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I am afraid people will never believe that. Has it been proven what you are saying?

This has already been stated several times in this topic, but I will say it one more time.

1. Differences in the brains of homosexuals and heterosexuals have been found.

2. There is absolutely no reason to believe that homosexuality is a choice other than straight people saying it, while any real homosexual can tell you that it is not a choice.

I mean really, when did you choose to be straight? This is retarded.

Jesus fuck Del I just posted a link to a list, scroll up.

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Uh... a few pages back when I said, "Theories of Psychological torture" That's exactly what I meant. TORTURE. Not therapy, not suggestion, not hypnosis, I'm talking about genuine torture. So yeah, just clearing that misread up.

If being gay is not a choice then great, whatever. That just means I'm stuck with girls, and gays are stuck with whatever they're into. Nothing's changed and I'm still bored so I'm gonna go play some AC for Answer. Okay see ya bye...

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True, I never chosen to like girls.

Exactly, now imagine someone tells you that you chose it and it is wrong, and doesn't listen to you when you say you did not choose it.

Welcome to the United States.


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Exactly, now imagine someone tells you that you chose it and it is wrong, and doesn't listen to you when you say you did not choose it.

Yeah I do see it that way =/

It would be strange for me not to like a girl.

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I'm a little embarrassed to admit that some of those married couple rights on Death's link might actually be beneficial to have (the fourth one on the list really struck a personal chord with me since I'm pretty distant from my family, I wouldn't know who to logically ask) *sigh* -_-

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If there are several members of a spices that are homosexual, I thinks that means that maybe that species is too damn sucsessful. Next thing you know, Fido will be having sex with other male dogs.

Did you have to work to be this stupid, or does it come naturally?

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If there are several members of a spices that are homosexual, I thinks that means that maybe that species is too damn sucsessful. Next thing you know, Fido will be having sex with other male dogs.

What are you talking about? o_O

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If there are several members of a spices that are homosexual, I thinks that means that maybe that species is too damn sucsessful. Next thing you know, Fido will be having sex with other male dogs.

I've already seen it in action. Trust me, Fido's already doing it with other male dogs.

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Uh... a few pages back when I said, "Theories of Psychological torture" That's exactly what I meant. TORTURE. Not therapy, not suggestion, not hypnosis, I'm talking about genuine torture. So yeah, just clearing that misread up.

Your "theory" still doesn't hold water. Orientation can't be altered through physical or psychological torture.

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With gays in the military thing, the don't ask don't tell thing seems rather pointless in general as when one thinks of the military, they generally think of self improving and defending their country, not of all the possible gay sex there could be. All it would be doing is make those enlisted lie about theirselves when they get a break and their just talking about life back home. Because in the military, you'd expect a sort of professionalism that they wouldn't have sex EVER in ANY way unless on leave. Getting kicked out for being gay is just...well 1. it's unfair, and 2. it's just bizzare. What's the reasoning? It's unholy? That goes against freedom of religion and seperation of church and state. Not to mention it's an insane thing to make happen because...how do you convince something like the military kicking people out based on something being unholy to certain religious laws?

It's not like gay people are significantly worse at being soldiers. No one really makes a real reason for why gays aren't allowed in the military. It makes people uncomfortable? I'd expect less whining from a soldier. Waaahhh, a gay guy's looking me over...

People are too uptight dude.

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With gays in the military thing, the don't ask don't tell thing seems rather pointless in general as when one thinks of the military, they generally think of self improving and defending their country, not of all the possible gay sex there could be. All it would be doing is make those enlisted lie about theirselves when they get a break and their just talking about life back home. Because in the military, you'd expect a sort of professionalism that they wouldn't have sex EVER in ANY way unless on leave. Getting kicked out for being gay is just...well 1. it's unfair, and 2. it's just bizzare. What's the reasoning? It's unholy? That goes against freedom of religion and seperation of church and state. Not to mention it's an insane thing to make happen because...how do you convince something like the military kicking people out based on something being unholy to certain religious laws?

It's not like gay people are significantly worse at being soldiers. No one really makes a real reason for why gays aren't allowed in the military. It makes people uncomfortable? I'd expect less whining from a soldier. Waaahhh, a gay guy's looking me over...

People are too uptight dude.

Its the military. Their job is to put their life on the line for us unless they're in the Chair Force. I think we can let them be a bit uptight.

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Its the military. Their job is to put their life on the line for us unless they're in the Chair Force. I think we can let them be a bit uptight.

Why should we factor in that they put their life on the line when determining whether gay individuals should be allowed on the battlefield?

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Why should we factor in that they put their life on the line when determining whether gay individuals should be allowed on the battlefield?

I think the point that Delmud is trying to make is that the soldiers have enough stress on their minds already such that they don't need to be aggravated further. But I think you could get used to being around openly gay people if you gave them the opportunity...

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With gays in the military thing, the don't ask don't tell thing seems rather pointless in general as when one thinks of the military, they generally think of self improving and defending their country, not of all the possible gay sex there could be. All it would be doing is make those enlisted lie about theirselves when they get a break and their just talking about life back home. Because in the military, you'd expect a sort of professionalism that they wouldn't have sex EVER in ANY way unless on leave. Getting kicked out for being gay is just...well 1. it's unfair, and 2. it's just bizzare. What's the reasoning? It's unholy? That goes against freedom of religion and seperation of church and state. Not to mention it's an insane thing to make happen because...how do you convince something like the military kicking people out based on something being unholy to certain religious laws?

It's not like gay people are significantly worse at being soldiers. No one really makes a real reason for why gays aren't allowed in the military. It makes people uncomfortable? I'd expect less whining from a soldier. Waaahhh, a gay guy's looking me over...

People are too uptight dude.

The reasoning behind Don't Ask Don't Tell is understandable. If anything, it's to keep enlisted gays safe from hate crimes, of which there have been several over the past years. However, I think it needs to be repealed, since its moral implications are questionable at best.

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I'm rather impartial to the whole thing.

Thank you for your sage and relevant wisdom. It will be taken into consideration, I'm sure, by future posters.

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They are uptight granted, but that kinda comes with military profession. It's rather dependent on the situation. I can understand being strict in a dire situation, they need to be the best when duty calls. It's a sacrifice that is to be appreciated as they don't have the luxury to be slacking off. However, I wouldn't include a fellow soldier being gay one of these dire situations. Being uptight in a situation that calls for action is understandable, being uptight to a fellow soldier for something he or she is most likely not pushing you towards is unneeded and rather uncalled for. If anything, it'd be one less thing to worry about. In a high stress situation, an idea to have would be to not have to worry about the people you're working with. In a profession such as the military, I'd expect soldiers to not have sex in such a situation, gay or not. Sexuality shouldn't enter the equation for a job that doesn't involve sex. If a gay person is trying to seduce you in the military...If I were his or her superior officer, I'd discipline them for such unprofessional behavior, not because it was gay. It'd be the same for a male officer trying to get into the pants of a female soldier or vice versa, they should know better as soldiers that this isn't the job for such behavior. It's a job that requires discipline, not a lack of gay people. They sacrifice enough as it is, sacrificing comfort among the people who would fight in a war with you is just piling on an unecessary sacrifice and a very psychologically bad one. It makes one unnecessarily paranoid (or adds on unnecessary poundage to already existent paranoia), and paranoia is a pretty bad thing to have in such a profession.

As for hate crimes...I could understand this causing friction among soldiers, but discipline will fix this. If that doesn't fix the behavior problems of a soldier, then there's something wrong underneath. Religion could enter the equation, but they'd have to be a fanatic to go so far as to harm a fellow soldier based solely on that. Psychological aspects could enter the equation, but that would obviously mean a soldier is crazy, and thus unfit to serve. Personal issues towards the soldier he or she plans to harm could come into this, but come on...Also, what's to say a gay person harms a straight person for being straight? Anyone's capable of hate. Shipping them off from the military based on the idea they might get hurt is silly. Of course, in this culture it's more likely to happen towards gays, but that doesn't mean gay people wouldn't harm straight people for the same reason. If this is the reason for the don't ask don't tell rule, then it's nothing short of coddling. If a gay person is brave enough to join the military, I don't think you need to coddle them.

I don't mean to sound rude or ignorant of the possible idea, I just wish to explain my view. Obviously this is an issue of debate, it happens and people are bound to have their own view on it. So I apologize if perhaps I had sounded so at any point.

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