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What do you LIKE about each Fire Emblem?


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What's some of the things each game seems to do best? For me:

FE1: Refined Famicom Wars into a single player game that didn't suck completely.

New Ankoku: A nice remake that stayed close enough to the original that new fans hate it, and nostalgic gamers can love it.

FE2: Lovely music and nice execution. Created a niche that Fire Emblem could have gone, and arguably could've been what the series needed to keep new fans coming. Just Breed is a fine example of what Fire Emblem Gaiden attempted to be.

FE3: Two games in one is always an awesome idea. Its levels are also some of the better ones in the series. Add in that it's the best selling Fire Emblem of all time, if memory serves...

FE4: Wonderful presentation, wonderful palettes, wonderful atmosphere, wonderful graphics--wonderful. It's not a good Fire Emblem. It's a good game.

FE5: Perhaps the most "pure" Fire Emblem of them all. This is one of the best, which seems ironic, considering the game feels unfinished and broken, which isn't all too unlikely, having been distributed specifically through closed means initially. But Super Famicom Wars wasn't that bad... was it?

FE6: Nothing I can really think of. The GBA portion of the series sucks to me.

FE7: Same.

FE8: Nice concept, but maybe if the game was actually worked on, rather than alongside FE9 (at the time, FE8 was announced during production of FE9), it could've done far better.

FE9: Brought the game as close to the Jugdral universe as possible. I loved the game right away.

FE10: Same as above, but even more. The graphics were slightly better, at the expense of musical talent :(

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Ah, some positiveness.

FE2: Maybe the fact that it's so different. Don't really know why, but I love it.

FE3: Only thing I really like about it is being a good middle stage between nes FE and FE4. And graphics. And some characters. And length.

FE4: Story, characters, music, atmopshere(!), pairing system, holy blood...

FE5: Storytelling, characters, music, atmosphere (!), the way it takes a less interesting part of 4's story and makes it great. I currently think it is best of the series.

FE6: It brought Roy to Melee.

FE7: Easy to play through without putting too much thought in it.

FE9: Good story most of the time, characters, music, atmosphere... The way it quite successfully put the whole thing into 3D.

FE10: FE9 in a more glorified way. Much better story, mostly same characters and new characters are good though underpresented, music of same quality, better atmosphere. I like the 4-part-system, feeling a good parting from the normal story curve. The 3-tier system works good in this game, and characters like Tormod give good replay value. The only game where I really like most of the ending. I still don't like it as good as Thracia though.

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FE4: Interesting concept, good music.

FE6: ...

FE7: The characters, the gameplay, the music, the story, the supports, the side-quests

FE8: Alternate paths, decent gameplay.

FE9: Skills, anima triangle, new support system.

FE10: Animations, music, difficulty, bonus experience, wide variety of weapons and characters, awesome story, team switching (Yes, I actually loved that part), three class tier system.

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FE1: Being the first in the series

FE2: Not much to say other than being different

FE3: Two games in one? Sweet

FE4: Lover system, great plot

FE5: Capturing, Smart AI, Gaiden chapters, Hardest in the series, actually makes you think, great music, not to mention Lara's in it

FE6: Actually challenging, Gaiden chapters, and branched paths

FE7: Having three lords, Gaiden chapters

FE8: Has my favorite FE character of all time in it, and branched paths

FE9: Best support system IMO, bringing the game back to FE4/5 roots, Laguz, great plot

FE10: Challenging, long, three-tier system, switching parties

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FE1: It got the series started. I can't say much more since I haven't played it much.

FE2: This stands out as the most unique in the series. Most of the "innovations" of the later games started here.

FE3: Two games in one is nice, and Book 2 is a big improvement in the storytelling department. Despite its flaws, I also think the gameplay is excellent as well.

FE4: The overall story is pretty good, and the characters generally have more depth. It also introduced the weapon triangle.

FE5: This game took what I liked about FE3 and perfected it.

FE6: It was the first to introduce the support system that most of us like.

FE7: This one has the most interesting cast, IMO. It was also the first to be localized, so that has to count for something.

FE8: It brought back some of the things that made Gaiden interesting.

FE9: Best support system in the series, and I have to give IS credit for making an unoriginal story concept fairly interesting.

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FE7: support conversations, characters, challenging (a little)

FE8: branched story, uh...can't think of anything else. I didn't really like this game.

FE9: Greil Mercenaries, music (except battle music), characters, support conversations, skills, story, forge weapons, no promotion items needed to promote characters, nice variety of maps

FE10: characters, music, battle animations (yeah, I actually LIKE watching them), skills, forge weapons, third tier classes, challenging, characters can support with anyone, bexp, paragon, characters can hold up to 8 items/weapons, switching teams (I just wish the DB and CRK could gain more exp in their chapters), don't need promotion items to promote characters, base conversatons, no zero stat-ups when leveling up, character models (how they're not just different coloured sprites of the same class), beautiful cutscenes, story, anything else I missed relating to the gameplay cause I love this game

Edited by KSFF2150
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FE1: Brought the series to life.

FE2: Ha ha ha ha ha

FE3: Two games in one and the second game had a good story and excellent music.

FE4: Perfect music, characters to love, easy for first timers of the series

FE5: Makes you think and great music.

FE6: You support Roy's idea of being a Charlie Harper. Roy also help bring the series to America. Also has a great musical score.

FE7: Reminds me of playing an old SNES RPG.

FE9 and 10: My people finally gets a brotha in the game :P

Edited by Snow_Storm
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Of the ones I've played:

FE3: It expanded upon the original with a whole new story, and you can't help but love its lighthearted-ness.

FE4: Brilliant storyline, great characters, and its unique gameplay mechanics make this one of my favorites.

FE5: FE4's 2nd Gen story needing expanding, and FE5 did just that. Capturing was a great idea as well.

FE6: It introduced a good support system that would last until FE8. Otherwise, it's just FE1 on a handheld.

FE7: Re-introduced some of FE5's chapter objectives, and was a huge improvement over FE6.

FE8: I liked the split promotions and some aspects of CC. I also liked its characters.

FE9: Brought back FE4/5's skills, has a great cast of characters, and has some of the best music in the series.

FE10: It had the best storyline since FE4/5, the best graphics, and like FE9, it has wonderful music.

FEDS: Besides being a remake of the first game, online is an interesting diversion from the main game, and gives me a reason to max out my characters' stats.

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What I like about them:

FE2: Different from all the other FEs. Great music, although limited by the hardware.

FE3: Interesting characters and plot, at the time. Value for money with the two Books.

FE4: Two generation system, broken uber legendaries, introduction of Skills

FE5: Challenging, many interesting features (eg. fog of war, capturing, stealing, movement stars)

FE6: Er... It was on a handheld system, so it was convenient.

FE7: Well executed.

FE8: For trying... sort of.

FE9: Bringing back some old features and a fresh start for the series.

FE11: Fairly faithful remake of the original, Wi-Fi is slightly more interesting than the Link Arena.

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FE3:It's not only a remake of FE1, it added much more things.

FE4:It's just perfect, jeez. Also, the lover system and the plot twist.

FE5:A real good challenge, the capture system, great characters.

FE6:Some nice characters, some nice maps....

FE7:It's FE6 on a larger scale.

FE8:Ehhhh, monsters?

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FE1:Starting the series

FE2:Including some unique features

FE3:Having two stories

FE4:The two generation syslem

FE5:Introducing side quests, rescuing, having multible victory conditions, and having a good chalange

FE6:Being portable and having a hard mode

FE7:Bringing the series to America

FE8:Having a world map and having stories showing diffferant points of veiw

FE9:Bringing back skills

FE10:Two promotions

FE11:Five difficulty settings

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FE7: Secret levels, multiple stories, replayability, good difficulty, overall good game

FE8: some good characters, creature campaign, skirmishes

FE9: great music, awesome characters, good story, melding old with new, 3D, cutscenes, supports

FE10: amazing story, good difficulty level, variety of units, teams fighting each other, overall perfecting of PoR's gameplay

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FE7-different story modes, many many hidden chapters, has Florina in it, just alot of fun in general

FE8-Creature Campaign (great for sitting in doctors offices waiting for your appointments), branched paths, class choices

FE9-skill system, excellent support system, base camp ftw, bonus exp

FE10-great soundtrack, good visuals, more FMVs, good story (closure), better skill system

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Well, I've only played FE7 and 8 :)

FE7 - The coolest story, characters with strong personalities that make them easy to identify with. In my opinion, just awesome characters to play with. Difficulty wasn't so bad either. I enjoyed it a lot. And it hooked me on FE.

FE8 - Pales in comparison to FE7, but still a good game in that we have some good recruitable characters - Amelia, Ross, Ewan. Monsters may be cool to some. It seems like a longish game.

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FE4: Holy Blood, children in the 2nd Gen, and the fact that there's a lot going on at any given time.

FE6: Nice characters, maps, and the only game I've played where Dark Magic users don't seem to suck...

FE7: Story and characters. I remember feeling sorry for a lot of people.

FE8: Branched promotions and multiple paths.

FE9: Support system, BEXP system, and characters.

FE10: Three tiers of promotion, more FMV sequences, and very good closure. And also, the incredibly epic final chapter.

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FE7: Characters and the different story modes.

FE8: Split paths, Creature Campaign, trainee classes, branched promotions

FE9: Characters, Base Camp, Bonus Exp, Skill System, Support System. Storyline, while cliche, quite interesting

FE10: Same as above except the support system. Amazing storyline. Split parts of the game.

Edited by Bianchi Ridell Crimea
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FE6: The wide range of characters you can choose from

FE7: The story plot. I like the way the character's personality is developed.

FE8: I like that there are two options to choose from when you promote a unit.

FE9: I like the skills system in the game and the plot.

FE10: The three class system and skills.

FEDS: That you can change classes.

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FE1: Series first.

FE2: Tried to RPG-ize Fire Emblem.

FE3: Best selling Fire Emblem of all time.

FE4: Generation 1.

FE5: Everything and then some.

FE6: Brought Fire Emblem to handhelds.

FE7: The first game for many non-Japenese people, including me.

FE8: It *tried* to be a good game.

FE9: Less than decent FMV cutscenes that I still use in Youtube Poops.

FE10: Same as FE9.

FE11: Its content makes it also a good game for newcomers without being as in-your-face as FE8. Also it's the quickest Fire Emblem ever.

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FE3: Two games in one, has Katua in it.

FE4: Two generations, characters, story

FE5: Challenging, introduced rescuing, capturing

FE6: Challenging, introduced support system

FE7: The characters, story, different modes, brought the series to America

FE8: I liked the concept of branch promotion(despite the flaws)

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FE6: I like that it is a prequel of my favorite FE game. Overall characters are great, I like the story and the gathering of the Divine weapons with their respective gaiden chapters are really cool, battle animations of Zephiel, Roy with the Sword of seals and Forblaze are great too. Maps are pretty cool, a great variety. I also like that you get to travel everywhere in Elibe.

FE7: My favorite game due to being the one that introduced me to the series, great characters overall and good story. The support system, archive and convos are my favorite part of this game.

FE8: Even though this is my least favorite FE game that I've played, I really liked the characters.

FE9: I like the story and characters too. The CG movies are beautiful.

FE10: Haven't beaten it but it is a sequel of a good story and game. Should play it more.

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FE1: The fact that such a great series was created, and the fact that I finally figured out which game Marth was from.

FE2: The story was better (don't get me wrong, the script sucked, but the story actually was pretty creative), the graphics were slightly improved, and it was really fun my powerleveled units rip through the competition.

FE3: I haven't played Book 2, but I like it's improved graphics, and I absolutely love the title screen music!

FE5: Haven't played it.

FE6: Um...the Final Boss music was really cool...um....so was the map theme "In Natures Majesty".....it set up the story for FE7.....and that's about it >_<

FE8: I like how nice the graphics look and how well the designers used their color palletes. I have to say, they did a really GREAT job with the colors in this game!

FE9: Don't remember it well enough.

FE10: I like it for being challenging, for the story not being as bad as I thought it would be (I thought it was pretty good), and I also love that even after all these years, Fire Emblem is still a great series.

I'll comment on the other three later.

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Copycat. :angry:


FE4: Awesome characters, awesome story, awesome everything (except the large maps).

FE5: I love the maps and the characters (of course, they are from FE4!).

FE6: The characters are generic but lovable! Elibe is fun, and so is the support system.

FE7: My favorite in terms of graphics. And I love the supports. Character development improved.

FE8: Uhm, branched promotions?

FE9: Characters, Bonus EXP, 3-D. ;D

So yeah, my favorite part about every FE game is its characters.

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FE7: The characters and maps

FE8: The map thing. And there's the two towers (lawlz)

FE9: It's 3-D, the characters

FE10: Pretty much everything

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