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I have a story upcoming, as well as Matthew O'Connell II... I need to update one of them. Alexis is God knows where, so I need to update one...

Tonight? Before I go to sleep?

And I edited my info in.

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I don't think so... Yet.

:lol: I would of gotten started on mine tonight, but I will wait until tomorrow, see if someone actually signs up for it. If not, then I'll start with random characters, perhaps even made up ones. ;)

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:lol: I would of gotten started on mine tonight, but I will wait until tomorrow, see if someone actually signs up for it. If not, then I'll start with random characters, perhaps even made up ones. ;)
OC's are better, in my opinion.
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Original Characters.

I.E. Made up ones.

Oh, I see. Then I guess I can give it a shot. although there will be a few by default. Then if others join, I'll just recruit them in some way as I move along with the fable.

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I think member insertion is ok if you still build a story the normal way. I use what info. members give me as guidelines for what their character should be. And you should always mix in some original characters. Putting in some OC's is also a good test for how well you inserted members. If the OCs and members don't seem different at all, then you're doing ok.

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But it seems so many people here aren't into OCs as they are into having themselves in the story. It feels like if I put the other board members in this one then it'd be selling out.

I really have never written anything my whole life with OCs. I am accustomed to writing self inserts. I started that trend in school, writing stories about myself for the class. I would use classmate friends as the cast and so it stuck. XD That is why I have trouble trying to make up OCs, or as I call them, dead characters.

I think member insertion is ok if you still build a story the normal way. I use what info. members give me as guidelines for what their character should be. And you should always mix in some original characters. Putting in some OC's is also a good test for how well you inserted members. If the OCs and members don't seem different at all, then you're doing ok.

I also agree member insertions are ok.

Also, I have a few pointers to make when we review/help stories:

--Overall feel of the story-- Did you enjoy the story? Did it bore you? etc.

--Grammar-- If you see too many grammar mistakes, you should point out to the writer, for having a well written story is a good sign of a good writer. One that carelessly throws words that are misspelled really needs to work on his/her grammar, because for the reader, reading misspelled words sometimes gets annoying.

--Sentence structuring-- There are several ways to write a sentence...(Examples of this later)

--Charcter/World description-- Does the writer do a good job describing characters/world.

More to come... And feel free to add anything you think would be helpful as well.

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Hey, everyone, read my story!! I really need advice, because my story doesn't seem quite good enough to me. My idea is great, I just need help in my presentation of the story. Critique me as much as you can, I need it.

Edited by Ragnell
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^I'm going to hold my critique until I've slept, because right now it wouldn't exactly be useful.

Anywho, just flipping a short story idea here to see the opinions on its end. I'm going to be brief, and I know several details will not be explained. If you promise not to ask about them I promise to actually explain them soon.

The year is 22??. A man, created for exploration and mapping of uncharted regions of space far from the current charted regions of the "great unknown" is sent out with a suit designed to hand all his basic needs. However, after decades of routine movements, it becomes clear the suit was not recharged after its last use, and the suit powers down, forcibly shutting down all function not directly related to its occupants survival, including movement, and communications. The occupant is left floating, completely isolated, through space. His only mental stimulance is a bubble which was made by the suit in its moments of powering down, which he watches the light bounce of for many a long year. However, after some time studying the bubble, it becomes obvious that it moves faster than him, and that it will eventually leave his vision. For decades the man watches his preicous bubble float off into the horizion, until he loses sight of it amongst the field of stars.

From here there are three endings. One is short. He continues floating forever and never sees the bubble again. The second is slightly longer. Members of the (Somewhere or other) based space exploration team see a new star in the sky. Study reveals that it is actually an object reflecting light from other stars. Curious, they send off a small scoutship to check it out. The scoutship goes to do so, and finds the man floating through space, rescuing him before continuing its mission. The man notices the bubble, his eternal companion. However, the scoutships pilot does not, and drives straight into it, popping it. The other ending is similar to the second on, but replace scoutship with another man in a suit. When the get to the bubble, instead of popping it, the second mans suit also powers down and the three are left floating through space together. That's it.

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Hey, everyone, read my story!! I really need advice, because my story doesn't seem quite good enough to me. My idea is great, I just need help in my presentation of the story. Critique me as much as you can, I need it.

Where is your story?

^I'm going to hold my critique until I've slept, because right now it wouldn't exactly be useful.

Anywho, just flipping a short story idea here to see the opinions on its end. I'm going to be brief, and I know several details will not be explained. If you promise not to ask about them I promise to actually explain them soon.

The year is 22??. A man, created for exploration and mapping of uncharted regions of space far from the current charted regions of the "great unknown" is sent out with a suit designed to hand all his basic needs. However, after decades of routine movements, it becomes clear the suit was not recharged after its last use, and the suit powers down, forcibly shutting down all function not directly related to its occupants survival, including movement, and communications. The occupant is left floating, completely isolated, through space. His only mental stimulance is a bubble which was made by the suit in its moments of powering down, which he watches the light bounce of for many a long year. However, after some time studying the bubble, it becomes obvious that it moves faster than him, and that it will eventually leave his vision. For decades the man watches his preicous bubble float off into the horizion, until he loses sight of it amongst the field of stars.

From here there are three endings. One is short. He continues floating forever and never sees the bubble again. The second is slightly longer. Members of the (Somewhere or other) based space exploration team see a new star in the sky. Study reveals that it is actually an object reflecting light from other stars. Curious, they send off a small scoutship to check it out. The scoutship goes to do so, and finds the man floating through space, rescuing him before continuing its mission. The man notices the bubble, his eternal companion. However, the scoutships pilot does not, and drives straight into it, popping it. The other ending is similar to the second on, but replace scoutship with another man in a suit. When the get to the bubble, instead of popping it, the second mans suit also powers down and the three are left floating through space together. That's it.

This sounds alot like Megaman. :3

I wouldn't bother with endings unless you have people reading it first. You need to make a first draft/chapter and have us critique it.

Edited by Metal Arc
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