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The Random Moment That You Laugh when Everybody Else Around You is Silent Thread


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The Random Moment That You Laugh when Everybody Else Around You is Silent Thread.

you post about times when you have randomly burst out laughing when everybody else was silent around you.

one time, in English class we were taking a test about Macbeth. I don't exactly remember why I suddenly started laughing, but it was something to do with a question reminding me about something. It was hilarious because half of the class got startled by my sudden laughter and kinda jumped in surprise, which made me laugh harder!


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This happen the day of my last day of my first semester of college. A few students and myself where watching C.N.N. and ther ewas a news report about leaked, racist e-mails from the governor office of Alaska. Somebody was sending an e-mail that read "Oh great! Not another black family living in free government housing". Everyone in the room was silent but I almost laughed out loud. I think people heard me snicking and looked at me.

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Well, at my school I am known as the guy who laughs to much at things that are not funny (And Sprinkles[And Spartan because I quote 300 all the time] Dont ask why) Yea.

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I find things funny that others don't find funny, and often laugh over it in public. Like when someone does something really predictable from their personality or two people having a totally meaningless arguement or other random situations.

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