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Does anyone smoke cigarettes?

Admiral "Bull" Halsey

Does anyone smoke cigarettes?  

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  1. 1. ?_?

    • Once, and never again
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I've never been interested in smoking. I understand how it can be a form of aid against stress, but I don't see it as enough of a good reason to smoke and damage your own body.

Although admittedly, I did smoke marijuana once, just for the hell of it. It felt like I'd downed about three shots of Jack Daniel's at once. I won't be trying that again anytime soon.

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Nope. I don't hate myself enough to do it. I enjoy living, and I'd like to do so for a bit longer.

Smoking =/= Suicidal. Thinking that it is is one of the stupidest things I've heard.

On-topic: I don't smoke and don't plan on it.

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Smoking =/= Suicidal. Thinking that it is is one of the stupidest things I've heard.

On-topic: I don't smoke and don't plan on it.

Yes, smoking is suicidal because it fucks up your lungs, and gives you a much higher chance of getting cancer and other diseases.

ive smoked for many years (seeing that i am an adult) and still do...

Shame on you, you naughty, naughty, manladywomanthing.

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Yes, smoking is suicidal because it fucks up your lungs, and gives you a much higher chance of getting cancer and other diseases.

And everyone who smokes is suicidal? No. People can smoke because they're responding to peer pressure or because they're stressed out and need something to calm them down. It also is extremely addictive, so they just may be addicted despite wanting to quit and not being suicidal.

Spouting things from your mouth that obviously aren't true makes you look less intelligent, Destiny Hero. Learn to sometimes just keep some things inside of your head.

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And everyone who smokes is suicidal? No. People can smoke because they're responding to peer pressure or because they're stressed out and need something to calm them down. It also is extremely addictive, so they just may be addicted despite wanting to quit and not being suicidal.

Spouting things from your mouth that obviously aren't true makes you look less intelligent, Destiny Hero. Learn to sometimes just keep some things inside of your head.

By that logic, hanging yourself isn't a form a suicide >_>

It kills you. Period.

Ye dirty rat.

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By that logic, hanging yourself isn't a form a suicide >_>

It kills you. Period.

Ye dirty rat.

Um, no.

You completely missed the point of that post.

Read the last two sentences of my last post more carefully this time, and try to take that advice a bit more seriously.

Edited by Beowulf
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And everyone who smokes is suicidal? No. People can smoke because they're responding to peer pressure or because they're stressed out and need something to calm them down. It also is extremely addictive, so they just may be addicted despite wanting to quit and not being suicidal.

I tend to binge eat instead, but I understand this, if it happened that there was no food and only a cig to reach for I may have actually smoked before, when people are really stressed or depressed than can easily do things without even thinking about it, in your head you may even say to yourself "wait! stop! don't do it!" but if your situation overwhelms you, you can find yourself doing things you probably wouldn't have done at the time or ever, especially if you're alone while suffering with no one to stop you too

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I don't plan on it. I'm not stupid. And no, I don't mean it'llkillmesoiwon'tsmokeandthatmakesmesmart. I mean it as in smokingcoststoomuchfuckingmoney.

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Hey, wouldn't second-hand smoke be bad for somebody with asthma?

As someone with asthma, I can safely say that it secondhand smoke is bad for asthmatics.

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