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Favorite Working Environment


Favorite Work Environment?  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. Noise Level

    • Silent
    • Quiet
    • Mild Noise
    • Loud

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What is your favorite working environment, silent, very quiet, mild noise, or loud? This means at your job or at school.

I like things to be very quiet, but silence can sometimes bug me.

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Quiet and Silent sound the same to me. But whatever fits in, Quiet I guess...

I think Quiet is supposed to imply little sound while Silent is supposed to mean no sound at all. But that's just what I think.

Anyway, I prefer to have as little sound as possible, but I have no trouble functioning in loud environments.

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Quiet, just some small noise to keep me awake. Of course, I don't have a full blown job, (or any type, except mowing lawns in the summer) but this applies for school, too, right?

Edited by Kintenbo
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Silence drives me up a wall. I like to work in environments which at the very least have some kind of background music playing. Kitchens are fun too, but the noise level is through the roof, between breaking plates on an almost daily basis, clattering pots and pans, the dish machine, and uh, two very noisy instructors.

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Background noise or vibration has the curious act of greatly comforting me. I can't sleep well unless there is a large amount of noise that I can clearly hear; in other words, whereas constant car traffic and loud street lights annoy the shit out of others, it's usually contributing to my falling asleep. So I much more prefer study environments with larger amounts of noise.

The thing is that I study much, much better in completely silent environments. Like, if I'm sitting in a classroom and there is no other sound, I can concentrate several times more than when I am more comfortable. This is followed by the fact that once I start studying in a completely quiet environment and I'm serious about it, then any noise at all after I begin utterly pisses me off, and I completely lose my concentration until it's quiet again.

So it's kind of a double-edged sword for me; or it would be, if I studied consistently and properly.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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A quiet environment is best for me to do work. I cannot concentrate otherwise. Since my house is never quiet, I can never concentrate. Therefore I can never do work. Quite a vicious cycle.

By the way, there is no such thing as a silent environment. Something is always making noise.

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