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I get the "Mr. Eight tails" part, but the "Mr. Host" part kinda ruins the grammar....

Don't mind me. Just making an observation....

I have to say I agree, but maybe it's cause the two have learned to live in co-operation? Maybe that's what will make him so Bad-ass. And maybe there will be another long training arc of him teaching Naruto how to control Kyubii or whatever.

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Hmm...I hadn't thought that the demon could co-exist peacefully with its host. If it is, then I must say it's pretty cool.

Which is why I hold high hopes for 8 tails.

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Lol @ this weeks chapter.

I think that the Sasuke vs Eight Tails will be more interesting than Naruto training, though.

Fighting is always more interesting than training. It's a proven anime fact. XD

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I would really love to see 8 tails beat the shit out of Sauske. It would completely revive my faith in the series. It would add so much more to the series if 8 tails became a major player in the story.

Note: I think we can stop using spoiler tags by now.

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Hmm...Everyone in Hawk has uniquely colored hair.


Eh. It wasn't that special. But It's kinda cool I guess.

Anyone else find it upsetting that the first black guy in Naruto, just so happens to rap?

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Eh. It wasn't that special. But It's kinda cool I guess.

Anyone else find it upsetting that the first black guy in Naruto, just so happens to rap?

kidomaru was black.

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He raps?

I thought he was just making funny motions with his hands....

Well he was supposed to be singing as well. I'm assuming it's rap because he's black.

*Is aware of the double standard caused by this post. It was intended.*

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Lol, I noticed that too! Ah well. Guess Kishi's one for stereotypes. >_>

Anyway, blah blah Naruto training blah blah lol he turns into a frog blah blah boring Sasuke is going to fight blah blah go to Pain's invasion of Konoha now and stay there plz. I don't know how much more Naruto and Sasuke I can take at the moment, despite me not disliking either of them. It's just that Naruto's training is boring and there has been too much Sasuke focus.


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I have a feeling that

Tsunade is gonna die because Jiraiya and Orochimaru died so Pein will invade, since shes the hokage she will try to protect konoha and die and naruto sakura and sasuke will become the next sannin.

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Lol, I noticed that too! Ah well. Guess Kishi's one for stereotypes. >_>

Anyway, blah blah Naruto training blah blah lol he turns into a frog blah blah boring Sasuke is going to fight blah blah go to Pain's invasion of Konoha now and stay there plz. I don't know how much more Naruto and Sasuke I can take at the moment, despite me not disliking either of them. It's just that Naruto's training is boring and there has been too much Sasuke focus.


I wouldn't mind more Sauske, if he got his ass handed to him by 8 tails.

And I'm tired of Naruto focus. And Akatsuki focus. I'd like to see something else happen. Something interesting.

If 8 tails doesn't live on after this battle to start owning people left and right I'll be severly dissapopinted.

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