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How does one RNG abuse this game?

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I've done it a few times, mainly for my playthrough where I insisted on using Sothe even in the final chapter. had too make sure he's stats we all near maxing out to maximize the effect of resolve.

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i had a hax Mist by BEXP aboosing. she capped everything except defense, and that was by a couple of points, i think.

overall, that run-through i was massively blessed with my units, and it was begging to be transferred to Radiant Dawn.

...then my memory card got corrupted when i was on the final chapter.

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When you want an uber transfer file for Radiant Dawn, that is when you resort to this tactic.

That's what I tried to do last time, but I used too many units. Only Ike and Rhys got to level 20 :( But everyone rocked!

It's not a good idea to do this really really fast though, it will eventually kill your disk. Mine's already starting to say "Cannot read the disk" sometimes.

Edited by Yourgranny
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I just RNG abused Ena the other day... Got really lucky, though, and only had to reset a couple of times.

I'm going to RNG abuse to try getting zero stat-ups next time I play. :D

Edited by Ramgigon
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It's not a good idea to do this really really fast though, it will eventually kill your disk. Mine's already starting to say "Cannot read the disk" sometimes.

What do you mean? You can actually damage your disc just by resetting?! How do you damage your disc?!?

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Because... Um, because I can. :D Most of the things I do are just "for the lulz" anyway, it would be amusing to have a 20/20 Boyd that can't kill anybody. :P

You some weird stuff with RNG abuse. He'd die so quickly if he had level 2/-- at level 20/20.

Edited by luigi bros
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Some Chinese or Japanese players do all 0 %growth playthroughs. I don't see how you couldn't manage one in this game, besides that RNG abusing (for no stats as well) is more tedious than simply playing a hacked copy.

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Some Chinese or Japanese players do all 0 %growth playthroughs. I don't see how you couldn't manage one in this game.

They'd use characters with high base stats I guess. They'd have to reset the chapter a lot to make sure they get no stat ups as well as characters would die often because they'll always have their base stats. How do they beat Ashnard? Ike would be horrible so he'd lose to The Black Knight so they would get Ena. The only person who could even damage Ashnard would be the laguz reinforcement in the final chapter.

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