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lol... best typo ever. Serious comment made instantly funny.

I didn't even bother correcting him or pointing it out. What is the use, you people think I point mistakes out of pleasure.

I didn't find it funny. ^^

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:D i noticed that right after i posted, apparently you saw it before i edited

I was right on it like white on rice.

I didn't even bother correcting him or pointing it out. What is the use, you people think I point mistakes out of pleasure.

I didn't correct him, but I did find it funny, so I decided to make a comment before he changed it. I mean, seriously, he was going to notice it on his own.

Edited by Bohemund
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:D i noticed that right after i posted, apparently you saw it before i edited

At least you admit your mistake, unlike a certain member whose ego is way too high to admit a mistake. No, not me, Shud.

Did you know I have a PS3 for giveaway?

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You are gonna flunk it.

As to your blah blah blah, I don't need to know when to shut up because these dolts don't know when to shut up either. And for the record, I know more than some of these native speakers, perhaps even more than you.

Yeah maybe you know more than me, English isn't my native language... but does it really matter that you are better with your English if you are just going to use it to write crap.

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Did you know that pointing out other people's typos without being asked to do so is bad etiquette?

You hear that, Bo?

Did you know I don't have favorites when it comes to choosing FE lords?

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You hear that, Bo?

It's Boh. Don't try to act cute and keep writing it wrong even after I corrected you before.

Also, I never commented on any of your typos, nor did I correct Siegfried's. I only joined in the discussion about Shuuda's grammar. In fact, you're the one who has been insulting other people for making simple typos.

Edited by Bohemund
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It's Boh. Don't try to act cute and keep writing it wrong even after I corrected you before.

Also, I never commented on any of your typos, nor did I correct Siegfried's. I only joined in the discussion about Shuuda's grammar. In fact, you're the one who has been insulting other people for making simple typos.

Yeah right, you people never do anything. But like I said, no point arguing anything.

And, I can call you whatever I feel like calling you. Your name is Bohemund here, if I wanna go with Bo for short, that is my choosing, not yours. I am free to call you either Bo, Bow, Bohe, or whatever.

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Okay, then we can call you stupidmkfuckface, after all, it is our decision, not yours.

It's a deal, you are just going to have to take what I call you in return.

Did you know I prefer coke over pepsi?

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I am free to call you either Bo, Bow, Bohe, or whatever.

All of them may sound the same, but the only correct spelling is Boh. Not only is it the first syllable of my user name, it is also what I asked others to refer to me as. It is rude not to oblige.

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All of them may sound the same, but the only correct spelling is Boh. Not only is it the first syllable of my user name, it is also what I asked others to refer to me as. It is rude not to oblige.

Then I guess that makes me rude. :lol:

"Rudy, rudy, rudy!"

Did you know Rudy was a good movie?

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