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Who here is a klutz?

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*raises hand*

Just today as I entered the band room, I accidentally kicked the wooden block holding the door open, which caused me to be hit by the moving door, which I then pushed open to kick the block back in place, which went past the door and knocked a ladder down, which I caught right in time as I grabbed the door with my other hand. While the rest of the band watched....

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I was walking down the stairs at my school... When I reached the bottom, a misplaced step resulted in my foot hitting the bottom of the handrail, causing me to losing my balance, which then let to me hitting the floor, and bodysliding a few feet. Though I'm sure a bunch of people saw it, no one laughed or commented on it. I was really glad for that. >_>

There's also been numerous other incidents where I crash into someone in the halls and drop everything I'm holding.

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My biggest klutz moment was when I bought some stuff from the store with my cousin, and we were returning home (to my aunt's house, I was in a vacation outside of the city where I live) then I remembered that I needed to buy something else. I gave all the stuff to him, and ran full speed, with long strides. I never tied my shoelaces, and as luck would have it, one of my shoes came out of my foot and I tripped, slamming hard into the ground, sliding a few centimetres. Worst thing is that, there were people there, but they didn't laugh, they just said stuff like "you should be careful boy!" and some guy was coming from in front of me, he asked me if I had any injuries and I told him "nah, nothing happened".

Got my shoe and while limping, I went back to my aunt's house. My cousin still hadn't entered, and the second he saw the blood coming from my right elbow he gasped. My jeans were torn, my left knee was injured badly and the scar still remains.

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I'm quite the klutz, I often kick things on accident, or just generally walk into things. I've walked into the side of an open door before now.

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I walk into stuff and trip randomly all the time, I even tripped for seemingly no reason before Brawl was announced.

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one time, in the kitchen, i wanted to cook some eggs, so i pulled out the eggs and started to break them and stuff, but one egg slipped from my fingers and fell. as i tried to rescue the egg, i accidentally dropped the rest of the eggs.

i was, "oh, $h!+." and bent down to clean it. then i got up very fast, and i hit the cabinet door with my head.

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There was also this one week where no matter how hard I tried, every day I would slip and fall on the ice at least once. The worst of it was that there were small rocks scattered across the ice, so when I fell, I managed to cut my hand up every time, which stung for awhile after. Most of the wounds healed, but I still see the ghost of a small gash below my palm.

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one time, in the kitchen, i wanted to cook some eggs, so i pulled out the eggs and started to break them and stuff, but one egg slipped from my fingers and fell. as i tried to rescue the egg, i accidentally dropped the rest of the eggs.

i was, "oh, $h!+." and bent down to clean it. then i got up very fast, and i hit the cabinet door with my head.

That reminds me:

Just last week, I was carrying my food from the kitchen to the table in the living room. I dropped my knife, so I knelt down to pick it up, only to tilt the tray my food is on, it ended up on the floor. I cursed quite a bit for quite some time afterwards.

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I'm a klutz but I try to hide it...

Like last week when i tripped going up the stairs going to class. I kinda rolled into it and got up... but that was embarrasing...

And that time i crashed through a computer desk and hit my mouth on a monitor...

and that those times I burned maiself from touching hot plates...

plus i often bump into table edges and pointy things, and keeping a straight face while crying on the inside. I actually have a big scar on my arm from when i bumped into a jagged wall and it dug into me while i fell back... causing it to dig deeper...

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I'm such a klutz on my feet that I've gotten really good at ignoring pain. That band room story sounds like something I would do.

I've got an even klutzier story though.

I was at horseback riding lessons. My horse decided to manure right in the aisle as I was leading him into the ring for the lesson. So I had to get someone to hold him while I cleaned up the mess.

My left shoelace, in the process of walking back to clean up, had hooked onto my right boot.

Trip. Fall. Land in manure.

I lol'd later though.

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I was walking in the kitchen once. I made a sandwich and one of the pots on the stove exploded as I waked away. It actually looked like a mini explosion with all the smoke engulfing half the kitchen. I could feel the air from the explosion. It's kinda funny when I think about it, but this has nothing to do with being a klutz, so I'll add another story.

I can't think of one...

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Yeah... I just decided to make coffee in one of these:


I poured the hot water in, I heard the slight sound of cracking glass, and as I thought "oh shit" to myself, it cracked open right down the middle, soaked the whole unit and the floor...

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Yeah... I just decided to make coffee in one of these:


I poured the hot water in, I heard the slight sound of cracking glass, and as I thought "oh shit" to myself, it cracked open right down the middle, soaked the whole unit and the floor...

this happened to me, but with hot chocolate....

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