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Im probably the only one who noticed this...

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Marth, Celice, and Ike look rather similar, I think...

Most of the red knights have at least a rudimentary resemblance, as do most of the green knights. Old Marcus looks a lot like Jagen, Wolt looks like Rolf... I'm pretty sure I've made my point, so let's leave it at that...

Wait, wait... I have another: Minerva, Miledy, and Jill...

So, yeah... Lots of characters with similar roles have similar appearances.

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Marth, Celice, and Ike look rather similar, I think...

Aside from Blue hair, Ike has very little resemblance to those two especially in FE10

Old Marcus looks a lot like Jagen.

Lol I just noticed that

Wait, wait... I have another: Minerva, Miledy, and Jill...

That's probobly one of the lesser known Archetypes, Red Haired, Red Armored, Wyvern Gurls who ahve WAY to many fanboys...and hentai pics

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._.' Wee need a Female Mage/Murmydon Arch-type...
There IS a female mage archetype that usually comes some time after your first mage: Linde, Tiltyu/Tinny, Lilina, Ilyana, and maybe some others.
Could Tiki be an Arch Type for the Females Manakets ?_?
Duh... Edited by FE3 Player
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If you're not a cute little girl, you fail as a dragon. *points at PoR and RD*
If I recall, the female dragon is actually inferior to the male one in FE9. Don't forget that FE9 deconstructed a lot of archtypes quite a bit.

I don't know about RD. Haven't played it yet.

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Main character is not a noble by any means. Even his promotion into one was for practicality rather than any sort of personal reason.

Jeigan is a beautiful woman that's the best unit in the game.

Starting healer isn't another female in distress kind of character, but rather an actual male (which interesting enough whose name is Rhys, and now FEDS has Wrys. Male healers whose names are nearly identical FTW.) Okay, maybe this isn't an archetype deconstruction, but rather the reincarnation of Riff.

Starting bow user is a pre-promote and has a nasty attitude as well as leaves until later in the game.

Wind Magic user has some troubling issues and also has a nasty attitude towards Laguz instead of being mostly noble with his goals.

Laguz, while comparable to Mamkutes in some ways, both gameplay wise and the way humans treat them, unlike Mamkutes are still a thriving race in Tellus. Dragons just happen to be a small part of them.

So while a lot of archetypes are there, they tried to ensure they aren't carbon copies of FE1/3 characters. Some still are (some I unlisted), but some aren't.

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