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Mr.Shiu and Watch

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I agree with you plus I bet Nintendo is going to not make the games more hardcore because they would be lazy.


Make a video game better than anything Nintendo has made in the past 5 years and then say that they're lazy.

If you haven't noticed, in the past 2 years Nintendo has come out with all of their hard hitters except like, F-Zero. Pikmin 3 has been announced and last time I checked Shigeru said that Mario Galaxy 2 and another Zelda Wii were likely (although I'm not sure if this is true or not). Also, Sin and Punishment 2 and Punch Out!.

Give them a minute to take a breath after coming out with pretty much all of their big game series'.

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Yet another topic that proves how right Nintendo is doing stuff. The more hardcore gamers whine about something, the better that thing is. My biggest problem with the patent is that it means all games that implement it will very likely be linear, which is the exact opposite direction I want Zelda to go. Oh well, can't win it all.

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Make a video game better than anything Nintendo has made in the past 5 years and then say that they're lazy.

If you haven't noticed, in the past 2 years Nintendo has come out with all of their hard hitters except like, F-Zero. Pikmin 3 has been announced and last time I checked Shigeru said that Mario Galaxy 2 and another Zelda Wii were likely (although I'm not sure if this is true or not). Also, Sin and Punishment 2 and Punch Out!.

Give them a minute to take a breath after coming out with pretty much all of their big game series'.

Because Twilight Princess was so great. Oh wait, it wasn't. Nevermind.

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Because Twilight Princess was so great. Oh wait, it wasn't. Nevermind.

Wow, the level of intelligence in this thread rivals that of neogaf.

Patents are vague crap that should NEVER be believed. Nintendo also patented Displacement Mapping, you see it being used in the Wii? The Wii isn't even capable of Displacement Mapping. Hell, it's only useful for offline rendering. Not even PS3/360/PC can use displacement mapping in game.

This patent doesn't mean jack shit. Plus, if you read about it, you'd know it seems completely optional. It's not something you're forced to use. It's a feature that's there but whether you use it or not is completely up to you. It's like playing the easy mode of a game and complaining about it being too easy when there's a hard mode there.

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Patents are vague crap that should NEVER be believed. Nintendo also patented Displacement Mapping, you see it being used in the Wii? The Wii isn't even capable of Displacement Mapping. Hell, it's only useful for offline rendering. Not even PS3/360/PC can use displacement mapping in game.

Were you the one who posted that back on FESS in the day? I still remember that post :x

Edited by Celice
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Because Twilight Princess was so great. Oh wait, it wasn't. Nevermind.

We're talking about how hardcore stuff is. Not how good it is.

But I wouldn't know how good TP was, I never could get through the first dungeon because spiders.

But I enjoyed the time I did play it even though I was practically hating the game because spiders, it was fun.


Nintendo gave Windwaker, people complained and said they wanted OoT2.

Nintendo gives them OoT2 people complain. Nintendo just can't win. :(

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When I was on the first page I was going to post "itt We hold a bitchy circle jerk because Nintendo is making games more accessible and people with actual lives are going to be able to infiltrate our "Sooper Speshil Seekrit Games" and enjoy them"

Then I got to the second page and regained my faith in humanity. :P

PS. Twilight Princess was pretty sick, what the hell are you talkin' 'bout Delmud? :(

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PS. Twilight Princess was pretty sick, what the hell are you talkin' 'bout Delmud? :(

It probably had something to do with the complete failure that is the final boss's most powerful attack doing 1 heart. To put this in perspective, the Iron Knuckles of Majora's Mask did, IIRC, 7 hearts of damage if they hit you.

And then there's the fact that you could take a crap and 20 rupees would pop out.

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Just what I came in to say. Thing is before I saw that topic I tried to understand the patent myself after 5 minutes of skim reading and I thought "It'll make more sense with the diagrams" *looks at diagrams* "Hey your browser can't download the plugin to view the diagrams*.

Nintendo gave Windwaker, people complained and said they wanted OoT2.

Nintendo gives them OoT2 people complain. Nintendo just can't win. :(

Then Nintendo gave people Wind Waker 2 with all the challenge and fun sucked out of it and...

But I wouldn't know how good TP was, I never could get through the first dungeon because spiders.

Which is exactly the reason why this patent needs to exist.

Nintendo knows full well people are having problems enjoying the games they buy inspite of making them easier and easier* people are still failing to make suffieicnet progress in them. This is Nintendos new solution to the problem. At the lowest level it is esentially what Nintendo were trying to achieve with Navi (Navi would always point interesting things out in dungeons) but Navi can only tell you what to do not do it if you have trouble.

Of course we won't see the full effect of the patent not, we probably won't ever see it but I hope this means everyone gets to see the ending to the next Zelda game without resorting to youtube.

*-to be honest the puzzles in Zelda have stayed pretty consistent for me (well the NES ones kind of sucked of "understand these Engerish instructions you got from 2 hours of randomly burning bushes and dropping bombs") but the combat has gotten far easier over the years and the SNES onwards is my comfort zone.

Of interest might be what others in the industry thought about it and what it meant. It is clear from those comments it won't be a one-stop solution simply because it can't work with most types of games. For instance how could it work with a racing game? You could say racing games already have training wheels with automatic braking, gears and the like...

Edit: While searching for that article I found this. I'm not sure I would be happy about losing my party members to hacks but it would put an interesting twist on gotta catch em' all...though I don't think the main audience could stand having their Pokemon effectively stolen by a bully...

Edited by Starwolf_UK
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Still it just takes the fun out of game plus that basicly puts Prima out of buisness
You mean Prima, the company which now writes Nintendo's official guides?

On a side note concerning Prima Games: I imagine it wouldn't put Prima out of business. As they also make guides for games of other platforms. (Not just Nintendo.) And they have been doing so as far as I can remember. So, yeah, you really can't expect them to go out of business anytime soon. (Besides, it's a division of the Random House book publishing company, which gives yet another reason why one can't really expect it to go out of business.)

Edited by Little Al
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Nintendo gave Windwaker, people complained and said they wanted OoT2.

Nintendo gives them OoT2 people complain. Fanboys can't make up their minds.

Fix'd. It's not Nintendo's fault that fanboys are whiny bitches.

Seeing how easy games are today makes me stop playing games these days and this new idea is just overkill. I can see this working for somebody who's too poor to have internet access (but yet, they can afford a gaming console) or a really young child (then again, we're still babying them with this idea). I feelings are mixed right now since it is somewhat a good idea on paper however, a freakin' video or a skip level idea is just plain silly!

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Nintendo is nothing but a bunch of pennypinching Japs T_T

die in a car fire please, kthxbye

anyway Nintendo hate is hilarious! please continue as i laugh at the idiocy of it all!!! hardcore gamers...HAHAHAHHAAHAHfuck off all of you, hardcore gamers!

seriously...the patent would be very useful and probably alot cheaper than buying strat guides and easier to understand than gamefaqs...

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Ye but someone who use the In game guide they decide to get a new systemthen thay say all the games are useless because thay don't have a in game guide.


if i am to cuntinu redin ur pastes i wood liek 2 ask fur u 2 plz stup spekin gibrish plz k thx

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Nintendo is nothing but a bunch of pennypinching Japs T_T

Ah just admit it, you luv Nintendo :wub:


I honestly don't care now whether they decide to introduce tutorials for fufutre nintendo games as long as there is an option to switch off the tutorial guide or something.

Edited by Judge Judy
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Nintendo is nothing but a bunch of pennypinching Japs T_T

That explains their astronomical R&D costs then...

I honestly don't care now whether they decide to introduce tutorials for fufutre nintendo games as long as there is an option to switch off the tutorial guide or something.

The patent documentation confirms there is such an option.

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The patent documentation confirms there is such an option.

Ah cool. Would that apply for all genres of nintendo games or only for particular ones.

I mean would every single Nintendo game have a turtorial.

Edited by Judge Judy
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For instance how could it work with a racing game? You could say racing games already have training wheels with automatic braking, gears and the like...
Personally I think staff ghosts are the racing game equivalent to this.
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Nintendo games can't get much easier than Super Mario Galaxy. If you seriously have a problem getting 60 stars, you should not be playing video games. Especially since you only have to collect half of the game's stars to beat the game.

Edited by Holyn
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