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Actually, there's something about me: Like, if you were to listen to my MP3 or look into the cupboards in the kitchen and looked at what snacks I liked, you'd really find out a lot about my personality. Techno music, anime themes, everything containing or being flavored like raisins and cinnamon. And do you see any cheese or too much salt in there? I think not, because cheese and salt= gross and sugar, sweet things and fruit are ftw.

And then there's my room, the one place in the whole world where I actually feel secure.

Did you see the walls?

Yeah. They're light purple. And then there are the two Fire Emblem posters that I have plus my own posters that I drew on huge paper and more huge paper on my bed waiting to have my awesum drawings on them. :D

Did you see my avatar?

I drew it.

Also, my story, I took a break on it, but now I want to write again. So chapter seven in half-done. Prepare for an OMG SHOCKING UPDATE soon plz


Man, I really really love apples

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cheese and salt= gross and sugar, sweet things and fruit are ftw.

:( I'm sad that our taste buds are not in agreement, in fact they are in total opposition <_< you keep your sweet things to yourself deary and we will have no problems *trademark laugh* actually the greatest flavor sensation is sour

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:( I'm sad that our taste buds are not in agreement, in fact they are in total opposition <_< you keep your sweet things to yourself deary and we will have no problems *trademark laugh* actually the greatest flavor sensation is sour

Shifty eyes make Bizz sad

And sour things are also ftw. I like salt too, don't get me wrong, especially if you're talking about pretzels and ramen and all of the good stuff @w@ It's just I always unconsiously go for the snacks that are like "omg I'm cinnamon-flavored, buy me!"

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Apples ARE good :{D

But so is cheese.

YOU CAN'T NOT LIKE CHEESE! EVERYONE MUST LIKE CHEESE! If you don't like it well then..

I don't like you! T_T

And sweets are good too.

Especially sour stuff.

Edited by The Killerer Dude
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Apples ARE good :{D

But so is cheese.

YOU CAN'T NOT LIKE CHEESE! EVERYONE MUST LIKE CHEESE! If you don't like it well then..

I don't like you! T_T

And sweets are good too.

Especially sour stuff.

You don't seem to like me all that much, do you? 8D;

Hay, I used to /love/ cheese, but now it just doesn't appeal to me as much as it used to.

Edited by Bizz
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You don't seem to like me all that much, do you? 8D;

Hay, I used to /love/ cheese, but now it just doesn't appeal to me as much as it used to.

Ah, you're not so bad XD

But you not liking cheese lowers your cool points by 50.

But then because you USED to love cheese your cool points are raised by 50.

So nothing changed really. :lol:

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