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Intelligent Life in Outer Space


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That depends which is the most you believe. Theism, Deism, Polytheists, Pantheists, ontological argument, cosmological argument, argument from design, atheism, free will, soft/hard determinism, and nihilists...

Are you stupid? It doesn't depend on what you believe, those are just opinions. That's like saying I believe I am black so I am, reality does not function that way.

I believe there is at least life somewhere in the universe, it might not be intelligent in the least, but I find it hard to believe that in this entire universe there is only one planet with life.

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I remember reading about some membrane theory a few years ago, which detailed, in essence, the capacity for an infinite amount of universes to exist, or something along those lines. If this were true, even if the chance for life was laid at a point indescribably miniscule, there'd still be an infinite amount of life existing as well.

Aside, I don't see why Earth is special enough to deserve life. If life sprang up because of anything, then there's the chance for whatever the preceding event was to occur once more. Be it of intention or chaos.

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Does it have to be intelligent life? Wouldn't it be good enough if it was just "life" on other planets? What if we found life elsewhere but it wasn't... well, intelligent

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Yeah, unlike you, I don't feel the need to brag about intelligence. It's not something that automatically gains my respect, in any case.
Seeing as how Black Knight is probably the smartest person around not named Blacken, I'd say he has some room to brag.

The question of intelligent life is an interesting one. That said, the sheer mindfucking size of the universe and speed limit c ensures that, in all likelihood, humans will never actually run into any non-human intelligent life that we didn't make.

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Yeah, unlike you, I don't feel the need to brag about intelligence. It's not something that automatically gains my respect, in any case.

Don't interrupt his therapy! It's wrong, he just needs a little help feeling high and mighty and we're here to help him out in any way!

While I do believe there might be intelligent life in outer space, there is no doubt in my mind that we may never get to see it or a nice visit from them.

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Do you think there is intelligent life out there, somewhere in space? or do you believe that we are the only intelligent beings in this universe?

I am not sure. I don't believe that there is life out of space in the manner of you speak of, such as an Alien. On some plants there have found some Microbes which could be considered as being. But in the context of the topic question, no I don't think intelligent life that exceeds us Humans exist.

Are you stupid?

There are other ways to present your argument instead of calling them ''stupid.''

Lets try not to stoop so low to insult members to prove your point.

Edited by Judge Judy
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I'd have to say that I'm not entirely sure if there is even life in the rest of the universe. And if there is, chances are we'll probably never see them.

I think we've reached a kind of consensus, don't you, guys?

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There are other ways to present your argument instead of calling them ''stupid.''

Lets try not to stoop so low to insult members to prove your point.

I did not call them stupid, it was an honest question. Now get off my balls Mr. Minimod.

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Are you kidding? There's not even intelligent life here.


But really now, if there wasn't life in other places in the universe then it would make no sense at all. The universe. It is big. Very big. Very very very very very big. The Earth. It is small. Very small. Very very very very very small.

Yeah... you can probably see where I'm going with this.

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