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Your idea of a perfect FE game

luigi bros

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My perfect game would have FE4's generation and skill system, a little bit lower than Thracia's annoyingnes, FE6's diffuculty, FE7's storys and sidequests, and FE9's length.

What's your idea of a perfect FE game?

Edited by luigi bros
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Mine would have FE9's supports and difficulty, FE10's BEXP, Skills, and 3 tiered promotion, FE7's sidequests and branching levels, and FE8's creature campaign with secret characters. It would have a plot similar to FE10's with character personalities/development like FE9.

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This will never happen as it's probably only pefrect for me and noone else.. A Jugdral story, chapters and storytelling FE5 style. MANY of them, at least 100-150. Many groups are controlled, slightly like in FE10, and the groups change over time and such. Probably some chapters controlling the bad guys. Maybe the generation system, in that case it only affects a certain number of women and it is told who these women are. Includes the bexp system. More levels than usual games and maybe as much as four tiers. Graphics like in FE5 (same fixed angle, colour theme, style,) and same with portraits. Bring back dismounting and forced dismounting indoors. And FE10's skill system but no swapping of skills and dragons are still ulnerable to arrows.

I thought about this in discussion of FE4 remake : /

Edited by etellerannet(n+1)
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One with a cast as large as the first and sixth game (the tenth doesn't matter, as they're never together until the short end), a good 30 chapters, number Gaidens that have multiple access requirements for each, and trial maps that don't suck. Rewards for Hard Mode clears too, rather than "clear game 15 times" kinda shit.

An unlockable randomizer would be cool too. Such as with Resident Evil--as you're playing, some enemy units (maybe even allied) may switch base classes if enabled. Of course it would be within restrictions to a degree, such as Soldiers=Axe Fighters=Sword Fighters and the like.

And of course skills ^^

Edited by Celice
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My ideal Fire Emblem would allow the player to make decisions that have a meaningful impact on the story. It would also have actual cutscenes rather than presenting conversations by having two or more faces talk to each other. The gameplay would be more or less like Thracia, although I would throw in support conversations ala Path of Radiance and revamp the magic system. A story that's more than mediocre would be nice as well, though that isn't as important.

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My perfect FE game would take FE10's gameplay and expand on it. FE10's skills, 3 tiers, the base, base conversations, different teams, support system where any character can support with any other character, if they can't have so many support convos they should create ones for characters that are most likely to have interesting conversations, awesome battle scenes and animations, forging weapons, FE7's sidequests, FE8's branched story except a little more complex, awesome trial maps.

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Unique sprites for each character, for example:

In the Fire Emblem GBA games they don't change the sprite for the class, only for the lords, like FE8 Marisa has Fir's battle sprite, and when Marisa's an assasin her sprite looks like as if she where a man.

That's all.

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If Radiant Dawn had real support conversations, yet (somehow) kept the same support system, it might have been perfect in my eyes. That is, as perfect as I could ever expect any Fire Emblem to be.

this...seriously, RD was very close to my idea of perfect..the multiple ending options win...and thats what i love is multiple ending options...

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This will never happen as it's probably only pefrect for me and noone else.. A Jugdral story, chapters and storytelling FE5 style. MANY of them, at least 100-150. Many groups are controlled, slightly like in FE10, and the groups change over time and such. Probably some chapters controlling the bad guys. Maybe the generation system, in that case it only affects a certain number of women and it is told who these women are. Includes the bexp system. More levels than usual games and maybe as much as four tiers. Graphics like in FE5 (same fixed angle, colour theme, style,) and same with portraits. Bring back dismounting and forced dismounting indoors. And FE10's skill system but no swapping of skills and dragons are still ulnerable to arrows.

I thought about this in discussion of FE4 remake : /

Close enough to what I want. I'll add a bit:

+Twelve Crusaders calls for AT LEAST another ~30 chapters, COME ON.

+Epic CG movie scenes. At least 20 of them, each around ~7-~15 minutes long. (No matter how bad the VA is and no matter how much your ears bleed.)

+FE10 Style support conversations but meaningful, not one liners.

+A separate support system... like sibling and lover supports. Friendship support. (FE10 had this, didn't they?)

In addition to above: Lover System /=/ Support Conversations. I really hope I'm making sense here.

+Balance; I'm absolutely tired of Fire magic becoming unbelievably heavy or near useless because Wind is lighter and more accurate, or Thunder having more might and having a higher critical rate. Balance for classes, between characters, percent errors between allied units and enemies, a true difficulty setting (FE5 is not hard. Annoying, yes. But not hard.) a reasonable ranking system.

+The most important: Yuka Tsujiyoko.

...Okay, so I added a ton of things.

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Close enough to what I want. I'll add a bit:

+Twelve Crusaders calls for AT LEAST another ~30 chapters, COME ON.

+Epic CG movie scenes. At least 20 of them, each around ~7-~15 minutes long. (No matter how bad the VA is and no matter how much your ears bleed.)

+FE10 Style support conversations but meaningful, not one liners.

+A separate support system... like sibling and lover supports. Friendship support. (FE10 had this, didn't they?)

In addition to above: Lover System /=/ Support Conversations. I really hope I'm making sense here.

+Balance; I'm absolutely tired of Fire magic becoming unbelievably heavy or near useless because Wind is lighter and more accurate, or Thunder having more might and having a higher critical rate. Balance for classes, between characters, percent errors between allied units and enemies, a true difficulty setting (FE5 is not hard. Annoying, yes. But not hard.) a reasonable ranking system.

YES. You are making sense. Add this to mine as well.

+The most important: Yuka Tsujiyoko.


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Let's see...

-Actual support conversations

-great dialogue(at least FE9 level)

-a good, interesting plot

-FE10's three-tiered promotions

-lots of playable characters

-comes with a decent amount of difficulty

-good voice acting for when anyone says anything

-multiple routes and different endings

-lots of well-animated cutscenes(maybe not too many)


-BEXP(FE10 style)

-great graphics

-FE4's generation "skip"

-a lot of chapters without the game getting dull

This one's a maybe:

-a "personal" unit as a main character(Like FE7's tactician, but playable)

Hm...I'm sure there's more I could add to this list... Let's hope IS finds this topic.

Edited by Fireman
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based off 10's system (Not the 4-part system, but the rest of it. A multi-part story might be nice, though, as long as you get to spend as much time together as you do split up. Like if part 4 were half the game, then 10's story/availability setup would be fine.)


Random mode and Fixed mode. And maybe a Not-So-Random mode (stats are random but don't deviate as much as on random mode). Or even a Very Random mode.

More varied enemy stat builds. More like 6's. (Enemy stats are very similar in 10, with far fewer exceptions. That's not cool.) But with a few tweaks. Archer/snipers need more skl and slightly more spd. More spd for pirates. Etc.

and maybe hard mode stat boosts rather than or in addition to higher enemy levels

And more varied class stat builds/caps, especially among the magic classes. Like not all magic-attackers should cap at 30~32 spd. Go ahead and have one cap spd at 32 and mag at 39 or summat, like it is now, but then another cap spd at 36 and mag at liek 33, for example.

This may be already included in the "More varied enemy stat builds. More like 6's." bit, but... more and more dangerous mages.

supports can give crit and crit avoid like in 6/7/8

and generally, each character can support with everyone else like in 10, but most pairings are capped at C and have shortish or even generic conversations, but each char will have a few partners they can reach higher with, like to A or even S, and have fuller conversations. And some will be completely incompatible and can't support at all. And there will be a few inbuilt negative supports.

and characters can have multiple partners, like in 6/7/8/9, rather than one partner like in 10. And more pre-built supports like Pent/Louise, but not necessarily at A. Ike-Mist would have an auto-B or something, for example.

And each character has a different support limit, rather than a fixed 5 for everyone like in 6/7/8/9

and stat growths are simply reduced by 20% for every point it goes past the "cap" rather than actually capping (and I mean 100% growth -> 80% -> 60% -> 40% etc., rather than 100% -> 80% -> 64% -> 51.2% etc.)

no bexp min turn limits. Beating the chapter in 3 turns gives more bexp than winning in 7, even if it's nearly impossible to beat it in 10 turns. Or, better idea: You have a bexp min turn limit, like normal, but your reward decays exponentially after that mark rather than linearly. And if you complete the chapter under that limit, you get a linear bonus to the reward (ex: if 2 turns under gives you 200 extra points, 5 turns under gives 500). I'm only doing that because continuing with the exponential curve would would get too high.

unique mastery skills rather than 10's lolOHK or 9's lolworthless. More of them should be not %activation. More command and passive.

more skills in general. Ones that come with negative side affects would be nice.

supports on enemies, even on some generic ones

more skills on enemies (ones with skills and supports should probably stand out in some way. maybe even just an icon in the unit window/bubble things)

more new game+ options and/or unlockables, like 9's bands

more magic forging options, and maybe a few more magic tomes. Magic is grossly underpowered in 10 as it is.

a few unbuyable magic sword/axe/bow/lances, like in 9, but not quite as rare

maybe more

Edited by Reikken
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based off 10's system (Not the 4-part system, but the rest of it. A multi-part story might be nice, though, as long as you get to spend as much time together as you do split up. Like if part 4 were half the game, then 10's story/availability setup would be fine.)


Random mode and Fixed mode. And maybe a Not-So-Random mode (stats are random but don't deviate as much as on random mode). Or even a Very Random mode.

6's enemy stat builds-- with a few tweaks. Archer/snipers need more skl and slightly more spd. More spd for pirates. Etc.

and maybe hard mode stat boosts rather than or in addition to higher enemy levels

supports can give crit and crit avoid like in 6/7/8

and generally, each character can support with everyone else like in 10, but most pairings are capped at C and have shortish or even generic conversations, but each char will have a few partners they can reach higher with, like to A or even S, and have fuller conversations. And some will be completely incompatible and can't support at all. And there will be a few inbuilt negative supports.

and characters can have multiple partners, like in 6/7/8/9, rather than one partner like in 10. And more pre-built supports like Pent/Louise, but not necessarily at A. Ike-Mist would have an auto-B or something, for example.

And each character has a different support limit, rather than a fixed 5 for everyone like in 6/7/8/9

and stat growths are simply reduced by 20% for every point it goes past the "cap" rather than actually capping (and I mean 100% growth -> 80% -> 60% -> 40% etc., rather than 100% -> 80% -> 64% -> 51.2% etc.)

no bexp min turn limits. Beating the chapter in 3 turns gives more bexp than winning in 7, even if it's nearly impossible to beat it in 10 turns. Or, better idea: You have a bexp min turn limit, like normal, but your reward decays exponentially after that mark rather than linearly. And if you complete the chapter under that limit, you get a linear bonus to the reward (ex: if 2 turns under gives you 200 extra points, 5 turns under gives 500). I'm only doing that because continuing with the exponential curve would would get too high.

unique mastery skills rather than 10's lolOHK or 9's lolworthless. More of them should be not %activation. More command and passive.

more skills in general. Ones that come with negative side affects would be nice.

supports on enemies, even on some generic ones

more skills on enemies (ones with skills and supports should probably stand out in some way. maybe even just an icon in the unit window/bubble things)

more new game+ options and/or unlockables, like 9's bands

maybe more

You and I can has sex now? :P

Honestly, I liked 10 a lot, so basically 10, with some nice little modifications. Reikken's ones look pretty damn close to what I would want.

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FE10 supports with conversations previos FE-style.

3 tiers, maybe throw a couple of trainees FE8 style.

Make games hard. If you're going to get a bunch of overpowered units (GM, FE9), make the enemy a bunch of even more overpowered units. Strategy is not a neccessity on the FE games I've played. My brother just brute-forces the games, thats enough proof for me.

Something kinda annoying I found was that some weapons are exclusive for one person. That special tome you get at the beginning of the game is saved until the end, when you get the underpowered magic user that can wield it, but it's not worth the effort (Knoll, and everything but the last part Pelleas).

-a "personal" unit as a main character(Like FE7's tactician, but playable)

THIS - SO VERY WANT THIS. Maybe not as a main character, because then it would be too much like role playing, and the story would be so very complicated. It would be kinda conflictive too (for people who don't understand, check the reasons why Link of The Legend of Zelda doesn't speak). Make growths and class. A unique class for you is a seriously want.

FE10 bexp system. It worked really well.

Mastery skills. Maaaaybe the FE10 ones without the triple damage, and increase the % activation to counter the nerf.

I really wouldn't know anymore, since I've only played FE6-10. I really wished I understood the generation system and the lover bonus stuff. For me it's like latin or something.

Let's hope IS finds this topic.

You can make it happen. I can't send mails from here due to security, but here:webmaster@intsys.co.jp

I seriously doubt that anything will come out of it, but it doesn't hurt to try...

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If Radiant Dawn had real support conversations, yet (somehow) kept the same support system, it might have been perfect in my eyes. That is, as perfect as I could ever expect any Fire Emblem to be.

I Agree

And I agree with Reikken, these modifications would turn the next FE Awesome :D

I realy hope IS reade this (:P)

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everything that Reikken suggested would make fire emblem near perfect!

more cutscenes! like everything in the main storyline. it doesn't matter if support conversations, base conversations, etc are nothing more than talking mug sprites, as long as the main storyline is made with cutscenes and such. and proper voice acting, too!

Also, many gaiden chapters. that was the thing that i hated about FE9, since it had a grand total of 0 gaiden chapters.

split paths, maybe taking command of several different armies as long as each one had an adequate amount chapters available. maybe even control the enemy units for a while, such as when they're seizing a city or something lol at evil chapter requirements being Route all civilian units, Pillage, and Arson!

actually have control over the epilogue by your actions.

trainee units.

i can't think of anything else at the moment

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All I need is the gameplay being GBA Fire Emblem style, good Fire Emblem 9/10 cut scenes, and a cute girl who's barefoot for no reason whatsoever to make me satisfied. Oh yeah, reasonable sized maps, not too small, but definitely not Fire emblem 4 big.

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