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What's the most annoying thing in your opinion?


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What disturbs me is that EVERY newbie steals a FE characters name.

The twelve newest members have handles that are completely unrelated to Fire Emblem. See? And, uh, I kind of stole my handle from a dead Japanese guy. Do I annoy you?

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Let's see, arrogant people by far. Especially the ones that aren't that spectacular to begin with. What's the point of looking down on people because you are better than most at something? There's probably stuff that plenty are better at than you. Big egos are big pains.

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1 - Otakus. I don't think anyone in here is one of them, because they takes those anime things to the EXTREME.

2 - Arrogant people

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Another major, major one is people who use religion as an excuse to do bad things to people. Ku Klux Klan, I'm looking at you. How can one use Christianity, which highly speaks out against hating others, to spread hatred? Where in the Bible does it say that nonwhites are terrible, terrible people? (most of the people in the Bible probably aren't anywhere near white) Where does it say it's alright to torment someone based on race? It just doesn't make sense! It just drives me nuts when someone acts hostile because of their religion, and they make some fool excuse that says the religion gives the person the right to act that way. KKK and Westboro Baptist Church, stop giving Christianity a bad image.

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Great question.

My answer is my sig. Cutting someone off while they are saying something is extremely disrespectful and I absolutely HATE it. I endeavor never to do it myself (though we all make mistakes), and it is difficult to not be visibly annoyed when it is done to me.

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The twelve newest members have handles that are completely unrelated to Fire Emblem. See? And, uh, I kind of stole my handle from a dead Japanese guy. Do I annoy you?

Not at all ;) .

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All I have to say to this is 'wat'

He meant people who moan and bitch. I read that as something different myself!

Also, people with huge egos annoying the shit outta me because they think they're so better than anyone, but it is fuckin funny when their ego is dented.

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I generally hate the teenage crowd that has a tendency to bitch about how their lives are so horrible because they lost all their songs due to unintentional syncing, or something on a comparably insignificant level. I also hate the folks who refrain from weighing in on matters of national concern because "they hate politics."

I also don't appreciate the people who can never seem to loosen up, especially on the Internet.

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Not much annoys me. I tend to just smile and nod when someone has different political beliefs than me, and I've also found that most "Internet tough guys" usually have something valuable to say if you can get over yourself.

The only thing that gets me is the sheer stupidity I sometimes encounter, especially prevalent on the Internet. That is, stupidity defined not as someone who is uninformed, but someone who refuses to become informed.

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