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Naruto fucking fails. He's a freaking Cry baby. He needed SAKURA to tell him to stop crying. You know you suck when that happens. Oh and, *ahem*


I agree with that statement except just change the no to a yes

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Naruto fucking fails. He's a freaking Cry baby. He needed SAKURA to tell him to stop crying. You know you suck when that happens. Oh and, *ahem*


*Laughs evily and victoriously at large red letters.*

I like Sakura myself...but Naruto is annoying. He's barely the main character of his own manga.



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*Laughs evily and victoriously at large red letters.*

I like Sakura myself...but Naruto is annoying. He's barely the main character of his own manga.



Your opinion reeks of Cock suckage,vomit,fail,Lyle Dayek, and more fail. :lol:

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Your opinion reeks of Cock suckage,vomit,fail,Lyle Dayek, and more fail. :lol:


Well at least you didn't say it was wrong. And I'm sure there are others who agree with me. So far, Sakura hasn't been around enough to show how annoying she can be in shippuden. I'm sick of Naruto being....well Naruto, and Sauske's and overrated whinny little bitch.

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Well at least you didn't say it was wrong. And I'm sure there are others who agree with me. So far, Sakura hasn't been around enough to show how annoying she can be in shippuden. I'm sick of Naruto being....well Naruto, and Sauske's and overrated whinny little bitch.

Point on time where he's a whiny bitch in shippuden.

When he first shows up, he kicks naruto's ass and leaves.

they show him again:He kicks deidara's ass(and gets his kicked too since deidara is almost as awesome as sasuke)

they show him again:he beats orochimaru

they show him again:ITACHI screams like a bitch and sasuke fights him

And if you're putting the part with tobi against him then you're a soulless piece of shit. There is no way in hell you should expect a guy who worshiped his Older brother when he was a child to take "Yeah your brother went to hell and back again, then went back again a few years later just to keep you alive and safe and to ensure that you can take care of yourself. Oh and He was forced to kill your entire family by your village. Yep. Just wanted you to know that sasuke" in any way but good. Sasuke deserved to cry at that point after all of that shocking info that he gained in like 1 hour's time. At least he cried for 1 pannel and it was bitch crying like Naruto who actually has "SOB" word bubbles. Sasuke let his sorrow out in 1 panel, turned and said "Alright now im gonna avenge my clan for real"

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Point on time where he's a whiny bitch in shippuden.

When he first shows up, he kicks naruto's ass and leaves.

they show him again:He kicks deidara's ass(and gets his kicked too since deidara is almost as awesome as sasuke)

they show him again:he beats orochimaru

they show him again:ITACHI screams like a bitch and sasuke fights him

And if you're putting the part with tobi against him then you're a soulless piece of shit. There is no way in hell you should expect a guy who worshiped his Older brother when he was a child to take "Yeah your brother went to hell and back again, then went back again a few years later just to keep you alive and safe and to ensure that you can take care of yourself. Oh and He was forced to kill your entire family by your village. Yep. Just wanted you to know that sasuke" in any way but good. Sasuke deserved to cry at that point after all of that shocking info that he gained in like 1 hour's time. At least he cried for 1 pannel and it was bitch crying like Naruto who actually has "SOB" word bubbles. Sasuke let his sorrow out in 1 panel, turned and said "Alright now im gonna avenge my clan for real"

Allow me to respond:

Point on time where he's a whiny bitch in shippuden.: The fact that he continues to stay away from Konaha. For one, his brother sacrificed his life for the villiage, and the idiot is throwing all that away because he's a bitch.

When he first shows up, he kicks naruto's ass and leaves.

^True. But he's also on steriods or something. He's not using his own strength. He's using the curse seal, drugs, blah blah blah.

they show him again:He kicks deidara's ass(and gets his kicked too since deidara is almost as awesome as sasuke) - Seeing as though he killed Diedara, who is my favorite Akatsuki, that makes me hate him more. Plus, Deidara killed himself. Sauske didn't kill him at all.

they show him again:he beats orochimaru - Barely. And not really. Orochimaru was still in his body or whatever.

they show him again:ITACHI screams like a bitch and sasuke fights him

^ What?

Mind you, the only reason Naruto is better is cause he hasn't been around for a while and thus his annoyance is overlooked.

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Allow me to respond:

Point on time where he's a whiny bitch in shippuden.: The fact that he continues to stay away from Konaha. For one, his brother sacrificed his life for the villiage, and the idiot is throwing all that away because he's a bitch.

Because sasuke TOTALLY knew that Itachi did that. He found that out AFTER he died.

When he first shows up, he kicks naruto's ass and leaves.

^True. But he's also on steriods or something. He's not using his own strength. He's using the curse seal, drugs, blah blah blah.

they show him again:He kicks deidara's ass(and gets his kicked too since deidara is almost as awesome as sasuke) - Seeing as though he killed Diedara, who is my favorite Akatsuki, that makes me hate him more. Plus, Deidara killed himself. Sauske didn't kill him at all.

they show him again:he beats orochimaru - Barely. And not really. Orochimaru was still in his body or whatever.

they show him again:ITACHI screams like a bitch and sasuke fights him

^ What?

Mind you, the only reason Naruto is better is cause he hasn't been around for a while and thus his annoyance is overlooked.

The whole (hilarious IM) BWARR! YOU SASUKE I WAN YO EYEBALLZ!!!!!!

Edited by MaSu
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Allow me to respond:

Point on time where he's a whiny bitch in shippuden.: The fact that he continues to stay away from Konaha. For one, his brother sacrificed his life for the villiage, and the idiot is throwing all that away because he's a bitch.

When he first shows up, he kicks naruto's ass and leaves.

^True. But he's also on steriods or something. He's not using his own strength. He's using the curse seal, drugs, blah blah blah.

they show him again:He kicks deidara's ass(and gets his kicked too since deidara is almost as awesome as sasuke) - Seeing as though he killed Diedara, who is my favorite Akatsuki, that makes me hate him more. Plus, Deidara killed himself. Sauske didn't kill him at all.

they show him again:he beats orochimaru - Barely. And not really. Orochimaru was still in his body or whatever.

they show him again:ITACHI screams like a bitch and sasuke fights him

^ What?

Mind you, the only reason Naruto is better is cause he hasn't been around for a while and thus his annoyance is overlooked.

hahahahaha naruto is so not better, even though I hate sasuke i have to agree that he can kick naruto's ass with one eye closed or maybe even both, unless he uses his new eyes and looks at naruto once and kills him

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Wow. Things are so bad between me and Sauske that during that chapter I was screaming:


Still. I'm not really sure what they plan to do with Ameretsu. I mean, for one, there's a huge lake beneath him. (I'm not sure ameretsu is affected by that though.)

4 two: The sharingan didn't do shit to 8 Tails before when he was normal. Why should it work now while he's in full demon form?

4 3: Sauske looks like he's completely out of chakra. He shouldn't be able to even use the regular sharingan

4 squared: 8 Tails owns the mic and the battlefield.

20: 8 Tails has his two friends there that might be able to back him up.

46: They can't kill 8 Tails at all. They need him alive so they can extract the demon.

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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Wow. Things are so bad between me and Sauske that during that chapter I was screaming:


Still. I'm not really sure what they plan to do with Ameretsu. I mean, for one, there's a huge lake beneath him. (I'm not sure ameretsu is affected by that though.)

4 two: The sharingan didn't do shit to 8 Tails before when he was normal. Why should it work now while he's in full demon form?

4 3: Sauske looks like he's completely out of chakra. He shouldn't be able to even use the regular sharingan

4 squared: 8 Tails owns the mic and the battlefield.

20: 8 Tails has his two friends there that might be able to back him up.

46: They can't kill 8 Tails at all. They need him alive so they can extract the demon.

Amaterasu is a uber flame that has to be sealed by a sage or another ameterasu user. Like When Sasuke used it on Tobi by accident and when Jiraiya had to seal it away in a blue flame in the hotel 3 years ago. And before you try to say anything When Itachi hit sasuke with it it was a clone so it did nothing. Otherwise Amaterasu keeps burning away at you until there's nothing left. Sasuke can just wait till 8 tails is too weak to do shit.

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Amaterasu is a uber flame that has to be sealed by a sage or another ameterasu user. Like When Sasuke used it on Tobi by accident and when Jiraiya had to seal it away in a blue flame in the hotel 3 years ago. And before you try to say anything When Itachi hit sasuke with it it was a clone so it did nothing. Otherwise Amaterasu keeps burning away at you until there's nothing left. Sasuke can just wait till 8 tails is too weak to do shit.

I guess....

But still, Sauske is half dead, he's never really used ameretsu before, and I wouldn't cut 8 tails so short.

I don't think Sauske is going to die, but neither do I think 8 Tails will.

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Awwwwh ;~;

Sasuke was thinking of his teammates this chapter! And I don't mean Team Hawk/Snake, though there was hints from the beginning that he did care somewhat for their wellbeing. I mean Team 7! Though Sakura looks like she's post-timeskip and Naruto is clearly pre-timeskip. o_O

And also, I really want to see what happens next week now that Sasuke realizes that he's "not alone", as the side bar says. XD

Though I kinda want it to hurry up and get to the Sakura and Kakashi arcs, cause Kishimoto said that he'd be focusing on Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi for the rest of this year and next year, but I think we've already had enough Sasuke. Time for other characters to get development. Especially since the Kakashi arc is supposed to be huge.

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I've been pretty much done with Sauske since he started fighting Itachi.

What I'm not done with is 8 tails.

In fact, 8 tails might very well have taken the trophy for my second favorite character in Naruto. Bumping Kakashi down to 3rd.

1st: Shikamaru

2nd: KillerBee (The name he has for himself is enough to give him epic win.)

3rd: Kakashi

4th Deidara.

5th: Eh. Sakura I guess. I never really thought too much about #5

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I've been pretty much done with Sauske since he started fighting Itachi.

What I'm not done with is 8 tails.

In fact, 8 tails might very well have taken the trophy for my second favorite character in Naruto. Bumping Kakashi down to 3rd.

1st: Shikamaru

2nd: KillerBee (The name he has for himself is enough to give him epic win.)

3rd: Kakashi

4th Deidara.

5th: Eh. Sakura I guess. I never really thought too much about #5

Sakura Fails! you should have Hinata instead

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Awh. There's way too much Sakura hate. I'd go on an LAP* as to why she's awesome, but that'd take too long and I have to go soon. XD

*For those who don't know: LAP = Long ass post.

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Awh. There's way too much Sakura hate. I'd go on an LAP* as to why she's awesome, but that'd take too long and I have to go soon. XD

*For those who don't know: LAP = Long ass post.

She WOULD be awesome, IF SHE DIDNT EXIST IN PRESHIPPUDEN. If she was introduced in shippuden then she would be awesome but she will never redeem herself for the intense ammount of suckage she was in pre shippuden.

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Awh. There's way too much Sakura hate. I'd go on an LAP* as to why she's awesome, but that'd take too long and I have to go soon. XD

*For those who don't know: LAP = Long ass post.

I personally agree with you that Sakura is great.

Actually, from a writers stand point, she's the best character in the seires. She starts out with major character flaws and over time those flaws are addressed and she improves on those flaws in a construcive way throughout the series.

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