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Looks like I'm going to have at most a two day school week. Tomorrow is yet another snow day, like today and yesterday. Anybody else feeling the snow craze?

School was cancelled during the middle of the day for me. I was not pleased, given that the bulk of my classes were in the morning when school was still in session...

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You guys wouldn't happen to be MDers would you?

I'm an Indianan. Apparently Kentucky had it's second worst snow storm in modern history. (I live on the southern tip of Indiana, the toe of the boot, so to speak)

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Lies. All lies. Snow is a myth. Like Santa. Or the Government. Ask any Californian.

Life is a myth, too. There is no existence, it is but a lie! (if snow doesn't exist, what's the cold, white powder everywhere on the ground?)

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We just got snowed on again, but we haven't had a snow day since our last string of about 3 in 2 weeks back before Christmas break.

Today was nasty, we found a car flipped on its side and two others plowed into snowbanks.

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If I go outside, I can easily find places where the snow is up to my knees...

Question time! Its 29 degrees Farenhiet out now (I think the thermometor is lying...). I think this is warm. I also think that -10 is a bit chilly. Do you find this weird?

Would you also find it weird if I don't flinch driving 55mph in a snowstorm?

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If I go outside, I can easily find places where the snow is up to my knees...

Question time! Its 29 degrees Farenhiet out now (I think the thermometor is lying...). I think this is warm. I also think that -10 is a bit chilly. Do you find this weird?

Would you also find it weird if I don't flinch driving 55mph in a snowstorm?

I can stay outside when it's 29 for a while. I like rooms about 60-70 degrees farenhiet, so I like it a bit cold. Everyday, my friends and I walk through a snow filled courtyard at our school on the way back from lunch just because we can.

And I go about 45-50 when it's snowy out. I HATE people who go about 35-40 when there's only a little snow on the ground. The other day, there was absolutely no snow on the roads, but some van was going 40 mph. I was stuck behind them the entire 15 min. drive to school. And I got caught behind them again the next day!

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