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Anyone else watched Legend of the Galactic Heroes?

Fruitloop Multipuck

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I've finished the main series and movies, currently working my way through the side stories. Epic old anime is epic. And really long - 110 Episode OVA is like wut. Totally worth it, highly recommended.

I've watched it (+ the movies and the first gaiden series [still waiting for the second one to be subbed completely] and read the first novel as well) and I'm going to say this: LoGH killed anime. Seriously, nothing today can even compare with it.

Not only it is one of the best anime ever made, it's also probably one of the best science-fiction series ever made.

I've managed to find

(in Japanese) which might hopefully get some people interested in it.
I'm looking around for it, but you have no idea how hard it is to find and old anime series in an upbeat site. The index isn't complete yet, so doing in manually.

I didn't understand what you meant. >.< What's so difficult about finding the episodes?

Edited by Marthur
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For those looking, Veoh has the first 15 episodes up. The My Conquest is the Sea of Stars movie takes place prior to the series and was made before it, so you might wanna start there if possible, though you'll be fine if you miss it. The Overture to a New War movie is basically a remake of the first 2 episodes with additional backstory on the characters, though AFAIK the only subs for it are fairly poor.

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Best Anime ever made in my opinion.

Got this shady Japanese->Chinese->English sub on DVD and watched it on my huge HDTV and it was just epic defined.

I recall all the episodes were on crunchyroll.com a long time ago.

and I'm going to say this: LoGH killed anime. Seriously, nothing today can even compare with it.

True, anime these days is mostly crap.

I mean look at Tytania. An ongoing anime directed by the guy who did LoGH and the same Art Studio but it just doesn't compare. :(

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I recall all the episodes were on crunchyroll.com a long time ago.

They got removed over New Years, along with most of the series that made that site worthwhile.

I mean look at Tytania. An ongoing anime directed by the guy who did LoGH and the same Art Studio but it just doesn't compare. :(


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For those interested in possibly watching, here's a short summary:

For decades, the Galactic Empire has been locked in an interstellar war with the Free Planets Alliance, a conflict that involves thousands of spaceships and millions of soldiers on both sides. Two new commanders enter the conflict with great hopes: Imperial Admiral Reinhard von Lohengramm and the FPA's Yang Wen-Li. As they deal with superiors and subordinates, maneuver through complicated political arrangements, plot strategies, and win battles, each will be tested, and ultimately, changed, by the reality of war.

And a review.

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I've finished the main series and movies, currently working my way through the side stories. Epic old anime is epic. And really long - 110 Episode OVA is like wut. Totally worth it, highly recommended.

You are my new friend. Legend of the Galactic Heroes is one of the best anime ever created. I recommend this to ANYONE. The tactics in every battle are VERY well thought out and they also give backgrounds for every character,

and then you also see most of the characters get killed as well.

This anime is absolutely amazing.

And yeah, LoGH definitely killed anime due to the fact that not much of ANYTHING can compare to it. A close one would be Monster, but definitely not as good.

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As in, a guy that looks like Char, or a guy with a mask? The former would probably be Reinhard von Lohengramm, one of the main characters, I don't recall any of the latter existing.

Yes, that Reinhard's eyes is creepy like Char.

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And yeah, LoGH definitely killed anime due to the fact that not much of ANYTHING can compare to it. A close one would be Monster, but definitely not as good.

wha? quoting doesn't cover spoilers. Good job I can highlight and delete faster thna I can read

Isn't Monster a tad episodic in places which gets most people bored of it before the end. Anyway as for LoGH, I've wated the first episode and odwnloaded the rest as I liked it...that was about a year ago. I've been meaning to find the for it but at the end of the day I don't have that much time for anime, I'm lucky if I can get though 5 episodes a day...at that pace LoGh will take nearly a month...I should be able to as I still need to show up a friend who watched about 300 episodes of One Piece in a month. I can't beat quanity but I can beat quality :P

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