

So basically, Moulder would automatically beat everyone in the series because he's the only one who makes sense.


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I guess all Fire Emblem players really are assholes. I came here thinking I could talk with some nice people, but I guess that won't happen. You guys make everything into a tier debate and you don't give a shit that I don't want my threads to be tier debates. This s the second Fire Emblem community I've been to, and both have been horrible.

No, I'm not a troll, nor am I a retard or an idiot. I guess I never should have came here, and never should come back, which I won't. I can't believe how you people are. So, I'm leaving and not coming back at all. I have nothing else to say, and I figured I'd post this here. I never would have guessed that Fire Emblem players would have been this inconsiderate and mean.

*walks away*

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The Destiny Hero Annoying Quote Thread! Quotes will be found herein. You will afterwards state your disposition with said quote. Following this, you shall request the next quote.

I shall begin with:

Disposition: He was talking to Herr Wozzeck, who plays viola, not violin. Not to mention violin is far more popular than most other instruments, and, in my opinion, is able to convey emotion much stronger than any other instrument. Probably my bias, though; I happen to be a violinist too.

Next, please.

He was talking to me. I told him to play a real instrument such as the piano or violin and he started dissing me for being a violin player when he said "EWWWW violin!"

Not only that, I'm related to Miles Davis, so that was a huge insult to me.

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He was talking to me. I told him to play a real instrument such as the piano or violin and he started dissing me for being a violin player when he said "EWWWW violin!"

Not only that, I'm related to Miles Davis, so that was a huge insult to me.

Boo hoo...?

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ITT it's okay to openly take a shit on an admittedly-stupid individual poster, where other threads are locked 2 or 3 posts in at the slightest whiff of possible ill intent.



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