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Bad Idea

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I'm gonna bring her to the tower this time too. Might be because the marshalls are included in my current playthrogh, but still.

At least it cannot work out as bad as the desert chapter... <_<

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If you're going to use Meg in the tower, give her a brave weapon or resolve. It'll at least help her to kill things. Try and get her strength to max out with bexp. She has a 36 strength cap so she should be able to kill things with brave weapons.

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But one cannot go wrong with the goddess that is Meg :[

You can always slap a Resolve on her to make her about twice as good...


Wait, really? You brought Meg over Gatrie for your Marshall?

Mind = Blown

Dawn Brigade playthrough
There are no excuses for using Meg, sir.

i lawled quite a bit

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One time I took Meg to endgame cause I wanted to take everyone at least once. It didn't turn out well. She got strength screwed, 28 STR at 20/20/20 and I didn't think of using bexp to make it higher. At least she has Luna. I'm never taking her to endgame ever again.

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I've always wondered why Meg gets so much hate and Wendy (FE6) gets so much praise when they're basically the same type of unit (kinda speedy, pink-armored armored unit), both are equally hard to train, and Meg's growths are actually quite better than Wendy's.


HP 60% STR 35% MAG 15% SKL 40% SPD 65% LUCK 75% DEF 35% RES 50%


HP 85% Str 40% Skl 40% Spd 40% Lck 45% Def 30% Res 10%

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it was probably an FAQ off GFAQs, the entire fandom says wendy sucks

that's probably because anyone who claims she's good ends up quitting the forum they claim that at because a million people bitch at them for it

Edited by Nathan Graves
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2 x 0 = 0.

Can't avoid that.

2 x -1 = -2

Oh crap

I've always wondered why Meg gets so much hate and Wendy (FE6) gets so much praise when they're basically the same type of unit (kinda speedy, pink-armored armored unit), both are equally hard to train, and Meg's growths are actually quite better than Wendy's.

Except that Wendy sucks too. She's only novel.

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That looks terrible because of Strength.

Also it's the fact that she sucks for like 70% of the game and she's only average for the last 30%. Her bases suck (Chapter 8 with Level 1, and look at her bases).

And these factoids are magnified when you're talking HM. <_<

Also http://fea.fewiki.net/fea.php?character=wendy&game=6

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Her strength might not be ellite, but she really is not in desperate need for more, she doubles a lot of stuff. Also her A support with Oujay allows her to crit like crazy. I've had much more serious strength issues with other units, like Fir or Thany. At least Fir has an abusrdly high critical rate, which makes up for that. But no other unit has had more strength issues than my Roy ( 9 when promoted at level 17 <_< ).

Edited by Lord McCloud
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