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Zelda subforum?

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I dunno. If we accept that, then where does it end? What about a Tales sub-forum? Or a Mario forum?

Brawl got a sub-forum because it was a big huge thing. By now it probably could be placed back into the Other Games section and no one would be too upset.

I say No.

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I'm going to have to go with the general consensus here. There isn't enough Zelda-related discussion to warrant a new sub-forum. I don't even like the Smash sub-forum, but Smash was responsible for exposing most people to Fire Emblem in the first place.

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just a thought..i think it would be kinda cool to have a Zelda subforum in the Other Game section of the forums...what you think?

I like zelda, and people on the furums like it to, but not enough for sub form in my opinion.

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Why not?

There are many Zelda fans here. It will widen the forum allowing more debates and discussions.

Because not enough people would post in it most likely. But I really dont know.

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A point VincentASM always makes is that another forum will not be made unless there is plenty of discussion already. A sub-forum won't be made just to encourage more discussion, otherwise you could say that for a lot of things.

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