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I am very quiet in real life. With people I don't know I am just generally quiet and usually serious. With people who I know, I am still quiet but not that serious. I do joke about but not often.

So IRL I tend to act the same everywhere. Sometimes I might get loud but thats rare. Also I am very moody too XD

Edited by Judge Judy
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With strangers and family, I'm polite and quiet, but with friends, I'm more loud.

Same here. I'm more loud and funny around my friends (sometimes my family too), but I get more serious and polite around strangers. I don't change too much, but I obviously don't make the same jokes to my friends and my teachers.

With my friends, I'm the voice of reason and morals. I'm the annoying guy who always says "Wait, are you sure we should do this. If we do, this could happen." And I'm like a second textbook in most of my classes. I'm one of the kids everyone goes to for help. Yeah, that's me. :D

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It depends on my mood. If I'm feeling groovy, I am a livewire. If I'm all whatever, I don't talk much. I don't think I have much of a cranky mood. (although my deep, rough voice can fool people)

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I'm usually the same wherever I am, depends who I'm with; I'm more talkative and cheerful with my friends and peers than I am with my family or people I don't know, then I'm quiet and keep to myself unless they talk to me; I'm most 'outgoing' online

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I'm usually quiet and withdraw when I'm around people I'm not familiar with. I'm more outgoing around people that I know, and every now and then I go a little crazy when I'm with my closest friends.

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With strangers and family, I'm polite and quiet, but with friends, I'm more loud.


But I try to act th same around everybody(that I know, of course)

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Of course Im polite with my family, and with my friends Im more outgoing (but still in some ways shy) although Im a good boy in comparisson with my friends. Still it's weird because my brother is serious, quiet and somewhat antisocial, so I have to balance that in the house and be the cheerful, joking younger son of the family. But when Im with my friends or people I don't know I first act like my brother and then open up to be the cheerful person.

And some of my girl friends tell me that I am a totally different person in MSN than in real life. Unfortunately for me, they like the MSN me better :(

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I'm usually quiet and withdraw when I'm around people I'm not familiar with. I'm more outgoing around people that I know, and every now and then I go a little crazy when I'm with my closest friends.

This would be me, but then you might want to factor in the fact that I'm pretty crazy on the internet as well...

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I'm extremely outgoing. If there's someone new I'll usually go talk to em( granted they seem interesting). I often assaulted random people in a "threatening" manner, often making them laugh( I'd usually say something like "Aggressive action!" or "Bully Tactics" as I pushed them into a locker). I'm naturally flirty, and I've got a thing with making girls like me especially. All this happens only when I'm around girls for the most part D:. And certain guys. Actually, this persona has come out only recently. Like, this past year and a half.

The other me is the shy version. I'm really polite and courteous( Though I'm always polite and courteous around adults and girls XD). I'm also fairly quiet too. I'm not really the life of the party like this, but apparently I'm kinda cute when I'm shy...( Don't ask me)

I have two other me's, but I'm kinda tired atm...

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I'm basically myself everywhere I go. I'm respectful and kind to anyone and anybody in any area or place. I feel that I shouldn't be fake or pretend to be somebody I'm not to anyone because that how people stop to believe and trust you.

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Faiya? Shy? Dont make me laugh : D

Im quiet around my family as they annoy me.

Im loud with friends.

Im outgoing at work to customers and co workers

Im dead dont say a single fucking word silent in school.(unless im in a class with friends)

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I'm a lot more withdrawn in school than anywhere else. Senioritis maybe. I do, however, have random mood swings at the strangest of times.

methinks we all know that

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Generally the same at all times. Depending on my mood, I'm queter than other times. When I'm pissed off, I'm silent and not very sociable. When I'm feeling alright, I'm just around and speaking only when I feel like I need to. When I'm drunk (or at least had a few drinks, I don't get drunk much), I find myself to be more outgoing.

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Nobody acts the same around everyone, if they think they do then they just haven't noticed.

I don't talk to people that I dislike and when they talk to me I generally ignore them or just reply with "Good for you", then around everyone else I am the same aside from girlfriends or boyfriends.

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