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I have only done Mist for Fire Emblem 9. I'll finish FE10 Mist tomorrow!

some paragraphs are in italics. they are not really relevant overall, but they help to describe Mist's personality, etc. it is up to you if you want them or not! <3




Mist is a young cleric in the Greil Mercenaries. She is the daughter of Greil, the commander of the mercenary group, and younger sister of Ike, the main character of Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn. She is quite caring towards the people around her, helping out as much as possible with the chores and work done around the fort.


In Path of Radiance:

Mist is the younger daughter of Greil and Elena. She, like Ike, was born and raised for her early years in Gallia, until sometime after her mother’s death. Since she was quite young at the time, she doesn’t recall the events.

Mist is unique among the people of Tellius in that she is perfectly in balance. Her personality consists of equal amounts of order and chaos, the two driving forces of human nature. Apparently her mother also had this trait. It was this trait that allowed Mist and Elena to safely hold Lehran’s Medallion, also known as the Fire Emblem. The Fire Emblem exuded chaotic energies, which took the form of a mysterious blue light, because of the dark god imprisoned inside of it. These chaotic energies caused normal people who got in contact with them to give way to the chaotic side of their personality. However, in Mist and Elena’s case, the order in their personalities counteracted with the chaos, making the medallion's effects null. As such, they were some of the only people in Tellius who could hold the medallion safely. Because of this trait, Elena was entrusted with the medallion by Lillia, the Heron Princess of Serenes. And, likewise, the medallion was entrusted to Mist after Elena’s death. Mist holds on to this medallion and cherishes it as a sort of keepsake of her mother.

After Elena’s death, Greil moved to Crimea and formed the Greil Mercenaries. Mist began to work in the base by helping out with the chores and the work, such as washing clothes and preparing meals. Her cooking becomes target of several jokes from other characters, particularly Ike, since apparently it’s quite atrocious. However, she dutifully works on improving this skill.

Early in Path of Radiance, Mist and Rolf get kidnapped by a group of bandits after the Greil Mercenaries stop them from looting a village. The bandits wanted to get revenge for their fallen comrades. Mist is shown to be quite courageous in this situation, since she remains quite calm and even comforts Rolf, assuring him that everything will be solved soon. Soon afterwards they are saved by the Mercenaries and all returns to normal.

Soon after the invasion of Daein, the Mercenaries find Elincia, Princess of Crimea. Once it becomes evident that the Daein Army wants to finish off Elincia, they decide to move out to Gallia to seek for help from the Lion King Caineghis. It is at this moment that Elincia and Mist become friends, sharing stories of their lives. This is also when Mist shows Elincia her medallion, and both become quite intrigued by the mysterious blue light that radiates from it.

After their encounter at Fort Meritenne, Greil and the Black Knight battle alone in the forest unbeknownst to anyone else. Greil is killed in this duel, which is a heavy blow to Mist. It is this event that influences her to join the mercenaries as a healer. She felt she had to; she couldn’t forgive herself for not being with her father in his last moments. Apparently, she had managed to convince Rhys to teach her how to use staves in secret.

From Gallia, the Mercenaries travel to the Begnion Empire to seek help from the Apostle. Sometime after Ike and the Mercenaries leave Begnion, Volke, an assassin-for-hire, reveals the secrets of Ike and Mist's parents and the medallion to Ike. It was revealed that Greil had murdered Elena after touching the medallion and losing control. Eventually, Mist was informed of this, and while she expressed sadness over her mother’s death, she stated that she felt sadder for her father knowing that he had suffered every day because of this.

Near the end of the war, when Ike goes alone to fight against the Black Knight to take revenge over his father’s death, Mist goes to help him without his consent. She didn’t want her brother to die without her by his side.

After the war, she gives the medallion to the heron siblings, since she knows that they will be able to keep the dark god in control inside of the medallion.


Edited by Persephone
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Just thought I'd mention that FreelancerSealBoy had already claimed this article. Hopefully they haven't already started working on it though ^^;;;

i had told you before that i was going to write for Mist, Reyson, and Rafiel. don't you remember Vince?


how could you have forgotten!

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Oh yeah, I completely forgot. Sorry about that.

I think you might have mentioned it when I was really busy. Besides, I have a really bad memory >__<

Edited by VincentASM
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Guest FreelancerSealBoy

Eh, it's ok. With school, I haven't had much time to write anyway. I haven't even had time to finish my Titania article.

So, she's yours Aphrodite.

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thanks! maybe i'll get to work on the Radiant Dawn part sometime today.

but does it look accurate? i did a lot based on my memory, which is quite horrible at the best of times...

Edited by Aphrodite
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I was going to say suggest we could split her, but I don't know how that would work out.

split her, as in FE9 Mist and FE10 Mist?

i'm fine with that! do you want to write the FE10 Mist article?

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Elincia and Mist become friends in this moment, sharing stories of their lives. In this moment Mist shows Elincia her medallion, and both become quite intrigued about the mysterious blue light that radiated from it.
The phrase "in this moment" is used twice within these two sentences. May I suggest this?:
(It is at this moment that) Elincia and Mist become friends*1, sharing stories of their lives. (This is when) *2 Mist shows Elincia her medallion, and both become quite intrigued (by)*3 the mysterious blue light that radiate(s)*4 from it.

*1: The changing of the placement of when they become friends is my suggestion, but this one is your choice. I did change "in this moment" to "at this moment".Think of it this way: Would you say "It is in this point in time that Ike defeats the enemy general."(the 'point in time' being a substitute for 'moment', because that is technically what a moment is), or "It is at this point in time that Ike defeats the enemy general."?

*2: I got rid of 'moment' altogether because it would still be repetitive.

*3: 'Intrigue' is technically an action that the medallion takes, so proper grammar would say 'by', rather than 'about'. Here is an example: would you say "Nevassa was attacked by bandits.", or "Nevassa was attacked about bandits."?

*4: Since (correct me if I am wrong) the light continues to radiate from the medallion, and not just stop, using the past tense 'radiated', rather than the present tense 'radiates', is incorrect.


Once the mercenaries arrive in Gallia, they meet the Black Knight, one of greatest generals of Daein.

Mist and Ike don't exactly converse with him over a cup of tea, and they certainly are not friendly with one another. To me, it seems like 'meet' is being used incorrectly. Might I suggest (I made a few other edits, as well)?:

(Sometime after)*1 the mercenaries arrive in Gallia, they (encounter)*2 the Black Knight , one of (the Four Riders) *3 of Daein, (at Fort Meritenne)*4.

*1: Saying 'once they arrive' leads to the assumption that it happens right away.

*2: See the explanation about my suggestions.

*3: For one, you forgot to put 'the' in front of 'greatest generals'. Two, 'greatest general' is not descriptive enough in this case, and is easily substituted by 'Four Riders', the name given to the four greatest generals.

*4: Specification of where helps the next sentence.


After a particularly mysterious meeting, Greil and the Black Knight battle alone in the forest without anyone’s knowledge. Greil dies in this duel. It is a heavy blow to Mist, and is the main factor that influences her to join the mercenaries as a healer. She couldn’t forgive herself for not being with her father in his last moments, so she decided to become an active member of the Greil Mercenaries. Apparently she had managed to convince Rhys to teach her how to use staves in order to help out the mercenaries in battle.

I have a few suggestions for this:

After (the)*1 meeting (at Fort Meritenne), Greil and the Black Knight battle alone in the forest (unbeknownst to anyone else). Greil (is killed) in this duel(, which) is a heavy blow to Mist.*2 (It is this event) that influences her to join the mercenaries as a healer. *3 (She felt she had to; )(s)he couldn’t forgive herself for not being with her father in his last moments(.) so she decided to become an active member of the Greil Mercenaries.*4 Apparently(,) she had managed to convince Rhys to teach her how to use staves (in secret.)*5 in order to help out the mercenaries in battle.*4

*1: Remove unneeded text, and changed the 'meeting' to specify the Black Knight's first appearance in the story. I realize that this is not the meeting being originally referenced, but Greil and the BK didn't meet to talk, they met to fight, which is clearly stated later in the same sentence.

*2: The second and third sentences can be combined to make the second one a little longer. This is my suggestion for the first on the two.

*3: This is my suggestion for the third sentence.

*4: This striked-out part is unnecessary.

*5: Remember, no one else knew about this. ;)

(I mainly had only a problem with this paragraph. From here on will just be minor stuff.)


From Gallia the Mercenaries move out to Begnion to seek help from the Apostle and Empress of Begnion. Sometime after Ike and the Mercenaries leave Begnion, Volke, an assassin-for-hire, reveals the secret of their parents and the medallion to Ike. Apparently, Greil had murdered Elena after touching the medallion and losing control. Eventually Mist was informed of this, and while she expressed sadness over her mother’s death, she stated that she felt sadder for her father knowing that he had suffered every day because of this.
From Gallia(,) the Mercenaries (travel) to (the) Begnion (Empire) to seek help from the Apostle(.) and Empress of Begnion. Sometime after Ike and the Mercenaries leave Begnion, Volke, an assassin-for-hire, reveals the secrets of (Ike and Mist's) parents and the medallion(, but only to Ike). (It was revealed that) Greil had murdered Elena after touching the medallion and losing control. Eventually(,) Mist was informed of this, and while she expressed sadness over her mother’s death, she stated that she felt sadder for her father knowing that he had suffered every day because of this.


These are all my suggestions. The rest was good. I'm surprised you wrote this out of memory!

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wow! Editor-in-chief Jem!!!!!

thanks for going through the article! especially that one with the black knight killing Greil! i felt that it was a weak chapter, but i really didn't know how to fix it and plus, i wanted to go to bed really badly!!!!

i'll go edit it right away!


EDIT: I have edited the article with all of your suggestions. and reading it over, it's much clearer than it was before!

If anybody has anything else to comment about, such as grammatical errors, relevant points i may have forgotten to mentioned or didn't elaborate on properly, etc., please don't hesitate to post it here!

Edited by Aphrodite
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I'm going through it one more time.

She is quite caring of the people around her, helping out as much as possible with the chores and work done around the fort.

This is a minor grammatical error I did not catch:

She is quite caring (towards) the people around her, helping out as much as possible with the chores and work done around the fort.


Mist is the younger daughter of Greil and Elena. She, like Ike, was born and raised for her early years in Gallia, until sometime after her mother’s death. Since she was quite young at the time, she doesn’t recall the events. Mist is unique among the people of Tellius in that she is perfectly in balance. Her personality consists of equal amounts of order and chaos, the two driving forces of human nature. Apparently her mother also had this trait.
These sentences should be at the start of this paragraph:
It was this trait that allowed Mist and Elena to safely hold Lehran’s Medallion, also known as the Fire Emblem. The Fire Emblem exuded chaotic energies, which took the form of a mysterious blue light, because of the dark god imprisoned inside of it. These chaotic energies caused normal people who got in contact with them to give way to the chaotic side of their personality. However, in Mist and Elena’s case, the order in their personalities counteracted with the chaos, making the medallions effects null. As such, they were some of the only people in Tellius who could hold the medallion safely.


Because of this trait, Elena was entrusted with the medallion by Lillia, the Heron Princess of Serenes. And, likewise, the medallion was entrusted to Mist after Elena’s death. Mist holds on to this medallion and cherishes it as a sort of keepsake of her mother.
This paragraph should be at the end of this paragraph:
It was this trait that allowed Mist and Elena to safely hold Lehran’s Medallion, also known as the Fire Emblem. The Fire Emblem exuded chaotic energies, which took the form of a mysterious blue light, because of the dark god imprisoned inside of it. These chaotic energies caused normal people who got in contact with them to give way to the chaotic side of their personality. However, in Mist and Elena’s case, the order in their personalities counteracted with the chaos, making the medallions effects null. As such, they were some of the only people in Tellius who could hold the medallion safely.


However, she is dutifully working on improving this skill.
However, she is dutifully work(s) on improving this skill.


Early in Path of Radiance, Mist and Rolf get kidnapped by a group of bandits after the Greil Mercenaries stop them from looting a village. The bandits wanted to have revenge for their fallen comrades. Mist is shown as quite a courageous person in this situation, since she remains quite calm and even comforts Rolf, assuring him that everything will be solved soon.
Early in Path of Radiance, Mist and Rolf get kidnapped by a group of bandits after the Greil Mercenaries stop them from looting a village. The bandits wanted to (get) revenge for their fallen comrades. Mist is shown (to be) quite courageous in this situation, since she remains quite calm and even comforts Rolf, assuring him that everything will be solved soon.


After the meeting at Fort Meritenne, Greil and the Black Knight battle alone in the forest unbeknownst to anyone else. Greil is killed in this duel, which is a heavy blow to Mist. It is this event that influences her to join the mercenaries as a healer. She felt she had to; she couldn’t forgive herself for not being with her father in his last moments. Apparently, she had managed to convince Rhys to teach her how to use staves in secret.
Wasn't there a paragraph before this? If you want to take it out, something needs to be done about this first sentence. I'd suggest:
After the meeting (encountering the Black Knight) at Fort Meritenne, he and Greil battle alone in the forest unbeknownst to anyone else.
You can probably do something better with that.
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I've modified the article with your suggestions.

and no, there wasn't a paragraph before it. but i guess i didn't word it correctly when i edited it.


well, the deed is done! if anything else needs to be changed, post it peoples!!


Edited by Aphrodite
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Guest FreelancerSealBoy

Sorry it took so long, Aphrodite. School really sucks for this kind of thing. :P I'll put it here, since they'd probably be on the same article.

Anyway, here's my first crack at it:


Mist was not seen along with her brother and the rest of the mercenary troop until the final stand between Queen Elincia and the rebel forces. While Ike and the majority of the company did battle with the rebel soldiers, Mist attempted to revive the unconscious Lucia she was unsucessful. After reunited Lucia with her queen, Mist expressed relief and gladness to return home to the mercenary fort. Their stay was short-lived as her brother was approached to join the Laguz Alliance against the Begnion Empire. On the field of battle, Mist aided her fellow troops far more than she did in the Mad King's War, participating in every battle the mercenaries fought. Her staff and sword, Florete, became great assets to the war effort.

As the tides of war swelled, chaos abounded, and the deity held in the medallion struggled against its confines, Mist was the only beorc to feel any effects; a condition of the heron laguz. When the deity, now known as the goddess Yune, asked for aid in defeating her counterpart, Ashera and saving Tellius from Ashera'a wrath, Mist joined the group led by Ike on the trek to Begnion's captial.

After Ashera and Yune departed from the world, Mist returned to the mercenary fort along with the rest of the company. It is unknown how she lived her life. Some say she lived happily alone, refusing the many suitors who came to court her. Others say she gave in to her feelings for one man, Boyd, and married him, crying, much to her husband's chagrin, when the vows were given.

I'll expect to have to make a few changes, but what do you think?

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Guest Aphrodite

i think you should add just a few things.

*when she faints because of the excess chaos, along with the herons

*Yune choosing to speak to Mist when she first appeared.

just so that there will be some continuity between my article and yours, and to further elaborate on Mist's balance, which is her most defining quality.


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Guest FreelancerSealBoy



Mist was not seen along with her brother and the rest of the mercenary troop until the final stand between Queen Elincia and the rebel forces. While Ike and the majority of the company did battle with the rebel soldiers, Mist attempted to revive the unconscious Lucia though Rhys was successful. After reunited Lucia with her queen, Mist expressed relief and gladness to return home to the mercenary fort. Their stay was short-lived as her brother was approached to join the Laguz Alliance against the Begnion Empire. On the field of battle, Mist aided her fellow troops far more than she did in the Mad King's War, participating in every battle the mercenaries fought. Her staff and sword, Florete, became great assets to the war effort.

As the tides of war swelled, chaos abounded, and the deity held in the medallion struggled against its confines, Mist was the only beorc to feel any effects. The chaos emitted from the medallion caused her to faint as it had done the herons. This was largely due to the amount of balance Mist possesed. When the deity, now known as the goddess Yune, asked for aid in defeating her counterpart, Ashera and saving Tellius from Ashera'a wrath, Mist joined the group led by Ike on the trek to Begnion's captial. Mist was also one of the first Yune chose to speak with when the goddess first appeared.

After Ashera and Yune departed from the world, Mist returned to the mercenary fort along with the rest of the company. It is unknown how she lived her life. Some say she lived happily alone, refusing the many suitors who came to court her. Others say she gave in to her feelings for one man, Boyd, and married him, crying, much to her husband's chagrin, when the vows were given.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not exactly familiar with PoR/RD's plots, but here's some grammatical/etc suggestions anyway.


Mist is a young cleric in the Greil Mercenaries. She is the daughter of Greil, the commander of the mercenary group, and younger sister of Ike, the main character of Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn. (This might just be me, but I think this could be quite easily misunderstood by others as Mist being the commander. You could reorder it as: "She is the daughter of the commander of the mercenary group, Greil, and younger sister of Ike...", or maybe omit "Greil" since she is mentioned as Greil's daughter in the Bio as well.)


In Path of Radiance:

However, in Mist and Elena’s case, the order in their personalities counteracted with the chaos, making the medallion's effects null. (Apostrophe.)

This is also when Mist shows Elincia her medallion, and both become quite intrigued by the mysterious blue light that radiates from it. (Looks like you missed out the "by" accidentally.)


While Ike and the majority of the company did battle with the rebel soldiers, Mist attempted to revive the unconscious Lucia though Rhys was successful. After reuniting Lucia with her queen, Mist expressed relief and gladness to return home to the mercenary fort. (I just watched the execution video, but I don't think Mist was trying to "revive" Lucia, she was more like shaking her awake. Also, "revive" implies Lucia died, but I guess it can still be used for someone regaining consciousness?) (I think that's supposed to be "reuniting".)

When the deity, now known as the goddess Yune, asked for aid in defeating her counterpart, Ashera, and saving Tellius from Ashera's wrath, Mist joined the group led by Ike on the trek to Begnion's capital. (Added a comma.) (Two typoes.)

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Guest FreelancerSealBoy
I'm not exactly familiar with PoR/RD's plots, but here's some grammatical/etc suggestions anyway.

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll take care of it later.

Also, "revive" implies Lucia died, but I guess it can still be used for someone regaining consciousness?

She sure looked dead when I first saw that video; glad they decided not to be that unfair though. I would say revive could be used for someone regaining consciousness. Like I said, Mist tried it, but shaking her probably wasn't the way to do it.

What would you suggest I use though?

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She sure looked dead when I first saw that video; glad they decided not to be that unfair though. I would say revive could be used for someone regaining consciousness. Like I said, Mist tried it, but shaking her probably wasn't the way to do it.

What would you suggest I use though?

In the clip, Lucia seems to be half-dead (conscious but severely injured). Anyway, Mist says: Hold on, Lucia! Everything will be fine! You're safe now. Can you hear me? Hold on!. It sounds like she's just trying to keep her awake.

I'd suggest something like:

"While Ike and the majority of the company did battle with the rebel soldiers, Mist tended to Lucia as Rhys was healing her."

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Guest FreelancerSealBoy



Mist was not seen along with her brother and the rest of the mercenary troop until the final stand between Queen Elincia and the rebel forces. While Ike and the majority of the company did battle with the rebel soldiers, Mist tended to Lucia as Rhys was healing her. After reuniting Lucia with her queen, Mist expressed relief and gladness to return home to the mercenary fort. Their stay was short-lived as her brother was approached to join the Laguz Alliance against the Begnion Empire. On the field of battle, Mist aided her fellow troops far more than she did in the Mad King's War, participating in every battle the mercenaries fought. Her staff and sword, Florete, became great assets to the war effort.

As the tides of war swelled, chaos abounded, and the deity held in the medallion struggled against its confines, Mist was the only beorc to feel any effects. The chaos emitted from the medallion caused her to faint as it had done the herons. This was largely due to the amount of balance Mist possesed. When the deity, now known as the goddess Yune, asked for aid in defeating her counterpart, Ashera, and saving Tellius from Ashera's wrath, Mist joined the group led by Ike on the trek to Begnion's capital. Mist was also one of the first Yune chose to speak with when the goddess first appeared.

After Ashera and Yune departed from the world, Mist returned to the mercenary fort along with the rest of the company. It is unknown how she lived her life. Some say she lived happily alone, refusing the many suitors who came to court her. Others say she gave in to her feelings for one man, Boyd, and married him, crying, much to her husband's chagrin, when the vows were given.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i think that both articles have been beaten to death already. unless somebody else has some suggestion or comment, it's ready for uploading, methinks.

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Guest FreelancerSealBoy
i think that both articles have been beaten to death already. unless somebody else has some suggestion or comment, it's ready for uploading, methinks.

Here, here. But it's up to Vincent.

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I think the article is more or less ready to be added, but before that, this paragraph needs a few corrections.

Mist is unique among the people of Tellius in that she is perfectly in balance. Her personality consists of equal amounts of order and chaos, the two driving forces of human nature. Apparently her mother also had this trait. It was this trait that allowed Mist and Elena to safely hold Lehran’s Medallion, also known as the Fire Emblem. The Fire Emblem exuded chaotic energies, which took the form of a mysterious blue light, because of the dark god imprisoned inside of it. These chaotic energies caused normal people who got in contact with them to give way to the chaotic side of their personality. However, in Mist and Elena’s case, the order in their personalities counteracted with the chaos, making the medallion's effects null. As such, they were some of the only people in Tellius who could hold the medallion safely. Because of this trait, Elena was entrusted with the medallion by Lillia, the Heron Princess of Serenes. And, likewise, the medallion was entrusted to Mist after Elena’s death. Mist holds on to this medallion and cherishes it as a sort of keepsake of her mother.

Mist is supposed to have an abnormally high amount of Order (AKA Balance in the FE9 localisation), not that she has an equal amount in both. The reason why she isn't affected by the medallion is the same reasoning as yours, except she barely has any Chaos in the first place (if any).

I would have reworded it myself, but I think it's probably better to let you do that ^^

Edited by VincentASM
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