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Which Fire Emblem Class are You?


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Assassin - The Silent.

You are the Assassin, the Silent. Quiet and watchful, you are the type who doesn't really have an opinion on things. You like life to be simple, and quiet. People envy you because you seem to not have a care in the world, and most of the time, they're right. You are overlooked a lot of times because of your downbeat and quiet personality. However, when provoked, you turn sullen, lash out with sarcastic comments and hide even deeper in your bubble. You enjoy living in your dream world, contemplating various things. Although you lack motivation a lot of times, and would rather do something easy and quick than something challenging and ambitious. Your biggest flaw is lack of self ambition.

What people don't realize is how much one can learn by simply listening, something you do very well. While others engage in heated arguments, shouted debates and furious fistfights, you sit and watch, and listen, learning much more than you would have if you had engaged in the activities.

Beware of losing all individuality by becoming a wallflower, and conforming to whatever is thrown your way. If you lack enthusiasm and energy, you may walk yourself into a rut, and not be able to get out. You may lack purpose, and without any goals, you become a puppet, ripe for manipulation.

Observant and efficient; unmotivated and conservative, that is the Assassin.

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Imma Valkyrie. :o

And I was so sure I was a sage like everyone else XD


Bishop/Valkyrie - The Peacemaker.

The Peacemaker, Bishop/Valkyrie. You are one of the rare, compassionate ones. You are a humanitarian either on the surface or deep down. Either way, you have strong feelings about all that is wrong in this world.

You are trustworthy and righteous, always thinking of ways to help those less fortunate than yourself. If given the chance, you would gladly give aid. You are also the type who is never prejudiced or racist, and you encourage equality. Utopia is a dream you wish to achieve. You can make friends very easily, as people admire your kind, open personality. Also, you hardly ever do things to deliberately provoke others, so they have no reason to dislike you.

Sometimes you feel resentment that others don't share your natural goodwill, and feelings of giving up your true personality to indulge yourself, and only yourself...

If it looks bad on text, think of how bad it would look in real life! Don't give up your inner qualities because it is hard to maintain. Being selfless is a hard trait, and is all too easy to give up. Beware of losing this side of you to pursue more individualistic needs and desires.

Caring and generous; naive and easily manipulated, that is the Bishop/Valkyrie.

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Assassin - The Silent.

You are the Assassin, the Silent. Quiet and watchful, you are the type who doesn't really have an opinion on things. You like life to be simple, and quiet. People envy you because you seem to not have a care in the world, and most of the time, they're right. You are overlooked a lot of times because of your downbeat and quiet personality. However, when provoked, you turn sullen, lash out with sarcastic comments and hide even deeper in your bubble. You enjoy living in your dream world, contemplating various things. Although you lack motivation a lot of times, and would rather do something easy and quick than something challenging and ambitious. Your biggest flaw is lack of self ambition.

What people don't realize is how much one can learn by simply listening, something you do very well. While others engage in heated arguments, shouted debates and furious fistfights, you sit and watch, and listen, learning much more than you would have if you had engaged in the activities.

Beware of losing all individuality by becoming a wallflower, and conforming to whatever is thrown your way. If you lack enthusiasm and energy, you may walk yourself into a rut, and not be able to get out. You may lack purpose, and without any goals, you become a puppet, ripe for manipulation.

Observant and efficient; unmotivated and conservative, that is the Assassin.

Edited by Levin
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Fighter - The Unhesitant.

You are the Fighter, the Unhesitant. You are expressive, communicative and versatile. You are the type that literally jumps into life, with zest and energy, embracing each moment like an old friend. People may find it hard to keep up with you, as you speed along life like you dont have anything to lose. You should slow down a bit, stop and smell the roses. Who knows what youre missing at such speeds?

You are the type that is capable of making many friends, yet you can lose them in one burst of short temper. When talking you are liable to use hand gestures, change of voice tone or moving about to emphasize a point. You are typically very restless, always on the go. It wouldnt be surprising if you had a high metabolism or are always in trouble for talking when in class or some other place where activity is stilled. You get bored too easily, and your mood changes like a schizophrenic. You need constant and different activity to keep you entertained, or you are liable to get jittery, causing discomfort to yourself and others around you. You would make an excellent actor or stuntman, and you can excel in sports when need be.

You should beware of missing out on things if you werent paying close enough attention, things that could be important or helpful. Also, you have a tendency to speak before thinking, which is often looked on as tactlessness.

Inspiring and expansive; blunt and unreliable, that is the Fighter.

I bolded what I agree with.

Hmm... Too bad Mercenary isn't available.

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To quote a sig I saw on another forum: "You are a nerd for taking Character personality quizzes seriously."

ghter - The Unhesitant.

You are the Fighter, the Unhesitant. You are expressive, communicative and versatile. You are the type that literally jumps into life, with zest and energy, embracing each moment like an old friend. People may find it hard to keep up with you, as you speed along life like you dont have anything to lose. You should slow down a bit, stop and smell the roses. Who knows what youre missing at such speeds?

You are the type that is capable of making many friends, yet you can lose them in one burst of short temper. When talking you are liable to use hand gestures, change of voice tone or moving about to emphasize a point. You are typically very restless, always on the go. It wouldnt be surprising if you had a high metabolism or are always in trouble for talking when in class or some other place where activity is stilled. You get bored too easily, and your mood changes like a schizophrenic. You need constant and different activity to keep you entertained, or you are liable to get jittery, causing discomfort to yourself and others around you. You would make an excellent actor or stuntman, and you can excel in sports when need be.

You should beware of missing out on things if you werent paying close enough attention, things that could be important or helpful. Also, you have a tendency to speak before thinking, which is often looked on as tactlessness.

Inspiring and expansive; blunt and unreliable, that is the Fighter.


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Sage, but I didn't need a quiz to tell me that. It's pretty obvious to me.

Sage - The Intellect.

You are the Sage, an Intellectual at heart. Normally sober and observant, you keep your emotions in check, and are loath to express yourself. You actually like being alone and away from the hustle and bustle of modern life. You dislike the current pace of the world - fast and frenzied. You would have much preferred to be born in earlier eras, when there was less to do, in more time. You dislike crowds, loud noises, distractions, and disorder. You thrive when your mind and spirit are at peace.

You're very careful about who you make friends with. Luckily, you can easily detect deception and recognize insincere people. You are not social, so your friend list is usually quite small, but these friends will be with you for a long time yet. When you first meet someone, you put up a wall, as if to protect your feelings. It may take a while to fully warm up to a new friend, and you aren't the type to readily join in festivities or clubs. You prefer to learn by yourself, searching online or on books than in a class, and you also prefer living alone.

Be careful of becoming too pessimistic, secretive or aloof. You can lose many valuable and beneficial relationships this way. You can also let many golden opportunities slip by without your regard, if you stay in your own little world.

Inquisitive and smart; aloof and negative, that is the Sage.

Edited by Ragnell
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Nomad/Archer - The Unbroken.

As a Nomad/Archer, you are an animal/nature loving individual, with a constant desire to be free from all bonds, to just lose yourself in your beloved Nature without responsibilities or being tied down. In fact, one of the things you hate most is being tied down. However, although you dislike the restrictions of responsibility, you do your duties well, but take care not to run away from your problems when the going gets tough.

You generally live life to the fullest, often without much worry about tomorrow. You are the type who takes the path less traveled, and love exploration and adventure.

Beware of becoming too lazy and undedicated. You might find you will have work piling up everyday, and you cannot just walk away and expect it fone by itself when you come back. Attachments won't kill you; indulge in them once in awhile.

Honest and sincere; escapist and uncommitted, that is the Nomad/Archer.

Interesting! The lazy part is spot on.

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