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Perhaps Vasto Lorde's have a second release? Kinda like a Bankai?

Of course, that's assuming that Uluqiorra was a Vasto Lorde.

My theory: Ichigo is only gonna be able to win cause Orihime is gonna reverse Uluqiorra's arrancarization. And then he becomes another lame Vasto Lorde. He'll still probably give Ichigo trouble, but at least he won't be Satan.

What I don't get is why Uluqiorra just doesn't impale Ichigo? He knows that he's 100 times stronger. Why is he bothering with this "Bankai-like" thingy.

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Perhaps Vasto Lorde's have a second release? Kinda like a Bankai?

Of course, that's assuming that Uluqiorra was a Vasto Lorde.

My theory: Ichigo is only gonna be able to win cause Orihime is gonna reverse Uluqiorra's arrancarization. And then he becomes another lame Vasto Lorde. He'll still probably give Ichigo trouble, but at least he won't be Satan.

What I don't get is why Uluqiorra just doesn't impale Ichigo? He knows that he's 100 times stronger. Why is he bothering with this "Bankai-like" thingy.

Because Ichigo "knew despair" when he found out Ulquiorra was only number 4 I guess.

Now Ichigo's being annoyingly persistent. Who wouldn't want to make him suffer?

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Because Ichigo "knew despair" when he found out Ulquiorra was only number 4 I guess.

Now Ichigo's being annoyingly persistent. Who wouldn't want to make him suffer?

Well he could make Ichigo suffer without all that stuff.

And I know we've repeated this several hundred times over the past few months, but: WHERE THE FUCKING HELL IS GRIMMJOW??!?!?! For fucking God's sake! Is he still fucking lying on the ground in a pool of his own fucking blood or what?!

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Well he could make Ichigo suffer without all that stuff.

And I know we've repeated this several hundred times over the past few months, but: WHERE THE FUCKING HELL IS GRIMMJOW??!?!?! For fucking God's sake! Is he still fucking lying on the ground in a pool of his own fucking blood or what?!

I've asked that question thousands of times. Orihime is gonna finally use her powers the way she should be using them hopefully.

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One time i tried to watch Bleach.


and lost interest.

does that make me evile?

not rly. it starts off slow. so slow that i skipped to like episode 20 something when things started to pick up

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Grimmjaw is essentially dead in the Anime, so. . .

And for what it's worth, the series isn't that great. It's not hard to tell. Nice to see everything is coming full circle, and it occasionally throws me off, but honestly, most of it is predictable, and some plot lines have little chance of becoming ultimately useful.

Like Ichigo's friends having powers. That's including Chad.

I was surprised to find out that the top 4 Espada were well beyond number 5, instead of Aizen just having more henchmen. But he'll probably have more anyway, so yeah.

Edited by furry bunny
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"Naw dude".

I just want Kubo to give him his inevitable power up and stop Ichigo's powering up. He's like Son fucking Goku at this point.

Not really. He needs...two more levels and two fusions with Renji...

I think the amount of suckage from that would cause the world to implode.

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I think fusing with Renji would cause Ichigo to suck more.

Still, I could understand if they do another Zangetsu thing, since they haven't done much with him since bankai. Hollowification doesn't cound, cause that was Hollow Ichigo.

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Well they cant really use hollow ichigo anymore since he's ichigo's bitch now :/

In the King and the Horse chapters, Ichigo's last talk with Hollow Ichigo, Hollow Ichigo mentioned that if Ichigo should any wavering he'd kick him down so quick he wouldn't know what hit him.

So no, he isn't Ichigo's bitch. :P

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