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Club Nintendo Survey time...

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I'm just making this topic since I've yet to recieve an e-mail about it (I usually do).

Checking to see if NOE had finally gotten arround to fixing the amound of stars a few titles give (old titles are supposed to give 250 regardless of the new rules but a few aren't...) I noticed this on the club Nintendo homepage:


I was quite excited as me rarely being a early consumer means I don't usually get the chance.

Remember this option only appears if:

-You remembered to register the game (remember the registration wasn't working for about 2 weeks)

-You did so before a certain date/it has been a certain amount of timer since you did so

So what was asked? The usual really:

-Please briefly tell us what, if anything, do you find interesting about 'Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon'?

-Please briefly tell us what, if anything, do you find disappointing about 'Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon'?

-*page with 1-10 ratings for things like graphics, difficulty, length etc* I swear a there used to be a few more like uses consoles features and one for Wi-Fi

-*page with a 1-7 rating of would you recomend it to friends/family* where was other to write falls on dead ears...

-Having played 'Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon', please briefly tell us what you think about it.

I'm not going to share my answers as I think its best you write your thoughts down.

I wonder if the American survey will be similar. Well, we'll find out about March

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Its working now? Meh, $10 says it breaks again within a week.

Wrong club Nintendo. The image would have told you that. The American one uses coins, The European one stars and #The Japanese one points..

hmm, I don't see the survey though I registered...


I remember back in 2003 only random people who registered got the surveys but given the new site I thought times would have changed that and I got the SSBB survey and that was the last game I registered within two weeks of release

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You probably won't get the survey (I would imagine they only want to hear from early consumers who have had a chance to play* otherwise they would be inundated with feedback about how to improve 5 year old titles...) but if you must get some crappy wallpaper (50 stars a pop) and rinetones (200 stars a pop though watch out, if this does work it might count as an international call which basically works as a reverse-charge call) go for it.

*-It is a shame NoE are not transparent about the elegility. I know NoA post-play surveys are supposed to 1 month after registering game though they are not clear on if registering a game say, a year after it comes out means you'll still get one

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