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53 members have voted

  1. 1. Who's the best hero?

    • Ross
    • Garcia
    • Gerik

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You guys know that changing promotion paths keeps your stat growths the same, right? Only the promo bonus changes. Your personal experiences ("____ Ross half as good as ____ Ross") don't really count for anything.

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Yea, I know that personal experiance means nothing. But, Garcia has a Beard and mutton chops. And, yes I know that their growths stay the same. I was just saying seeing as Gerik is better as a Ranger and Ross is better as Berzerker, and Garcia is better as Hero. Perhaps I wasnt saying that he was the best in the game, simply that he was best as a hero and the others were best as something else?

Edited by Erk23
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I'd say Gerik is the best Hero in the game, even though I only made him a Hero once. Though, to be honest, I think Gerik is overrated a little bit.

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Garcia, I knew everybody would vote for Gerik, but my Garcia had REALLY GOOD speed as a lvl 20 fighter(Spd=17), he maxed Str, he had low skill though, until his promotion, his skill, str, def and spd go up really fast.


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I make Ross a hero just cause I love the class so, though Gerik is the most reliable hero. I dont use Garcia.

The ranger class is a little too good I think...though Gerik fits the bill of a hero soo much better even if its kinda a worse class then ranger.

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Garcia, Gerik come in to late and overleved, and Ross as beturt classes

Gerik joins about halfway through the game as a level 10 mercenary. How is that "overleveled"?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yea, I know that personal experiance means nothing. But, Garcia has a Beard and mutton chops. And, yes I know that their growths stay the same. I was just saying seeing as Gerik is better as a Ranger and Ross is better as Berzerker, and Garcia is better as Hero. Perhaps I wasnt saying that he was the best in the game, simply that he was best as a hero and the others were best as something else?

WTF!? Ranger sword animation looks crappy! And... ... ... ... ... ...oh, shoot. That's the only thing I can find to rant about Rangers.

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Hero Gerik can use all but two axes without losing any speed.
15 is extremely rare for a Hero to have. No Hero's ever have such a high Con. He could even carry Garm with an extra boss of +5 Spd. Rather than not losing Spd at all he's gaining Spd.

Apperently some people haven't heard of Shiningpikablu. :blink:

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Because Garcia sucks and I'm never patient enough to bother with Ross (and I'm not patient enough for arena/tower abuse, too). Even if I use Ross, I'm definitely not making him a hero.

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