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I really couldn't care less about people being gay or not, but I am a Christian and i just want to point this out about for the people saying the bible says nothing about loving/hating gay people. But obviously this has no effect on non Christians.

Leviticus 18:22, "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

Leviticus 20:13, "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

Deuteronomy 23:17, "There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel."

*by lie it means have sex*

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I have to say PLEASE do your research. Its has been very recent Scientist have bothered to investigate why some people prefer the same sex.

What your claiming is a THEORY! The evidence is correct BUT put that evidence into the context of the hypothesis your stating, it does not have SIGNIFICANT difference to officaly say that Homosexuality is caused by genetics.

Wait, if it was through genetics, how would it get passed, unless a girl raped a dude. (how would that even work?)

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I've heard of scenarios where a straight guy was hanging around with homosexual friends. The homosexual guys influenced him into "experimenting" and he liked it. Then he too turned gay. This happened to someone I personally know.


EDIT: Okay, just to add a little sustenence to this post, to quote a friend: "Spoilers, he was already gay."

Edited by Fox
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Wait, if it was through genetics, how would it get passed, unless a girl raped a dude. (how would that even work?)

I never said it was based on genetics. Some members keep on saying that genetic determines your sexuality. I disgaree with this.

I don't believe homosexuality is determined through genetics.

It hasn't been proven.

Edited by Judge Judy
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EDIT: Okay, just to add a little sustenence to this post, to quote a friend: "Spoilers, he was already gay."

Well the real question is: are preferences in general determined through genetics?

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Well the real question is: are preferences in general determined through genetics?

That I can answer with almost an assured "no." It most likely comes down to internal chemistry. The idea of a "gay gene" is laughable.

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I've heard of scenarios where a straight guy was hanging around with homosexual friends. The homosexual guys influenced him into "experimenting" and he liked it. Then he too turned gay. This happened to someone I personally know.

Even if that's true, you're assuming that ALL gays are like that. Which is exactly how things like racism start.

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I really couldn't care less about people being gay or not, but I am a Christian and i just want to point this out about for the people saying the bible says nothing about loving/hating gay people. But obviously this has no effect on non Christians.

Leviticus 18:22, "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

Leviticus 20:13, "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

Deuteronomy 23:17, "There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel."

*by lie it means have sex*

The Bible also accepts rape and incest. Feel free to go rape people now. Also, have sex with your sister. It's ok, God doesn't have a problem with it. What's stopping you?

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The Bible also accepts rape and incest. Feel free to go rape people now. Also, have sex with your sister. It's ok, God doesn't have a problem with it. What's stopping you?


I don't think the bible allows that. Probably misinterpreted the bible text.


I don't think it should concern people what cause of their sexuality too much...if they like someone of the same gender then its fine and I don't think they should try to worry too much why they are like that.

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The Bible also accepts rape and incest. Feel free to go rape people now. Also, have sex with your sister. It's ok, God doesn't have a problem with it. What's stopping you?

hmmm, i don't quite remember that part.

as my math teacher says,

Prove it.

Edit; Also the bible is not a rule book, yes God's laws are rules, but the rest of the book is stories and such, just because it has it in it does not mean it supports this. Christian or not, Jesus and others are historical figures, not made up.

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The Bible also accepts rape and incest. Feel free to go rape people now. Also, have sex with your sister. It's ok, God doesn't have a problem with it. What's stopping you?


But the bible/=/ the law.

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Even if that's true, you're assuming that ALL gays are like that. Which is exactly how things like racism start.

Sorrry about that.

I find it funny that someone is still saying homosexuality is a choice here after multiple homosexuals said they did not choose it.

In this very topic.

I think reading 4 pages of a topic is a waste of time.

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Old Testament 22:28-29

ummm yeah, old testament is what a group of chapters is called, not a chapter itself.








































pick one :D

Old Testament 22:28-29

I think you mean Deuteronomy 22:28-29 which is

If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, he shall pay the girl's father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives." Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NIV

This is not at all supporting rape, it is saying if the deed is done you must accept keep her as your wife.

edited in my response as to not double post

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I don't know anything of substance about science as it relates to homosexuality so I'll just admit gay people are mostly another minority group to me, even with a gay brother. I would more or less be lying if I said I think I view them without any prejudice whatsoever, so I won't, but I hold no hate towards them and support affording them the same rights as any heterosexual. Maybe my little prejudices will disappear as I mature but for now I reserve the privilege to say "That's gay" when I get my ass beat in a game.

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I'm going to restate some things, since apparently some people aren't quite registering what I'm saying:

Homosexuality is not a choice, nor is it simply a personal preference. It is an orientation in the same manner heterosexuality is an orientation, and it is almost assuredly something people are born into. People cannot be influenced into becoming gay. Gay people are not automatically prone to acting feminine or butch, respectively, based off their orientation.

And just to emphasize: Being gay has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with personal preference, and it is provably biological.

The misconceptions that are ocurring here are staggering. Staggering.

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I'm going to restate some things, since apparently some people aren't quite registering what I'm saying:

Homosexuality is not a choice, nor is it simply a personal preference. It is an orientation in the same manner heterosexuality is an orientation, and it is almost assuredly something people are born into. People cannot be influenced into becoming gay. Gay people are not automatically prone to acting feminine or butch, respectively, based off their orientation.

And just to emphasize: Being gay has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with personal preference, and it is provably biological.

The misconceptions that are ocurring here are staggering. Staggering.

no fags are sinners because they chose to be fags and ur a retard too because ur cienfic fakt iz mad bi fags and wut god sez iz tru

In all seriousness now, I can't believe that someone would say that science is wrong and ask for ACTUAL proof, when they believe that a thousand something year old book is true stories about God or whatever and use that as proof for their case.

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This thread is intended to involve discussion regarding individuals' perspective on homosexuality. While religion clearly plays a role in many peoples positions, try to ensure posts don't debate religious points at the cost of relations to the matter at hand.

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